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Bangladesh arrests four for caning, stoning woman over affair

Lashes are for unmarried adulterers.

From Quran, please post a verse that prescribe death penalty for adultery ( married) !

8. But it shall avert the punishment (of stoning to death) from her, if she bears witness four times by Allah, that he (her husband) is telling a lie.
Brackets are own words of translators ! Post a full verse that prescribe stoned death for adultery ( married)!
People follow local custom and tradition. Slavery was one of them. Though it’s not liked by Prophet Muhammed but it was practiced but not abolished.

Stoning to death was never part of Quran. Abrogation happen when more better verse comes at a later time but not something taken out of Quran. All abrogated verses and verses before that are still part of Quran.

It’s effect still remain is based on a very weak ground that Prophet Muhammad followed it in few occasion but that’s more based on tradition then local law. Quran is very clear on adultery both for married and unmarried man/woman.

Again. The verse related to stoning was not allowed to be entered into Quran by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself but its ruling was applied whenever a case of adultery happened

We read in another Hadeeth:

Kathir ibn al-Salt reported: Amr ibn al-‘As and Zayd ibn Thabit would write down the Quran. They passed over this verse and Zayd said, “I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, say: The married old man and old woman, if they commit adultery, then stone them irrevocably.” Umar said, “When this was revealed, I went to the Prophet and I said: Let me write it.” Shu’bah said, “It was as if the Prophet disliked that.” Umar said, “No doubt, you see that if an old men is unmarried he is merely flogged, while if a youth commits adultery while married is stoned.”

Source: Musnad Aḥmad 21086

So verse was not allowed to be written in Quran by Prophet (SAW) even though its ruling remained in practice and nope it was not because of any local custom
This Talibani thought is the result of Bangladeshi Muslims listening to the Typical Modern Indian "Muslim" and arranging the Tableeghi Jamaat Biswa Ijtema for years. I say empty the whole village, burn it down and send this imaam and his followers to Yakutsk, the Russian area in Siberia where the winter temperature goes to -70 Celsius. Let this "imaam" issue fatwa against Nature which will kill him and followers if they dare disrespect it.

These Talibanis will become common should Bangladesh be regime-changed and the NATO-beloveds called BNP and Jamaat come to power.

Resist, Bangladeshis ! Resist !

@BananaRepublicUK @UKBengali @EasyNow @AmiEktaKharapChele @Indos

@Bilal9 @bluesky @fallstuff @Destranator @VikingRaider
@jamahir , BAL is rulling since 15 years ,not BNP!

Btw i want a national unity govt where Dr Younus or such people will be head and the government will last untill the annihilation of BAL and BNP!

Then new parities will be formed , and a prosperous Bangladesh will be rised!

I am a supporter of minus two! One is already gone and now it's time for another one ( Honorable exit is expected) !

I rather not push further , as our Government maybe tracking common people, and I'm not a very brave man, hence I don't want to be stoned by Government of Bangladesh!

Thanks and regards!
From Quran, please post a verse that prescribe death penalty for adultery ( married) !

Brackets are own words of translators ! Post a full verse that prescribe stoned death for adultery ( married)!

So then what does the Quranic expressions ,FAJLIDO AND JALDATIN , mentioned in the verse 2 of Surah Al Noor mean ? Specifcally speaking in context of flogging.
Answered in last post
I asked for direct verse from quran, not such hadiths that directly contradict quran !

So then what does the Quranic expressions ,FAJLIDO AND JALDATIN , mentioned in the verse 2 of Surah Al Noor mean ? Specifcally speaking in context of flogging.
Flogging is fine. Show me Stoned death! Also i need direct translation without bracket.

Don't speak in arabic reference! I need a language that i can understand! I've no intention to launch an argument, I just want to learn , thanks!
None of the hadeeths I mentioned contradict Quran
That's not the answer of my firs question! Post a Quranic verse as evidence!

About contradicting Quran , we might discuss somewhere else!

Again. The verse related to stoning was not allowed to be entered into Quran by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself but its ruling was applied whenever a case of adultery happened

We read in another Hadeeth:

Kathir ibn al-Salt reported: Amr ibn al-‘As and Zayd ibn Thabit would write down the Quran. They passed over this verse and Zayd said, “I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, say: The married old man and old woman, if they commit adultery, then stone them irrevocably.” Umar said, “When this was revealed, I went to the Prophet and I said: Let me write it.” Shu’bah said, “It was as if the Prophet disliked that.” Umar said, “No doubt, you see that if an old men is unmarried he is merely flogged, while if a youth commits adultery while married is stoned.”

Source: Musnad Aḥmad 21086

So verse was not allowed to be written in Quran by Prophet (SAW) even though its ruling remained in practice and nope it was not because of any local custom

No one can take out verse of Quran at will and that’s even Prophet Muhammad. If any such reference is given in any Hadith that’s weak and not trustworthy.

Prophet Muhammad followed that as local tradition and as a mosaic law. I am saying it again there were no such Quranic verse and no possibility to exclude them from Quran.
So verse was not allowed to be written in Quran by Prophet (SAW)
So prophet ( SAW) was superior to Allah? If Allah wanted it , who is prophet ( SAW) to deny it?

You are committing heresy now!

No one can take out verse of Quran at will and that’s even Prophet Muhammad. If any such reference is given in any Hadith that’s weak and not trustworthy.
Exactly! Muhammad ( pbuh) was a servant and messenger of Allah!

Even a good son won't dictate his father , let alone a servant!
No one can take out verse of Quran at will and that’s even Prophet Muhammad. If any such reference is given in any Hadith that’s weak and not trustworthy.

Prophet Muhammad followed that as local tradition and as a mosaic law. I am saying it again there were no such Quranic verse and no possibility to exclude them from Quran.

Or the verse was removed by Allah and same was said by Prophet (SAW) but its ruling was never abolished both by Allah and his Prophet (SAW) and Sahaba followed the same. Hence no verse was also included in its place since the ruling was still in effect

Your claim that Prophet (SAW) was simply following mosaic tradition is your personal assumption. In comparison to that I have dozens of narrations that show practice of stoning by Prophet (SAW) himself and also a complete consensus by Sahaba(RZ) on the issue

So prophet ( SAW) was superior to Allah? If Allah wanted it , who is prophet ( SAW) to deny it?

Answered above

You are committing heresy now!

No actually you guys are by rejecting dozens and dozens of Hadeeth and saying Prophet (SAW) was simply following jewish traditions

Denying hadeeth is a fitna and a heresy that is most common today
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No actually you guys are by rejecting dozens and dozens of Hadeeth and saying Prophet (SAS) was following jewish traditions
I didn't say so!
Denying hadeeth is a fitna and a heresy that is most common today
Not denying Hadits that doesn't contradict Quran! But let's agree to disagree here!

Because if we both push further, it will trigger a never ending religious debate , that's against forum rule!

Not denying Hadits that doesn't contradict Quran! But let's agree to disagree here!

Because if we both push further, it will trigger a religious debate that's against forum rule!


Well in my interpretation and as per my research none of the narration that I posted in this thread contradict Quran

But anyways. Lets agree to disagree then :)
@jamahir , BAL is rulling since 15 years ,not BNP!

So... ?

Btw i want a national unity govt where Dr Younus or such people will be head and the government will last untill the annihilation of BAL and BNP!

Then new parities will be formed , and a prosperous Bangladesh will be rised!

I am a supporter of minus two! One is already gone and now it's time for another one ( Honorable exit is expected) !

I rather not push further , as our Government maybe tracking common people, and I'm not a very brave man, hence I don't want to be stoned by Government of Bangladesh!

Thanks and regards!

1. Younus is a tool of NATO in furthering Capitalism. No Bangladeshi poor woman became Mukesh Ambani through Younus' micro-loans.

2. If not for you the BAL or BNP which is the other one(s) ? The Communists ?

I rather not push further , as our Government maybe tracking common people, and I'm not a very brave man, hence I don't want to be stoned by Government of Bangladesh!

Come on, the BAL government is not Modi government or USA government to track people or do internet shutdows.

None of the hadeeths I mentioned contradict Quran

Hazrat Muhammad had a beloved cat named Muezza and there was his comrade called Abu Huraira ( "Father of baby cats" ) because he used to carry baby cats on his shoulders. Now the Irani-cultured hadeeth writer fellow, Bukhari, loved dogs.

So tell me, do you follow the teachings of Hazrat Muhammad and the deeds of his comrades or do you follow the Irani-cultured fabrications called Hadeeths ?
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