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Pakistan-China Joint Air Force Exercise "Shaheen-IX 2020"

You are right. Those are twin vstabs. You need to understand the distortion that low quality imagery can cause. If you do not have a good understanding of it, it is better not to analyze bad quality images because you are going to come to the wrong conclusion. It is a busy airfield, there is fumes from engine exhaust, cloudy weather (seemingly) and a low quality camera. I refuse to reach any conclusions.
High wing and comparison to J-11 in the picture (vstab) what I am saying is I dont know what it is for sure. we rather leave it for the bakhts to figure it out.


An interesting video about the shaheen excercize and the J10 with marking issues from an indian---.

Everyone is talking about the 'marking' issue---.

Another interesting comment by this poster or the video maker---stating that the J10 is a copy of Israeli Lavi aircraft---it is around the 4:40 time mark---. Hehehehehe


An interesting video about the shaheen excercize and the J10 with marking issues from an indian---.

Everyone is talking about the 'marking' issue---.

Another interesting comment by this poster or the video maker---stating that the J10 is a copy of Israeli Lavi aircraft---it is around the 4:40 time mark---. Hehehehehe

Complex driven nation
I will however suggest to move our new fighter discussion to the particular thread, if you all agree.


An interesting video about the shaheen excercize and the J10 with marking issues from an indian---.

Everyone is talking about the 'marking' issue---.

Another interesting comment by this poster or the video maker---stating that the J10 is a copy of Israeli Lavi aircraft---it is around the 4:40 time mark---. Hehehehehe

The Indian's imagination is too crazy here. This is just J-10C with markings similar to J-16. The paint used is certain type like J-16 to help lower radar return. Paint pigment size.

Lavi is unfinished prototype design concept fighter. J-10 benefit from Lavi some ways and paid Israel for some works in flight control systems. The J-10 is still different size and weight to Lavi and even Lavi is not finished product. Israel could give finished version of Lavi to India and India will take 10 years to produce just the exact same thing not even improved.
AFAIK China purchased the IP for Lavi from Israel and the finished product was J-10A it's not a COPY like they make it sound, purchasing and owning IP's is a standard practice
I haven't heard any conversation relating to the JF-17B (2-seater) during the Shaheen IX. Its pretty clear that it isn't participating this year.

But I was wondering if anyone could shed some light as to why it wasn't considered when slightly older jets like F-7 & Mirage made the cut.

Obviously its still being labelled as a Trainer and not for EW, but it would have been nice to see how it could/would be utilized in a War scenario.


@Hodor @airomerix @Bilal Khan (Quwa)
These are indeed JH-7s and this particular clip is from Shaheen VIII.
EDIT: There are no JH-7s participating this time.
Yes i thought so that ISPR has added a bit of masala to the footage, however seeing the Mirage is taking off in Pakistan, this maybe from Shaheen VII clip.
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