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Pakistan-China Joint Air Force Exercise "Shaheen-IX 2020"

I still believe that PAF is secretly using F-16s against Chinese jets in the Shaheen exercises.
My friend.
You are welcome to believe whatever you want, but all PAF US origin inventory is monitored and PAF cannot afford a breach of its agreement. If you think you will use US origin hardware against the Chinese and USA will not know about it then I think it would be wrong.
Is there a hidden message in these two WORDS?
Well, now that that Shaheen IX has concluded, I thought i'd take one last crack at the J-10C if anyone can see any Serial Number/Marking of the PLAAF from a screenshot taken from todays video.


Just Kidding :p: !!!


It was also kind of a certain squadrons (irrelevant) to this exercise to accompany the ACM before bidding farewell to our Chinese counterparts.


Lockheed wouldn't really be the problem. If Americans really could figure about our F-16s, then they should've had a proper answer for 27feb as well. Instead that had to rely on India showing Amraams.
I did not get your post friend. Why would USA/Lockmart have any worries about PAF using its assets inside its own territory for defensive purposes? PAF shootdown of IAF jet has been the biggest selling point for AMRAMS one could ever have thought. Lockmart execs must be going Kerrrrrchinnnnng at that!!!
I did not get your post friend. Why would USA/Lockmart have any worries about PAF using its assets inside its own territory for defensive purposes? PAF shootdown of IAF jet has been the biggest selling point for AMRAMS one could ever have thought. Lockmart execs must be going Kerrrrrchinnnnng at that!!!
Funny thing araz bhai.

Last year when I visited the makers of Aim-120/AMRAAM (Raytheon) during the Air Show, I told 'em that we probably did them a huge favor by promoting their & Lockheed Martin's product - Free of Cost.

Photo Credit: Vasef Mudeer (2019)
Let me add another spoin..........

Look at that--Mirage placed next to J-10C though it would have been Thunder means.......... we are going to have a new strike + air superiority platform in the shape of J-10C along with PL-15 type capability because it is placed next to Flanker as well. :enjoy:

... and circling back to the previous spin. That J-10C still doesn't have any markings. 🔍

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