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Pakistan carries out airstrikes along AfPak border

5 children [2 infants] & 1 woman = 6
And who knows there were more that were not video taped?

6/30 = 20 %
To me that's too much collateral.

Besides we are a muslim country:

Not even animals & bees, & fruit bearing trees, inhabited places!!!
One point to be noted "do not be cowardly". . . Think about it, are air raids on residential houses bravery or cowardly??? even if criminals were hiding among families.

you cannot win this war if you think like that. its a dirty war. nobody counts when our children die.
One of the largest air assault operations in Pakistans history, to coordinate so many aircraft both manned unmanned in multiple zones in theatre, and to make sure everyone got out, including POW's should be a matter of pride for all Pakistanis.

According to my information most of the collateral damage was from the IEA forces firing blindly in panic, we were jamming their comms and playing bibi saman on their radios.

Coordinating dozens of aircraft from two services with hundreds of special forces coming and going and to not loose a single soldier and have only some minor injuries we should all be proud.
One of the largest air assault operations in Pakistans history, to coordinate so many aircraft both manned unmanned in multiple zones in theatre, and to make sure everyone got out, including POW's should be a matter of pride for all Pakistanis.

According to my information most of the collateral damage was from the IEA forces firing blindly in panic, we were jamming their comms and playing bibi saman on their radios.

Coordinating dozens of aircraft from two services with hundreds of special forces coming and going and to not loose a single soldier and have only some minor injuries we should all be proud.
hold on there was an operation conducted? did I miss something!
This debate reminds me of an incident where a certain somebody replied the following to appease a molvi's objection and officer on duty:
To me that's too much collateral.
Pakistan Military will be careful next time.

Isnt it good enough?
Its not good enough for him. Therefore, agli baar ki agli dafa dekhi jaye gi. Till then, mand k rakho !
5 children [2 infants] & 1 woman = 6
And who knows there were more that were not video taped?

6/30 = 20 %
To me that's too much collateral.

200/1000 = 20% too

Which is the less worst 6 or 200 ?

And compare those numbers with the casualties they have and could have caused in Pakistan.

I think if there have been more civilian casualties, they would have happily video taped them for propaganda. I could be wrong of course.
200/1000 = 20% too

Which is the less worst 6 or 200 ?

And compare those numbers with the casualties they have and could have caused in Pakistan.

I think if there have been more civilian casualties, they would have happily video taped them for propaganda. I could be wrong of course.
Both are the same 20% in the scenario you provided :lol:

But your point "اتوں لنگ گیا"

Anyways, Carry on with air raids and stuff. And [WARNING - Graphic] shooting protesters that just happened in Balochistan yesterday (in Chaghi).
Don't fight them at the time of attack, instead bomb their houses at a later point when they are with their children, concentrated and guards lowered, as most posters here seem content with that approach. I hope that will bring lasting peace and my fears will be proven wrong. Last time they weren't though, as no slowing down was seen as a result of air raids in start-to-mid of 2014, instead APS happened in Dec 2014 same year. I saved all replies to my posts with hope that I never have to quote them with a "told you so" and some other ones explicitly celebrating children's loss on this thread.



And my fear/warning that I mentioned above is at the end of post below:
Well . . . I am not the technical military person. But my layperson logic still tells me that there must be a better way.

P.S. yeas ago I opposed use of air raids (in 2014) in tribal areas. IK also gave example of IoK that even Indians never air bombed IoK.
I said same again yesterday, post deleted for reason "unsubstantiated" probably due to tweet of children casualties, despite that footage being real. But no worries.
I warned years ago there will be back lash. We saw MANY suicide attacks by revengeful.
I want to warn again. Heed or not, upto the authorities.

Army understood it the same way back then:

This is what I wrote in 2014. With this current raid, keeping Afghan history and mentality in mind, I am fearful that hard achieved progress over past 9 years may be at risk:

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Looks like Zabihullah Mujahid got the message - ""We will not allow our land to be used against Pakistan. - Afghan Taliban"

"There are some issues on border areas which should be settled through dialogue." - Zabihullah Mujahid

Looking forward to the details when they come out about the operation.

Looks like Zabihullah Mujahid got the message - ""We will not allow our land to be used against Pakistan. - Afghan Taliban"

"There are some issues on border areas which should be settled through dialogue." - Zabihullah Mujahid

Looking forward to the details when they come out about the operation.

At the moment this is just words. They have said this before and no action was taken. Pakistan should apply a deadline for TTP to lay down arms.

What are the border issues?
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Looks like Zabihullah Mujahid got the message - ""We will not allow our land to be used against Pakistan. - Afghan Taliban"

"There are some issues on border areas which should be settled through dialogue." - Zabihullah Mujahid

Looking forward to the details when they come out about the operation.
No Enforcement these guys will only Talk!!!
Though I am sorry that I engaged you, I feel that I should continue this streak for one more exchange.

1. Who told you that USA gained anything? I need to give them a good shut-up call for spreading fake news.

2. Pakistan was more a victim of circumstances during times of dictatorship than anything else. There was room to negotiate & maneuver (& a civvie govt would have done much better), but Mushy just collapsed & agreed to everything.

3. In a very round-about way, you can blame USA. But a lot of Muslims had much to do with that also. We must not externalize blame. This is lazy & dishonest. You don't get to make statements just like that.

4. Don't make excuses for TTP. What they did was horrible & far beyond what was done to them. Do you condone killing of civilians, church bombings, kidnapping for ransom, drug trade, etc...? Do you? Because that is what TTP did.

5. When you bring in deen, you do not get to make boundaries as though no one can challenge your opinions. You do not get to play victim here.

6. Under Mushy (& later too) Pakistan did get USA to punish TTP. If you do not know, then do read & learn a thing or two.

7. Targeting TTP is our compulsion, not an American dictation. Stop confusing so many things together.

8. Stop describing things in apocalyptic terms. Yes, Pakistan did suffer, but we wrecked our own economy. I will not get into how it happened here, but do not blame outsiders for our own problems.

9. You need to explain this: "The probability of having an Islamic currency to break dollar's global hegemony was successfully destroyed". It is very easy to be dismissive, but I want to know what makes you think that you can make such a statement. So how can you substantiate this. What was in the works that clever conspiring Americans spoiled?

10. Who do you think are US sympathizers in your view & how are they working against national interest. I would also like to see some receipts of the dollars that they received.

11. What are the ways to deal with TTP that you speak of? If you think that they just need a hug to stop being terrorists, be my guest & go to them to hug them. That would be very instructive for all of us. There is a risk that we might lose you, but I am willing to sacrifice your presence here for a noble cause.

Do answer the above, especially # 9 & #10.
So why does US like a heroin addict keep coming to Pakistan to cause trouble? You don't realise how much the Neocons hate Pakistan and Paksitanis, very much like they hate Iraq , Syria and Iran. Just because a few Pakistanis have businesses in the US doesn't change the picture. They hate us so much they won't let you into defense jobs in the US if you were born in Pakistan and try their best to keep you economically down. You people need to get real, US is not there to do any favours for you and are as much friends to you as they were to Saddam Hussain , and other than nonsensical "interests" Pakistan has no relevance for them. They are greedy for business with India because Indians are corrupt and selling their workers for cheap, and want an enemy China to justify their huge weapons industry to fill their appetite for global domination. While Neocons are in power Pakistan should look elsewhere for partnerships otherwise it could be the end of the nation.
So what is the way forward?? There was an attempted attack at Mir Ali, and an attack in Angor Adda where reportedly many terries are despatched, Of Course our western defenses are not ironclad neither will Afghan Taliban magically start to behave now. Are we ready to undertake similar strikes on short notice again, or is there some hesitation now due to the usual PTM propaganda after this strike?? Are the gloves finally off?? @PanzerKiel
Afganistan is a land of "competeitive" warlords rivaling to get a piece of pie. And, their loyalty shifts with every breath. Pak needs to intervene to maintain a somewhat pro-Pak chain of warlords with benefits....
Pretty sure that's how we ended up with the Taliban in the first place. Honestly, Afghanistan really isn't even a country, it's some wild frontier, one that no one wants to bother conquering.
Both are the same 20% in the scenario you provided :lol:

But your point "اتوں لنگ گیا"

Anyways, Carry on with air raids and stuff. And [WARNING - Graphic] shooting protesters that just happened in Balochistan yesterday (in Chaghi).
Don't fight them at the time of attack, instead bomb their houses at a later point when they are with their children, concentrated and guards lowered, as most posters here seem content with that approach. I hope that will bring lasting peace and my fears will be proven wrong. Last time they weren't though, as no slowing down was seen as a result of air raids in start-to-mid of 2014, instead APS happened in Dec 2014 same year. I saved all replies to my posts with hope that I never have to quote them with a "told you so" and some other ones explicitly celebrating children's loss on this thread.

View attachment 835512

And my fear/warning that I mentioned above is at the end of post below:

Give this thread a read and it’ll solve all your questions
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