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Pakistan carries out airstrikes along AfPak border

The Taliban have been given a warning shot across the bows - they need to deliver on their security guarantees that they made to Pakistan or else.

Pakistan is pretty much the only "friend" the Taliban has left and they need to consider the concerns of Pakistan and act on them.

So - they either get with the programme and curtail the operations of the TTP or Pakistan will now start to do it for them. The current situation of the TTP setting up camp under IEA/Taliban and carrying on as if nothing has happened is no longer sustainable.

The timing of course is specific to the issues that Bajwa has had over regime change in Pakistan, but the underlying thread is still there.

The Taliban can choose to ingore this at their peril.
Possibly, military was the one who stopped Imran Khan from giving all Afghan refugees citizenship.

Better to wait for further confirmation, that Jeff dude is unreliable
I wish we had done this earlier, and saved our hundreds of soliders, who were martyred in daily basis attacks.
Dair aye durust aye
I suppose the one benefit of the current political climate is PA can now act with absolute impunity. Perhaps PTI government had been the blocker.
Thank you Pakistan Airforce for never disappointing nation unlike your army counterparts
@PanzerKiel any updates on this? Is it true?

The IEA was told that some of their men were conformed killed or wounded in the ops, meaning they were together with the enemy.

They were also told that if the attacks continue or their is further IEA provocation then there would be de facto a state of war between the two sides at which point all military, economic and diplomatic means will be employed including links with the "resistance".

Software update completed.........nuff said.
Both are the same 20% in the scenario you provided :lol:

But your point "اتوں لنگ گیا"

Anyways, Carry on with air raids and stuff. And [WARNING - Graphic] shooting protesters that just happened in Balochistan yesterday (in Chaghi).
Don't fight them at the time of attack, instead bomb their houses at a later point when they are with their children, concentrated and guards lowered, as most posters here seem content with that approach. I hope that will bring lasting peace and my fears will be proven wrong. Last time they weren't though, as no slowing down was seen as a result of air raids in start-to-mid of 2014, instead APS happened in Dec 2014 same year. I saved all replies to my posts with hope that I never have to quote them with a "told you so" and some other ones explicitly celebrating children's loss on this thread.

View attachment 835512

And my fear/warning that I mentioned above is at the end of post below:
there was an airport attack before zarb e azb and also 23 FC troops were kidnapped and beheaded by khurasani group in Afg on video tape...that,, u conveniently missed
Both are the same 20% in the scenario you provided :lol:

But your point "اتوں لنگ گیا"

Anyways, Carry on with air raids and stuff. And [WARNING - Graphic] shooting protesters that just happened in Balochistan yesterday (in Chaghi).
Don't fight them at the time of attack, instead bomb their houses at a later point when they are with their children, concentrated and guards lowered, as most posters here seem content with that approach. I hope that will bring lasting peace and my fears will be proven wrong. Last time they weren't though, as no slowing down was seen as a result of air raids in start-to-mid of 2014, instead APS happened in Dec 2014 same year. I saved all replies to my posts with hope that I never have to quote them with a "told you so" and some other ones explicitly celebrating children's loss on this thread.

View attachment 835512

And my fear/warning that I mentioned above is at the end of post below:
No afghan

No problem

Looks like Zabihullah Mujahid got the message - ""We will not allow our land to be used against Pakistan. - Afghan Taliban"

"There are some issues on border areas which should be settled through dialogue." - Zabihullah Mujahid

Looking forward to the details when they come out about the operation.
No Enforcement these guys will only Talk!!!
The IEA was told that some of their men were conformed killed or wounded in the ops, meaning they were together with the enemy.

They were also told that if the attacks continue or their is further IEA provocation then there would be de facto a state of war between the two sides at which point all military, economic and diplomatic means will be employed including links with the "resistance".

Software update completed.........nuff said.
there was an airport attack before zarb e azb and also 23 FC troops were kidnapped and beheaded by khurasani group in Afg on video tape...that,, u conveniently missed

These ops have been going on in Afghanistan for a long time. Every time Afghanistan cries like a little b!tch but does nothing more, just like a little b!tch.
If it comes to this point, Pakistan must annex Wakhan corridor.
Diplomatically this will be difficult.

And will we be able to effectively hold it? What's the population count and how does it compare to Waziristan?
Pretty low population so resistance would potentially be weak, especially if you secure the Afghanistan side of the border.

But how do you absorb this territory diplomatically? Morally it's the wrong thing to do

(It borders Xinjiang and China would probably prefer Pakistan have control of that area due to their terrorism concern)
Pretty low population so resistance would potentially be weak, especially if you secure the Afghanistan side of the border.

But how do you absorb this territory diplomatically? Morally it's the wrong thing to do

(It borders Xinjiang and China would probably prefer Pakistan have control of that area due to their terrorism concern)
under the pretext of buffer zone?

because we are not occupying their land nor planning to occupy them, if a fight does happen it will be fought along the Pak-Afghan border. The IEA would attack US soldiers, convoys, posts, etc then go and hide in the mountains and wait it out because they knew they had the time, the US was going to leave sometime so they were patient. Fighting across a border in conventional warfare is different, they can't hide like in guerilla warfare because they won't make any advances. Do you understand what I am trying to say, of course I dont think they will scared of fighter jets after decades of battle with soviets, americans, etc. but u must understand that guerilla and conventional warfare are very different. IEA are not superhumans, they are brainwashed ethno-religoius barbarians with no sense of command structure or proper military and intelligence training.

don't even waste fuel of a jet for this, just use a SAM, better yet don't even use a SAM use a manpad cuz that shit probably flies so low 😂
1- My post was in response to a specific scenario.
2- As Imran Khan says, in conflict no one can ensure calculations, things doesn't happens like we want it to. We don't want to occupy them and want to fight a conventional war, because we are expert in it but they are expert in gorilla warfare and will choose that path
The IEA was told that some of their men were conformed killed or wounded in the ops, meaning they were together with the enemy.

They were also told that if the attacks continue or their is further IEA provocation then there would be de facto a state of war between the two sides at which point all military, economic and diplomatic means will be employed including links with the "resistance".

Software update completed.........nuff said.
Looks like IEA is a scattered and fractured group now with plenty of their foot soldiers doing their own thing in their own territory, regardless of their regime's commitments especially with Pakistan. It will be a weight off even off the Talib shoulders when we take these rogue elements out along with TTP.
1- My post was in response to a specific scenario.
2- As Imran Khan says, in conflict no one can ensure calculations, things doesn't happens like we want it to. We don't want to occupy them and want to fight a conventional war, because we are expert in it but they are expert in gorilla warfare and will choose that path

You can't use guerrilla warfare to invade. That's just not how it works. Please go educate yourself before coming up with these silly statements.
Another long term option could be to collapse the Taliban regime. Taliban are brutal tyrants. A tyrannical system can never work. People will slowly rise up. Just give them weapons. In addition, choke their economy. Close all trade.
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