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Pakistan cannot afford to take a chance by reopening mosques at this juncture

Yep masses of people all within sneezing and coughing range, what could go wrong? People misinterpreting faith are the amongst the most dangerous people in Pakistan and sadly there's a fair few. I hope the learned scholars stop this disaster waiting to happen.

Masajid need to remain closed.

As a medical doctor, I am seeing the cases of COVID-19 first hand and it makes me shutter that people are still not taking it seriously. A big minority of cases recover with permanent lung damage. There are 8 different strains.

Imagine the worst flu you have ever had, now add a couple of extra days, easy transmission, add in possible myocarditis (heart problems,) and finally fibrosis in the lungs (debris and damage.)

It is killing off mostly the elderly, but paradoxically young people and even children are dying as well.

NYC is burying people in mass graves with cranes, as even dead bodies can infect people.

Pakistan needs to wake up to the very real danger.
will tiger force be used to lock down mosques and eventually have them gone since most are built upon residential areas.

tiger bahani jai ho

what tiger force has to do with this? They are doing the sheer volunteer work. Don’t we know our mullah? One fatwa and your life is on risk.

jahlat ka muqabla sub se Zaida mushkil kam hai.
Then who will give chanda to these mullahs who are putting the entire public at risk for their own income.

I haven't prayed in last 18 years but if I remember correctly, Chanda/donations are only given during Friday sermon in which a guy comes with a small chador or shawl and goes row to row in front of every person silently. Those who want to donate usually donate the smallest currency note. Hardly 1/10 guys donate. That donation money is hardly enough for Mosque maintenance. Mullahs making money outta chanda/donations is highly overated.
Reverse the decision

EditorialUpdated April 23, 2020

WITH Pakistan passing the grim milestone of over 10,000 coronavirus cases and more than 200 deaths, there is no time for half measures and missteps. Lockdown fatigue seems to have set in with many people flouting SOPs and safety measures, and ignoring the fact that we are sitting on a time bomb that will detonate unless firm steps are taken immediately.

The battle against Covid-19 must be fought on multiple fronts, but one area where decisive action can be taken without delay is that of congregational prayers. Various provincial administrations had taken differing steps regarding the suspension of congregational prayers in mosques to stop the spread of the contagion, with varying degrees of success. Sindh tried to implement the law in letter and spirit, though there were instances where mobs attacked law enforcers trying to enforce the ban on Friday prayers.

However, at a conclave in Islamabad on Saturday, President Arif Alvi and a collection of clerics belonging to different schools of thought hammered out a 20-point ‘action plan’ that envisaged reopening of mosques for the public, especially in light of the fasting month, which is due to begin either tomorrow or the day after. Under this scheme, daily and taraweeh congregational prayers would be allowed with a number of ‘precautions’, though the last point of the plan clearly stated that the restrictions could be put back in place if the number of cases shot up.

The administration, as well as sensible clerics, need to realise that Pakistan cannot afford to take a chance by reopening mosques at this juncture. Attendance at masjids goes up during Ramazan, and it is hard to imagine how the state as well as mosque administrations will enforce social-distancing guidelines. Moreover, in a letter released on Tuesday, some leading doctors of the country have asked ulema to review the decision on congregational prayers. They point out that indiscipline and contempt for the rules has become part of our national character; therefore, in order to protect public health the decision to open mosques to the public must be reviewed.

Clerics say that social-distancing norms are also being violated in markets. That may be so, and the administration needs to do a better job of ensuring crowding does not take place in bazaars and markets. But the comparison between shopping for food — which is a necessity — and attending congregational prayers — in which there is much flexibility, especially in times of a pandemic — is not a sound one. Even Saudi Arabia has said only a few staff members will be allowed to offer taraweeh prayers at the two holy mosques of Makkah and Madina. If other Muslim states can take sensible decisions, there is no reason why our rulers should be swayed by emotional, ill-informed appeals. For the sake of public health, both the state and ulema need to reverse the decision on congregational prayers.

Published in Dawn, April 23rd, 2020
Pro Mullah PM is going to drive us into Oblivion.
Mullahs making money outta chanda/donations is highly overated.

this goes against the enlightened moderation mantra. please respect the wishes of True Leader with Ehsaas e Bhutto
Leaders in Pak should have balls to stop these mullas... otherwise nobody can stop the virulant spread of the pandemic, I feel pity on health workers.. I live in place whr we have strict rules against gathering of people, even travelling in a car with not more than 3 people is allowed, people use masks and maintain social distance, shops selling essential items are open, I feel proud that we have a strong regional leader as Chief minister and also an efficeint PM who has a spine.
Thanks bro, we're in the middle of hell here so we know.
May Allah keep you and us all safe. Yesterday in Bahria town Islamabad I had a circular hand delivered by security telling me musjids are open for tarawi and other congressional prayers. I asked the guard will he be going? He replied yes. I said do u have money for hospital Bill's once you are sick...he replied I leave it to Allah. I said but Allah told you to tie the camel and then leave it to him. I also asked if he knew the prophet pbuh prayed tarawi at home and the congregational prayers were introduced by Umar RA. He looked confused.
My point in the above is he is a lovely simple guy being hijacked by molvis. And these molvis dont know that saving life in islam is the most important thing. Not listening to Quran at 200mph during tarawi because they have to finish the Quran and do 20 zakat.
May Allah keep you and us all safe. Yesterday in Bahria town Islamabad I had a circular hand delivered by security telling me musjids are open for tarawi and other congressional prayers. I asked the guard will he be going? He replied yes. I said do u have money for hospital Bill's once you are sick...he replied I leave it to Allah. I said but Allah told you to tie the camel and then leave it to him. I also asked if he knew the prophet pbuh prayed tarawi at home and the congregational prayers were introduced by Umar RA. He looked confused.
My point in the above is he is a lovely simple guy being hijacked by molvis. And these molvis dont know that saving life in islam is the most important thing. Not listening to Quran at 200mph during tarawi because they have to finish the Quran and do 20 zakat.
Very sad situation. Should have also told him how Mufti Muneeb (the same who had the conference to open mosque) and Fazlur Rahman will be praying at home.
Very sad situation. Should have also told him how Mufti Muneeb (the same who had the conference to open mosque) and Fazlur Rahman will be praying at home.
Really I didnt know this. Is this a fact?
Which city are you from?

Must be from the non PTI city cause all PTI cities are practicising government protocols and only village officers, malik riaz and mian mansha are allowed to operate through friends n family benefits.

The patwaris of Karachi are under lock down.
Mr. fassadi don't bother quoting me again with your juvenile nonsense.
Mr. fassadi don't bother quoting me again with your juvenile nonsense.

Says someone who supports a government with Fuwwad Chowdary in it.

Please do reply with your old age logic

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