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Pakistan cannot afford to take a chance by reopening mosques at this juncture

critical rooms and taking measures for safety have nothing to do with closing mosques,if everybody enters mosque with masks on face and we use ozone disinfection gate in every mosque then there is very low chance of spread of virus in mosque,there is bad governance which is major problem
And you think those incharge of running the country don't have this information?

Also it does not answer what I asked about critical care rooms. Do you think we should have such rooms? In fact, let me ask you this: do you think that anyone on the verge of death should they be left alone or should things be done to prevent it?
When power goes unchecked, it corrupts. Mullahs have been given a free reign for far too long in our country. It must be controlled like anything else or chaos will follow.
yes they are now like a cancer which has metastasized in the whole country. when cancer spreads too much there is no cure and the patient dies.
No worries. I am splitting from this thread. Let the cretins crawl in their ignorance.

Adios from here as well

muslims in india and pak greatly misinterpret islam. we have some strange kind of believes which have no basics in Quran and hadiths. our mullah and madrassah teach a special kind of extremist thoughts which are generally incompetable with nature and not in accordance with the laws of islam as well. they are taught to follow their idiot mullah rather then the laws of the country as their mullah presents himself as the "ameer" of the group. it leads to so many groups and so many "ameers". that's why our mullah never gets united rather they are only trained to criticize the other groups. our mullahs and their followers are idiots and they have neither knowledge of islam nor of the world that's why we really lag behind in every field. i always hate both mullahism and liberalism . we saw the evil designs of liberalism on women march and now we will see the evil of mullah but as a neutral observer here i think the evil of mullah seems to be far greater today then that of liberals.

Simple Mullahism and pseudo liberals should be branded as enemies of the state I would say a silent majority of Pakistanis would agree

I think one of the big contributing factors in the lak of it on the African continent is the amount of space in those countries and the lack of long distance travel. I suspect it might hit the big cities eventually, but if they keep the flights closed, they might get off easy. Still it's a blessing for Africa.

Africa also has a very young population much younger than even Pakistan or India they will get through it easily than most nations just keep on breeding
i think opening mosques is good for hater of mullahs and their followers as corona will kill more mullahs according to them so if they are confident that corona will kill people why they want them to remain alive by closing mosques as no liberal will go mosque
yes they are now like a cancer which has metastasized in the whole country. when cancer spreads too much there is no cure and the patient dies.
critical rooms and taking measures for safety have nothing to do with closing mosques,if everybody enters mosque with masks on face and we use ozone disinfection gate in every mosque then there is very low chance of spread of virus in mosque,there is bad governance which is major problem
Try again. That question was in response to your post no.40. Keeping in mind what you said, I asked you that question. So in that context, can you please answer my question.
i think opening mosques is good for hater of mullahs and their followers as corona will kill more mullahs according to them so if they are confident that corona will kill people why they want them to remain alive by closing mosques as no liberal will go mosque
i dont want even such a mullah and his followers to commit suicide. i want them to be safe and support their families.they are huge in number and they will die themselves and spread the disease to others as well putting stress on our health system. this is the difference between your thinking and mine. a mullah thinks about his ownself and that of his group while we think about the whole society.
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they want to destroy society ,social system and family system by creating isolation and promoting selfish society based on personal material gains without regard of others,the concept of mosques is not limited to prayers but for promotion of unity of society

Brother, usually you make good points, but this one is just stupid.

1. In social distancing you are with your family, in your home. It is not forever, it is a few months maybe.

2. How will this break the social system? What aspect of society will disapear after a few months or not being able to gather in large crowds?

3. Does isolation harm Islam? Did our Prophet Muhammad pbuh not go to the caves? Do we not participate in ithekaf? Did the awliya not often retreat to baitaks in the forests to contemplate and pray?

Pakistani mullahs are doing dramabaazi. Mufti Muneeb ur rehman is happy for everyone else to go to the Masjid but has declared he will pray at home. They are only interested in keeping open the masjids which act as chanda factories for these mullahs. If they were interested in teaching the deen, would we have so much anti Islamic behaviour in our society?

In the UK all our masjids have closed, but the teaching of the deen has gone online. Brothers who used to perform zikr weekly in our local masjid are having mehfils online. The jummah khutbah and other lectures are live streamed. The jamat is only made of 5 people.

A few imams across the UK have started a mini masjid initative. They encourage people to create little cardboard masjids in their homes, to help their kids feel connected to the masjid - https://www.minimosque.com

Someone I am a great Admirer of, and am confident will emerge as a leader of the Muslim community in the UK in the coming years; Shaykh Muhammad Aslam, has been doing online classes for children and adults (many others have too). My young daughter watched his livestreams on youtube. At one point there were 5000 people watching it. This may not sound a lot, but in a classroom based scenario, that might have been 50 kids at the most. Yet removing the geographical barriers, bought the lessons on the childhood of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) into our homes, into 5000 homes at one point, live!

Congregational prayer during a pandemic is dangerous.
Holy Prophet(P.B.U.H) had most pure form of faith but today most of people here have weak faith and only perform prayer due to habit,my fear is that once this habit is ended due to this pandemic they may not perform prayers after this pandemic end
Brother, usually you make good points, but this one is just stupid.

1. In social distancing you are with your family, in your home. It is not forever, it is a few months maybe.

2. How will this break the social system? What aspect of society will disapear after a few months or not being able to gather in large crowds?

3. Does isolation harm Islam? Did our Prophet Muhammad pbuh not go to the caves? Do we not participate in ithekaf? Did the awliya not often retreat to baitaks in the forests to contemplate and pray?

Pakistani mullahs are doing dramabaazi. Mufti Muneeb ur rehman is happy for everyone else to go to the Masjid but has declared he will pray at home. They are only interested in keeping open the masjids which act as chanda factories for these mullahs. If they were interested in teaching the deen, would we have so much anti Islamic behaviour in our society?

In the UK all our masjids have closed, but the teaching of the deen has gone online. Brothers who used to perform zikr weekly in our local masjid are having mehfils online. The jummah khutbah and other lectures are live streamed. The jamat is only made of 5 people.

A few imams across the UK have started a mini masjid initative. They encourage people to create little cardboard masjids in their homes, to help their kids feel connected to the masjid - https://www.minimosque.com

Someone I am a great Admirer of, and am confident will emerge as a leader of the Muslim community in the UK in the coming years; Shaykh Muhammad Aslam, has been doing online classes for children and adults (many others have too). My young daughter watched his livestreams on youtube. At one point there were 5000 people watching it. This may not sound a lot, but in a classroom based scenario, that might have been 50 kids at the most. Yet removing the geographical barriers, bought the lessons on the childhood of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) into our homes, into 5000 homes at one point, live!

Congregational prayer during a pandemic is dangerous.
Brother, usually you make good points, but this one is just stupid.

1. In social distancing you are with your family, in your home. It is not forever, it is a few months maybe.

2. How will this break the social system? What aspect of society will disapear after a few months or not being able to gather in large crowds?

3. Does isolation harm Islam? Did our Prophet Muhammad pbuh not go to the caves? Do we not participate in ithekaf? Did the awliya not often retreat to baitaks in the forests to contemplate and pray?

Pakistani mullahs are doing dramabaazi. Mufti Muneeb ur rehman is happy for everyone else to go to the Masjid but has declared he will pray at home. They are only interested in keeping open the masjids which act as chanda factories for these mullahs. If they were interested in teaching the deen, would we have so much anti Islamic behaviour in our society?

In the UK all our masjids have closed, but the teaching of the deen has gone online. Brothers who used to perform zikr weekly in our local masjid are having mehfils online. The jummah khutbah and other lectures are live streamed. The jamat is only made of 5 people.

A few imams across the UK have started a mini masjid initative. They encourage people to create little cardboard masjids in their homes, to help their kids feel connected to the masjid - https://www.minimosque.com

Someone I am a great Admirer of, and am confident will emerge as a leader of the Muslim community in the UK in the coming years; Shaykh Muhammad Aslam, has been doing online classes for children and adults (many others have too). My young daughter watched his livestreams on youtube. At one point there were 5000 people watching it. This may not sound a lot, but in a classroom based scenario, that might have been 50 kids at the most. Yet removing the geographical barriers, bought the lessons on the childhood of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) into our homes, into 5000 homes at one point, live!

Congregational prayer during a pandemic is dangerous.
best post so far in the thread. just look at new zealland. their PM said few days beack that they are about to eliminate corona within a few weeks and once the disease is over the country will be open again. all the schools, churches, mosques , markets etc will be open but the mullah cant understand this.
i dont want even such a mullah and his followers to commit suicide. i want them to be safe and support their families.they are huge in number and they will die themselves and spread the disease to others as well putting stress on our health system. this is the difference between your thinking and mine. a mullah thinks about his ownself and that of his group while a muslim thinks about the whole society.

Brother mosque were open from 1st day of corona till now. It was just friday prayer where they said should be closed otherwise 5 times prayers were offering from first day of lockdown.

Ulema has said, just like govt closed shops just come to mosque and close the doors we will not stop them why placing such action of closing of mosque to Ulema.

May ALLAH protect us all.
Holy Prophet(P.B.U.H) had most pure form of faith but today most of people here have weak faith and only perform prayer due to habit,my fear is that once this habit is ended due to this pandemic they may not perform prayers after this pandemic end
you are wrong. majority of the muslims are offering their namaz at their homes with more "khuzo and khushoo" and doing more zikr in their daiy routine as compared to the past.
Personally I think the mosques should be opened. Hopefully it will wipe out brain dead idiots from our country and may be then we can progress forward.
Unfortunately, the chances on this to happen is less. Fazlur Rehman said he will pray at home. Some posters here said Mufti Muneeb (the same person who had the conference saying mosque would be open) will be praying from home. Shehbaz Sharif will be at home. The ones going to pray will be the public and god only knows who they will pass it on to.
Brother mosque were open from 1st day of corona till now. It was just friday prayer where they said should be closed otherwise 5 times prayers were offering from first day of lockdown.

Ulema has said, just like govt closed shops just come to mosque and close the doors we will not stop them why placing such action of closing of mosque to Ulema.

May ALLAH protect us all.
because if a person doesnt go to work he may not be able to put bread in the mouths of his family. common sense. if i am in a desert and have one litre of water only. i will save it for drinking rather then for performing ablution and later on die of thirst. this is simple logic and is exactly according to islamic teachings. i can live without ablution but cant live without drinking water. save your life today and remember Allah in your heart. once the situation improves go to the mosques.
coming to the bitter reality of our society . many of the mosques today are not "Allah ka ghar" rather they are "mullah ki dukan" and the mullahs doesnt want their "dukan" to be closed. religion unfortunately is a big business for many mullahs today. they use it for creating their nuisance in the society.
Holy Prophet(P.B.U.H) had most pure form of faith but today most of people here have weak faith and only perform prayer due to habit,my fear is that once this habit is ended due to this pandemic they may not perform prayers after this pandemic end

Those with weak iman don't go to the masjid to pray, if they do it's dekhava wastay. Right now the focus in our country should be on saving lives, and preventing destitution. If people have discipline about lockdown (not just in masjids, everywhere) - then maybe we can reduce this corona quickly. If we are forced to expand it because of increasing cases, it will both increase the death count and the pressure on our limited medical facilities, but also it will extend lock down and social distancing measures, which might become stricter and continue for longer. As a nation we cannot afford this.

I have been in Pakistan twice in my life during ramadan. The masjid in our village is full for each prayer, for tharawi especially. After Eid sometimes for fajr there were 5-10 people at the most. Most masjids don't have the capacity to provide regular disinfecting and social distancing space, and most of our awam have no discipline to practice is. You only have to see how they climb over each other to get their shoes when they leave the masjid.

@Indus Pakistan

Kaptaan sb,

Pakistan needs a Ataturk to clean out this garbage.

Be careful of what you wish for. Turkey needed a major wartime licking for a Ataturk to happen. For Ataturk to happen in Pak, it would require the same for Pak. But the only country which could administer that defeat is- you guessed it right- Ganguland. You fancy that?


LOL - Read some history. Attaturk was the man for the moment - an excellent man for the moment, someone who did well for Turkey when he took over, but the reformist movement in Turkey was not his alone. Before him a lot of work was done by the Young Ottoman movement and the Young Turk movement. WW1 was just something that happened to accelerate a movement already in motion.

As for administering defeat - lol. Feb 2019 seems a long way away in India apparently.
Poori dunya Allah ki bunayi hoi wi hai, leken namaz siruf masjid mein hogi - mullah logic.

I'm waiting for a couple of mullahs to catch it (I hope not), then they will come to their senses. No amount of reason and logic seems to work with this lot. Actually people are only saying for their own benefit that don't open mosques but mullahs don't want to listen then so be it, they will learn from experience.
The big personalities like Fazlur Rehman, Mufti Muneeb (the person who did the conference to open the mosque), will be staying at home. The opposition leader Shehbaz (who is getting paid for being in assembly) is staying at home (they will blame government when things get worse but I don't see them having any point of view in this issue either)
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