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Pakistan cannot afford to take a chance by reopening mosques at this juncture

But you liberals do whatever you guys do, thats ypur freedom and choice but leave Islam out of your perverted satanic thoughts and dont dare look down on us who hold firmly to our belief in Allah.

you wanna discuss? do it with manners, MashaAllah you have strong faith but doesn't religion teaches you to respect others, manners among other things? perverted satanic thoughts you say? can you please let me know that in countries where strick lockdown were mosques, churches, tamples or any other religious or social activities were allowed?

next time don't you dare question my belief in Allah, i am as much of a muslim as any other muslim
you wanna discuss? do it with manners, MashaAllah you have strong faith but doesn't religion teaches you to respect others, manners among other things? perverted satanic thoughts you say? can you please let me know that in countries where strick lockdown were mosques, churches, tamples or any other religious or social activities were allowed?

next time don't you dare question my belief in Allah, i am as much of a muslim as any other muslim
you wanna discuss? do it with manners, MashaAllah you have strong faith but doesn't religion teaches you to respect others, manners among other things? perverted satanic thoughts you say? can you please let me know that in countries where strick lockdown were mosques, churches, tamples or any other religious or social activities were allowed?

next time don't you dare question my belief in Allah, i am as much of a muslim as any other muslim

Religion teaches me alot of things, sorry I misbehaved but reading this thread made me so angry at what has become of our Muslim brothers, not just Pakistanis, everywhere in the world.

So once again, Im sorry.

Yes I would like to discuss this subject. Do you believe Allahs house a place of worship(if we didnt need them and couldve just prayed from our houses, why was their need to build millions of Mosques around the world) needs to be shut down?

Arent we Muslims? When some calamity strikes us, we say we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return. We dont close down our Mosques because of fear of dying from an unseen virus?

Doesnt Allah tell us to fight anyone who tries to stop us from Praying in his place of worship?

Some might say that verse is extreme but this is how serious Allah takes the people who stop his worshippers from praying to him.

Second how can we call ourselves Muslims when we dont even have faith anymore. Do we not believe the Quran?

"There is not a single calamity of any kind that ever strikes you in the earth nor inside of yourselves except that it is in a book that we have already declared it in. That is certainly easy for Allah to do." (57:22)

There is not a single calamity of any kind Allah will ever strike except by Allah’s permission, by Allah’s leave and whoever were to believe in Allah, Allah will guide their heart. And Allah is All-Knowledgeable about everything. (64:11)

Do we just ignore these verses?
No he is not MB. The Ghamkol Sharif masjid in the UK was setup by a mureed (Sufi Abdullah) of the Ghamkol Sharif darbar in kohat Pakistan.

He is a sunni, hanafi scholar, he is barelvi - but he is not one of those hocus pocus taweez and chuff chuff sorts.

Follow him on Facebook, I have watched his videos and even attended his adults classes. To this day I've not seen or heard him say anything in contradiction to the Quran or sunnah.

Yes brother, thank you for the information. Many of the scholars I have seen from Syria and Palestine have been connected with Muslim Brotherhood, like Omar Suleman. That is why I am wary of scholars from Levant in general. The Egyptian Ikhwan is still a bit better.

He seems a decent guy, and I have no issue with Barelvis. I am actually a follower of Sufism myself, which I learned so much of from my contacts with Turkish and Pakistani scholars.

I am primarily a follower of Dr. Israr Ahmad, Rahmat Allah alayh. I have met him numerous times before his death. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon.

Religion teaches me alot of things, sorry I misbehaved but reading this thread made me so angry at what has become of our Muslim brothers, not just Pakistanis, everywhere in the world.

So once again, Im sorry.

Yes I would like to discuss this subject. Do you believe Allahs house a place of worship(if we didnt need them and couldve just prayed from our houses, why was their need to build millions of Mosques around the world) needs to be shut down?

Arent we Muslims? When some calamity strikes us, we say we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return. We dont close down our Mosques because of fear of dying from an unseen virus?

Doesnt Allah tell us to fight anyone who tries to stop us from Praying in his place of worship?

Some might say that verse is extreme but this is how serious Allah takes the people who stop his worshippers from praying to him.

Second how can we call ourselves Muslims when we dont even have faith anymore. Do we not believe the Quran?

"There is not a single calamity of any kind that ever strikes you in the earth nor inside of yourselves except that it is in a book that we have already declared it in. That is certainly easy for Allah to do." (57:22)

There is not a single calamity of any kind Allah will ever strike except by Allah’s permission, by Allah’s leave and whoever were to believe in Allah, Allah will guide their heart. And Allah is All-Knowledgeable about everything. (64:11)

Do we just ignore these verses?

My dear brother, I did not follow your full conversation but I am glad to see that you have mercy in your heart. May Allah swt bless you.

We are in a time of crisis, and as a student of fiqh myself, I can tell you that Islam puts the sanctity of life foremost in these kinds of disasters. The plague which we are being hit with has had precedence in Islamic history, and yes places of gathering like masajid and bazaars were shut down at times.

Islam is a rational religion, it does not teach us to resist the state which only wishes the best for us and our families.

Please understand.

I respect Mufti Taqi Usmani immensely, he is one of my ideals. I always look to him for guidance, but at this point I disagree.

Maybe he knows something I do not, Allahu Alim, but I feel strongly that masajid must reman closed, esp in Ramazan.

We can use social media, live streaming, and video programs to continue our Islamic dawat and duroos.
Yes brother, thank you for the information. Many of the scholars I have seen from Syria and Palestine have been connected with Muslim Brotherhood, like Omar Suleman. That is why I am wary of scholars from Levant in general. The Egyptian Ikhwan is still a bit better.

He seems a decent guy, and I have no issue with Barelvis. I am actually a follower of Sufism myself, which I learned so much of from my contacts with Turkish and Pakistani scholars.

I am primarily a follower of Dr. Israr Ahmad, Rahmat Allah alayh. I have met him numerous times before his death. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon.

My dear brother, I did not follow your full conversation but I am glad to see that you have mercy in your heart. May Allah swt bless you.

We are in a time of crisis, and as a student of fiqh myself, I can tell you that Islam puts the sanctity of life foremost in these kinds of disasters. The plague which we are being hit with has had precedence in Islamic history, and yes places of gathering like masajid and bazaars were shut down at times.

Islam is a rational religion, it does not teach us to resist the state which only wishes the best for us and our families.

Please understand.

I respect Mufti Taqi Usmani immensely, he is one of my ideals. I always look to him for guidance, but at this point I disagree.

Maybe he knows something I do not, Allahu Alim, but I feel strongly that masajid must reman closed, esp in Ramazan.

We can use social media, live streaming, and video programs to continue our Islamic dawat and duroos.

Life? Isnt the controller of Life and Death, Allah only? Humans can only reduce the suffering of the humans body through science and meds but when was the last time, life was in the hands of people?

Dont you think its shirk to even consider that this virus can kill u when we all know life and death is only from the Creator?

I dont follow anyone, I just read the Quran with translation multiple times and I dont feel like I need someone to tell me on Religion when I believe I received guidance straight from Allahs words Through the Quran. Its Allah who guides and gives Wisdom to whom He wills.

So are you saying that you can get a virus from Allahs house of worship? I thought through Allah we find comfort and protection but youre saying its dangerous to be in Allahs house because there is a virus going around? Doesnt that sound like weak iman?
Life? Isnt the controller of Life and Death, Allah only? Humans can only reduce the suffering of the humans body through science and meds but when was the last time, life was in the hands of people?

Dont you think its shirk to even consider that this virus can kill u when we all know life and death is only from the Creator?

I dont follow anyone, I just read the Quran with translation multiple times and I dont feel like I need someone to tell me on Religion when I believe I received guidance straight from Allahs words Through the Quran. Its Allah who guides and gives Wisdom to whom He wills.

So are you saying that you can get a virus from Allahs house of worship? I thought through Allah we find comfort and protection but youre saying its dangerous to be in Allahs house because there is a virus going around? Doesnt that sound like weak iman?

Ofcourse life and death is in the hands of Allah swt, but that does not mean you don't take precautions.

As hadith of Peygamber saws says "tie your camel"
Ofcourse life and death is in the hands of Allah swt, but that does not mean you don't take precautions.

As hadith of Peygamber saws says "tie your camel"

This is the problem people pick and choose what fits their narrative.

What about other hadiths like the one where it says go meet the sick people and treat them if you can? Instead of following this hadith, we are doing the opposite, running away from People.

Now youre going to tell me that hadith says wherever there is a plague stay away from that place but the plague is in the whole world. Where are you going to hide it from?

What about the hadith that says dying from a plague is martyrdom?

So like I said pick and choose what fits your narrative but have this in mind at one point in time, every single place of worship was shut down in this world. The doors of Allahs houses are still closed. Its a shame our own Muslims have been blinded by this virus into shutting down our Mosques.
So are you saying that you can get a virus from Allahs house of worship? I thought through Allah we find comfort and protection but youre saying its dangerous to be in Allahs house because there is a virus going around? Doesnt that sound like weak iman?
US has lockdown going on. Mosques in US are closed too are they not? Did you not follow that or what?
ask him if death is in the hands of Allah then why is suicide and murder haram in Islam?

Suicide is haraam because you are not supposed to kill yourself and the life Allah has given you.

Murder is also haraam because you are not supposed to kill.

These two things dont change the reality of death because when death comes its in forms of excuses, if the person wasnt gonna be murdered, his death was still going to come in another fashion.

Its a loss for the one who chose to murder someone who already had their death calling them.

US has lockdown going on. Mosques in US are closed too are they not? Did you not follow that or what?

Yeah, surprisingly, Churches in the Bible States are still booming and when the government tried to stop them from churches they pulled out their guns.

Shame Christians have more faith than so called the best ummah on Earth.
Yeah, surprisingly, Churches in the Bible States are still booming and when the government tried to stop them from churches they pulled out their guns.

Shame Christians have more faith than so called the best ummah on Earth
I asked you a question, did you not follow the lockdown in US or what?
I asked you a question, did you not follow the lockdown in US or what?

Im not a sheep, ive been out here working everyday. Not once I have not gone to work in this pandemic and in NYC at that. When the virus was at its peak I was working in the streets of Manhattan.

And still been praying in the Mosque even if I had to drive 30 mins to it.

Not all are sheep.

Im not a sheep, ive been out here working everyday. Not once I have not gone to work in this pandemic and in NYC at that. When the virus was at its peak I was working in the streets of Manhattan.

Oh and I have never worn a mask or gloves. When i know no calamity can touch me without Allahs permission why should I be scared? and if Allah has willed calamity in my body or life, no mask or glove can save me from that as well.

And still been praying in the Mosque even if I had to drive 30 mins to it.

Not all are sheep.
This is the problem people pick and choose what fits their narrative.

What about other hadiths like the one where it says go meet the sick people and treat them if you can? Instead of following this hadith, we are doing the opposite, running away from People.

Now youre going to tell me that hadith says wherever there is a plague stay away from that place but the plague is in the whole world. Where are you going to hide it from?

What about the hadith that says dying from a plague is martyrdom?

So like I said pick and choose what fits your narrative but have this in mind at one point in time, every single place of worship was shut down in this world. The doors of Allahs houses are still closed. Its a shame our own Muslims have been blinded by this virus into shutting down our Mosques.

Are you a Salafi?
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