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Pakistan can offer '30% less' price on warships to Qatar

The best use of Nuclear weapon is to 'eliminate the need of its utilization'
If you go that way think of the retaliation that comes,We survive you wont.Be pragmatic not Jingoistic.
If you go that way think of the retaliation that comes,We survive you wont.Be pragmatic not Jingoistic.

Mr. read and understand what is said ..... otherwise restrain to term others what u think .....
Mr. read and understand what is said ..... otherwise restrain to term others what u think .....
well my bad,we wont have these nukes if settled our borders don't we? or you want an eternal struggle?Think pragmatic.
F22P looks fantastic


For that discount level I can get 2 F22P for protection of my private yacht
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Then why don't you make peace with us India ,Seal the border,Accept LAC as International Border.You would divert your army budget elsewhere and better your economy?For us it's not an issue as we can afford it.
Mr no peace with you guys you are nothing but .................. and their can be no peace with you
I am sure they should look towards having a 1100 Ton vessel with 16 Cell-VLS launcher equipped with Anit Aircraft and Anti Ship Missiles along with Torpedo tubes on either sides...

F22P looks fantastic


For that discount level I can get 2 F22P for protection of my private yacht

I am hopeful PN would be upgrading their F-22P to have 2 X 16-Cell VLS based launchers one equipped with Anti Aircraft Missiles and other with Anti Ship and Cruise Missiles.

Also there is need to produce more Block-II version of F-22P and also of the FAC we have...
How much $$$ are you spending on a useless nuke program where nukes will NEVER EVER be used? Spend whatever little you've got on conventional platforms instead. :azn:
They are in use even today, just not physically. But their presence has kepi your army at bay. Its a fact that had we not had the nukes, ur army had not waited this long. Now all they do is shout from a distance.
They are in use even today, just not physically. But their presence has kepi your army at bay. Its a fact that had we not had the nukes, ur army had not waited this long. Now all they do is shout from a distance.
You don't need a thousand nukes for it. There's a thing called 'Minimum Nuclear Deterrence'. But you guys have opted for 'Maximum nuke deterrence' which is a total waste of resources! Period!
Do You guys have experience with warships other than F 22P? If yes, please give the details. If you guys really can make it,one would think of giving them to PN before exports.

I understand you were replying to the sarcasm in that post,but India has been designing and building destroyers,frigates,corvettes,patrol boats,tankers,training vessels,survey ships,submarines and aircraft carriers on its own. Which one of these have you been "doing for a long time?".

Pakistan offer (Larkana class Gun boats), (Jalalat II class and Jurrat class Missie boat), (PNS Gwader class Coastal Tankers), (PNS Rasadgar class Small Tanker Cum Utility Ship) and so many on and on
You don't need a thousand nukes for it. There's a thing called 'Minimum Nuclear Deterrence'. But you guys have opted for 'Maximum nuke deterrence' which is a total waste of resources! Period!
And yet again, nicely putting it my friend. The day Pakistan would need to listen to Indians about our matter we shall let you know. Thanks but no thanks.
Pakistan offer (Larkana class Gun boats), (Jalalat II class and Jurrat class Missie boat), (PNS Gwader class Coastal Tankers), (PNS Rasadgar class Small Tanker Cum Utility Ship) and so many on and on
Thanks for that,can you provide the specs of those ships with other details.
Mr no peace with you guys you are nothing but .................. and their can be no peace with you
suit yourself, dig a bigger hole for yourselves then ,cos that is where your economy is going.
pakistan can only make the hull of the ship, the compartments etc. but not the things that truly matter i.e propulsion system, combat systems, radars, electronic and electrical systems used in the ships and so on....hum sirf chhilka bana skty hain, usky ander ka saaman phir kisi aur sy khareedna paray ga.
and i agree with a comment earlier that said that f22p is a corvette. bhai only 8 SAMs and those have a very small range.
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