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Pakistan can offer '30% less' price on warships to Qatar

Why don't you share this intelligence with your own government? Is india planning to use it's nukes?

How much $$$ are you spending on a useless nuke program where nukes will NEVER EVER be used? Spend whatever little you've got on conventional platforms instead. :azn:
Why don't you share this intelligence with your own government? Is india planning to use it's nukes?
Nope! We have a 'no first use policy' unlike Pakistan which refuses to have one.

We have nukes just sufficient for MINIMUM credible deterrence. Pakistan has the fastest growing nuke arsenal in the world, much more than what is needed.

That's the difference! So, as I said, have minimum credible deterrence and not go overboard by producing nukes that are far more than needed. The extra $$$ being spent on an over-saturated deterrence can be better utilized buying conventional weapons instead as there are zero chances for a nuclear war.

Producing more nukes than required for credible deterrence is a case of diminishing returns.
Nope! We have a 'no first use policy' unlike Pakistan which refuses to have one.

We have nukes just sufficient for MINIMUM credible deterrence. Pakistan has the fastest growing nuke arsenal in the world, much more than what is needed.

That's the difference! So, as I said, have minimum credible deterrence and not go overboard by producing nukes that are far more than needed. The extra $$$ being spent on an over-saturated deterrence can be better utilized buying conventional weapons instead as there are zero chances for a nuclear war.

Producing more nukes than required for credible deterrence is a case of diminishing returns.
That is a positive development, and they should continue increasing their nuclear arsenal.
That is our call to determine what is minimum credible deterrence, which in turn depends on the size of the enemy. I consider a 9mm adequate for a two-legged animal, .45 sufficient for the same, but useless against a bull. get my point?

Nope! We have a 'no first use policy' unlike Pakistan which refuses to have one.

We have nukes just sufficient for MINIMUM credible deterrence. Pakistan has the fastest growing nuke arsenal in the world, much more than what is needed.

That's the difference! So, as I said, have minimum credible deterrence and not go overboard by producing nukes that are far more than needed. The extra $$$ being spent on an over-saturated deterrence can be better utilized buying conventional weapons instead as there are zero chances for a nuclear war.

Producing more nukes than required for credible deterrence is a case of diminishing returns.
Do You guys have experience with warships other than F 22P? If yes, please give the details. If you guys really can make it,one would think of giving them to PN before exports.

putar what you claim to be doing now, we have done it already long time ago
read some Pakistani history
I understand you were replying to the sarcasm in that post,but India has been designing and building destroyers,frigates,corvettes,patrol boats,tankers,training vessels,survey ships,submarines and aircraft carriers on its own. Which one of these have you been "doing for a long time?".
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putar what you claim to be doing now, we have done it already long time ago
read some Pakistani history

Read the article again, it says it is 'currently' doing ship breaking only. Have you ever build any destroyers?

the country today is known more for its ship-breaking industry at Gadani than its modern facilities at the KSEW.

Sarcastic behaviour is really pathetic as always. If you were not thick in the head then you would know that ships are classed by beneficiary country rather than country of its origin.

Really, google again..there is always a 'class' for the manufacturing country.

For Eg:- Austin-Class(USA) landing ship is INSJalashwa
Kumbhir class landing ships are medium amphibious warfare vessels of the Indian Navy. They are variants of the Polish Polnocny class landing ships
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Read the article again, it says it is 'currently' doing ship breaking only. Have you ever build any destroyers?

Really, google again..there is always a 'class' for the manufacturing country.

For Eg:- Austin-Class(USA) landing ship is INSJalashwa
Kumbhir class landing ships are medium amphibious warfare vessels of the Indian Navy. They are variants of the Polish Polnocny class landing ships

I dont even want bother writing a comment as you clearly didnt understand what i wrote earlier.
That is our call to determine what is minimum credible deterrence, which in turn depends on the size of the enemy. I consider a 9mm adequate for a two-legged animal, .45 sufficient for the same, but useless against a bull. get my point?
Wow! We're bulls!! Yay! :sarcastic:


Get the fook outta my way!! Or........:lol:
great pics and best of luck .. we have ability but no fund s :(

Kya baat hai yaar I am impressed that even china imported from you
Those were the glory days
WTF happens where did you messed up

bas kr yaar .. roolay ga kia ;(
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no dear it was our Pathan Ayub khan who let the CIA in (b2 spy plane incidence with the USSR) then it was the chamar, dalit, achoot, shudar, from Jalandhar India, name Zia-ul-Haq who further gave bought CIA into Pakistan during the afghan war against the soviet's ,followed by Musharraf Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto did not like U.S in fact he was pro China & wanted to improve ties with the USSR
ps : as a PPP jiyala the only military dictator that you can say that i don't hate is Musharraf but I hate his Kragil misadventure, other then that I have no issues with him

Mate i belong from a family who struggle for Pakistan and we were politically very sound and during 1930-46 my great grand father was having practice in Calcutta and in his house Quiad-e-Azam meet Mr. Suhrawardy (for everyone info, both were Lawyers) and then he merge his party into ML and for the first time PL win Elections and made govt in Bangal. We also was actively involve in politics in Pakistan till 1989 (Year my father die) and we know all the history and if you know that very well then tell me how Nawab Kalabagh die? don't come up with Media version or Govt. version. Also please told me about how Bhutto stop Mr. Yahya and how he stop Mujeeb to become PM? And about Zia i know one thing which all Muslim always dream about (he can go inside Hazrat Muhammad PBUH grave any time without any one permission and he can take anyone with him) and one person i know went inside with him told me about that. Bhutto was a cursed and he damage Pakistan like any thing. Don't go with text book knowledge and you must know that Mr. M.M. Ali and Mr. Suhrawardy start Pak-China friendship and Mr. Sharwardi was first PM who made first official visit to China and on that time China was very close to India and our all think tanks opposed this visit and even told Mr. Suhrawardy that they will kill you and our text books still tell this lie that Bhutto start this relation with China

Major events in China-Pakistan ties - China.org.cn

Now back to topic
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Mr its part of Navy Plan Mr they have made the plan but problem is our economy that is why I said this this man is saying on 30 % less cost sir and don't worry soon we would get that but unfortunately it would be again Saudi Arabia and UAE paying for our weapon deals because our current government is not even close to improving economy
Then why don't you make peace with us India ,Seal the border,Accept LAC as International Border.You would divert your army budget elsewhere and better your economy?For us it's not an issue as we can afford it.
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