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Pakistan buys Chinese subs to counter India 'threats'

Pakistan can never be an Indian ally until India cedes Kashmir to it , we can be on good terms but never an ally , even if we become educated and religious differences disappear Kashmir will always be a thorn in Indo-Pak relations . We won't give up on Kashmir and you won't give it to us!

Exactly, as long as they keep oppressing Pakistanis just because they are 7 times bigger Pak will never become India's ally.
@bolo, Chinese-Dragon is right. I couldn't have said it better myself.

Well here's the thing , just because you've improved on some weapons does that mean the older ones are obsolete? It can still be useful against you in a conflict even if it's o1 generation behind?
Well here's the thing , just because you've improved on some weapons does that mean the older ones are obsolete? It can still be useful against you in a conflict even if it's o1 generation behind?
Well, the thing here is also, irrespect of tech transfer or hardware, be it obsolete or advanced, they can still use it against us. So, well, if they are smart enough to improve on the tech transfer, and we happen to be their enemy? Why can't they just transfer/sell the tech to some Cracked Pot Jihadis to destabilize China?
Of course, if we do not transfer the tech, they can also procure it from another source. All in all, I would say, we shouldn't transfer any tech to any country, be it our best neighbor or the best of friends.
Why drop rocks on our own feet?
@Genesis, @tranquilium, @TheTruth, @Fattyacids, Please share your insights.

I believe we will, these tech are very good, for what it is, but I suspect China will switch to an all nuclear submarine force in the future, like the US, for one thing we will have a ton of Carriers and conventional subs can't do the work, they also can't go far, which is a big no no.

The Chinese admiral speculated that there will be 20 nuclear attack subs by 2030, while this is not a confirmation, but it is the logical step if you think about in terms of technology, need and funding.
Why aren't we looking to build more Agosta 90Bs ? What was the point of getting the TOT if we were only planning on building 3 subs ?
TOT was for AIP as i remember. But still if we have AIP tech why dont we use it in 70 class and procure and install ourselves?
Well here's the thing , just because you've improved on some weapons does that mean the older ones are obsolete? It can still be useful against you in a conflict even if it's o1 generation behind?

Pakistan-China alliance is 60+ years old, you are paranoid to say the least. We have been sharing nuclear and missile tech, subs are nothing compared to that. There is zero chance of conflict since it's not just the government but the people of Pakistan that have a deep respect and love for China. Are you living in some western country by any chance?
Pakistan-China alliance is 60+ years old, you are paranoid to say the least. We have been sharing nuclear and missile tech, subs are nothing compared to that. There is zero chance of conflict since it's not just the government but the people of Pakistan that have a deep respect and love for China. Are you living in some western country by any chance?
The US, England are strategic partners and allies, but they do not share latest tech transfer with one another. US does not offer their newest subs , fighters ,aircraft carrier to their most trusted allies.
The US, England are strategic partners and allies, but they do not share latest tech transfer with one another. US does not offer their newest subs , fighters ,aircraft carrier to their most trusted allies.

True. However, we work very differently than the west. A preliminary study of the relationship between Pakistan and China will help you a lot, namely; what Pakistan gave to China when China was down under and then what China gave to Pakistan when Pakistan was down under.
knock knock, a pak sub in china ;)


9-12 months was official quote. meaning 6 subs by 2021-2022 if time table is followed whihc hasnt been case uptill now in any indian defence project
project 75 is tender for 6 subs with option of another 6 thats the reason for 12 billion price tag for diesel electric sub. diseal electric subs are prced from 500 million to 800-900 million at hghest

Stop making up facts here, will ya.

1. The only official quote was 9m gap(plz provide me a source for ur 9-12m gap claim, if u hv any) .

2. There is no option for 6 more follow in Project 75(Again, luv to see source of ur claim for follow on).

3. Project 75 was contract of $3 billion for 6 scorpenes in 2005.

4.Project 75I is a new tender of $12 billion for 6 subs only which would be bigger n more adavanced then Scropenes n equipped with a VLS system to launch Brahmos n AIP.
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