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Pakistan Army's T-129 ATAK Helicopter Deal | Updates & Discussions.

Once Pakistan and Turkey have discussed on option of AH1W Super Cobras upgraded with TAI/Aselsan. It was meant to act as stop gap measure. But again, it was American Dependent approach and didn't go through.
Even with Z-10ME, the heavyweight requirement will remain. This might lead to joining the ATAK 2 or AW249, unless the US subsidizes the AH-1Z.
MI 28 is being offered by Russia in my opinion it should be considered @Tipu7
No. We have refused Mi28.
Even with Z-10ME, the heavyweight requirement will remain. This might lead to joining the ATAK 2 or AW249, unless the US subsidizes the AH-1Z.
I guess the picture will be clear after July when fate of T129 will finalize.
Even with Z-10ME, the heavyweight requirement will remain. This might lead to joining the ATAK 2 or AW249, unless the US subsidizes the AH-1Z.
Aw249 looks promising PAA can invest in both of two turkish and Italian. What U think if PAA opted Aw249 when we will get first copy?? I mean along Z10ME it's look promising.
Aw249 looks promising PAA can invest in both of two turkish and Italian. What U think if PAA opted Aw249 when we will get first copy?? I mean along Z10ME it's look promising.
Compared to the PAF and PN, the Pakistan Army generally always has available options, if not from the West, then certainly from China. Moreover, the Army seems to keep the gap between setting a requirement and acquiring the solution short, definitely compared to the PAF/PN.

So, as far as I can see, any chance of waiting for a joint-venture or some new helicopter is out of the picture, unless it fits into a complementary, non-urgent -- but still important long-term -- need.

In other words, the PAA will opt for the Z-10ME, unless the LHTEC engine clears for the T129 (in which case, it'll stick with the T129). And if the AH-1Z does not come, the PAA may consider waiting on a next-gen heavyweight attack helicopter, such as ATAK-2, AW249, or China's solution.
Q. What will soon ATAK 19 will have common with FN SCAR?

A. A lot of supporters on PDF but nothing on the ground while Chinese have the last laugh
But it has more to do with us opting to keep importing things than working on our own solutions (or joint-ventures), no? It's as if we're opting to maintain a dependency on outsiders.
Pakistan to buy Chinese attack helicopters if Turkey and US fail to deliver
Gareth Jennings, London - Jane's Defence Weekly
27 February 2020
Pakistan will procure the Chinese-built Z-10 attack helicopter if Turkey and the United States fail to deliver on their orders of the T-129 and AH-1Z respectively, a senior offer said on 26 February.

Speaking at the IQPC International Military Helicopter conference in London, the commander of Pakistan's Army Aviation, Major General Syed Najeeb Ahmed, said that the Changhe Aircraft Industries Corporation (CAIC) Z-10ME "remains an option" if the Turkish Aerospace T-129 and Bell AH-1Z Viper prove to be unobtainable for different reasons.

The Pakistan Army has a pressing need to replace its 32 ageing Bell AH-1 Cobra helicopters that have been in service for more than 30 years, with Gen Ahmed's predecessor, Major General Nasir D Shah, telling Jane's and other defence media in January 2018, "The AH-1 helicopters have provided effective close support for our ground forces engaged in counterinsurgency [COIN] operations, but they cannot be employed effectively in high-altitude operations above 8,000 ft."

In the near-term, the army partially offset these limitations with the four Mil Mi-35s that it ordered from Russian some years ago, and which were delivered to the country in late 2017. Further to the Mi-35s, it evaluated the AH-1Z, T-129, and the Z-10 attack helicopters.

In January 2016 it was announced that Bell had been awarded a contract for 12 AH-1Zs, and in April 2017 Jane's reported that the first three of 12 would be delivered in mid‐2017, with a second order to follow. However, the aircraft were yet to be delivered, and while there has been no official statement concerning reasons for delay it is understood to result from the current strained Pakistan-US relations.

Pakistan to buy Chinese attack helicopters if Turkey and US fail to deliver
Gareth Jennings, London - Jane's Defence Weekly
27 February 2020
Pakistan will procure the Chinese-built Z-10 attack helicopter if Turkey and the United States fail to deliver on their orders of the T-129 and AH-1Z respectively, a senior offer said on 26 February.

Speaking at the IQPC International Military Helicopter conference in London, the commander of Pakistan's Army Aviation, Major General Syed Najeeb Ahmed, said that the Changhe Aircraft Industries Corporation (CAIC) Z-10ME "remains an option" if the Turkish Aerospace T-129 and Bell AH-1Z Viper prove to be unobtainable for different reasons.

The Pakistan Army has a pressing need to replace its 32 ageing Bell AH-1 Cobra helicopters that have been in service for more than 30 years, with Gen Ahmed's predecessor, Major General Nasir D Shah, telling Jane's and other defence media in January 2018, "The AH-1 helicopters have provided effective close support for our ground forces engaged in counterinsurgency [COIN] operations, but they cannot be employed effectively in high-altitude operations above 8,000 ft."

In the near-term, the army partially offset these limitations with the four Mil Mi-35s that it ordered from Russian some years ago, and which were delivered to the country in late 2017. Further to the Mi-35s, it evaluated the AH-1Z, T-129, and the Z-10 attack helicopters.

In January 2016 it was announced that Bell had been awarded a contract for 12 AH-1Zs, and in April 2017 Jane's reported that the first three of 12 would be delivered in mid‐2017, with a second order to follow. However, the aircraft were yet to be delivered, and while there has been no official statement concerning reasons for delay it is understood to result from the current strained Pakistan-US relations.

Any chance for TOT???
Question is really simple?
why Pakistan is not using diplomatic links to convince the USA?
2nd why we are not considering western engines for T-129.

An other option is very simple may be that's work, if we cancel the T-129 deal and go for AH-1Z from USA directly.
Buy American Cobras than they will release 12 Cobras
Question is really simple?
why Pakistan is not using diplomatic links to convince the USA?
2nd why we are not considering western engines for T-129.

An other option is very simple may be that's work, if we cancel the T-129 deal and go for AH-1Z from USA directly.
Buy American Cobras than they will release 12 Cobras

Trump Administration sanctioned Bell Helicopters and TAI. You can wait until July 2020, result will be the same.

One option, if Imran Khan visits Washington and listen to Trump and withdraw support for various organizations, the US considers as terrorists organizations. Mike Pompeo visited Pakistan, met his counterpart and explained this to his Counterpart. Pakistan also has China baggage with them. Politically and financially challenging situations for US to support foreign military sale when China directly involved in political matters within Pakistan. IMF recently advised Pakistan to reduce dependence on China. Pakistan needs to think about greater goods for Pakistan, not China. The US has given Pakistan almost $33 billion aid since 2002. The US currently withhold $800 million Security Aid to Pakistan.

Pakistan intends to procure Chinese Z-10 attack helicopter following sanctions by the US: https://www.globaldefensecorp.com/2...ard-china-for-attack-helicopter-requirements/
Kill this deal asap before any more time is wasted. Do we need another decade gone before we learn from our mistakes??? if we keep following so called experts who make people believe such sanction proof weapons are viable then they are definately no experts.. just freelance bloggers with to much free time
Trump Administration sanctioned Bell Helicopters and TAI. You can wait until July 2020, result will be the same.

One option, if Imran Khan visits Washington and listen to Trump and withdraw support for various organizations, the US considers as terrorists organizations. Mike Pompeo visited Pakistan, met his counterpart and explained this to his Counterpart. Pakistan also has China baggage with them. Politically and financially challenging situations for US to support foreign military sale when China directly involved in political matters within Pakistan. IMF recently advised Pakistan to reduce dependence on China. Pakistan needs to think about greater goods for Pakistan, not China. The US has given Pakistan almost $33 billion aid since 2002. The US currently withhold $800 million Security Aid to Pakistan.

Pakistan intends to procure Chinese Z-10 attack helicopter following sanctions by the US: https://www.globaldefensecorp.com/2...ard-china-for-attack-helicopter-requirements/
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