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Pakistan army warns of ‘disproportionate response’ in future wars

I was about to write a response to your previous query and than saw this. I suggest its best we open a new thread and discuss this matter in detail. Previously, we have discussed it in bits and pieces but i believe an important topic like this deserves a separate thread.
Why not you open it then. Any Indian opening such thread is straight away a troll fist.
It would be better if any TT or MoD did it.
First of I'm not Pakistan, 2nd I have no idea why or why not China didn't attack India in the 70's, 3rd China still consider the South Tibet to be their territory and who know in the future China will use all it mean to retake it when the time is right.

well dear thing is china ...why will it attack india in the first place as it looses more than gaining ...chinese are not fools they are pretty smart all they can do is a little intrusions here and there along the himalayas had they been thinking like pakistani genrrals they would have run over us way back in 1970s when we were very weak and they had a new friend in USA under nixon but now scenario is tottally different and they know very well what awaits them if ever they go to attck india cause if they do india will make sure china dosent survives as we all know it today no dought india will also perish but so will china and biggest gainer will be USA withowt firing a single bullet

now the thread is about india pakistan war over kashmir well my little freind pakistani establishment knows the ground realities and the strnths of india and the actiual ground postion of pakistan armed forces

this latest episode of NS threatning india with 4th war is onli a diversion for diverting pakistani populations focus from the real problems of pakistan ...first bring your own house in order then think of eliminating us other wise you will never know what brought your nation down
well here is the differnce between pakistani and indian thinking you can lease/sell(parts of Azad Kashmir , balouchistan & Gilgit -balistan) your land to china & west for money and wepons and so called strategick gains but we indians dont do that yes we lost land to china in 1962 but that was 51 years back a lot of wter has since then flown and now if china tries to capture owr territory by force we will retaliate and thats pricesliy why they run back ebery time they make an incursion....they know that there is a difference between india and pakistan ..but the thing is pakistan can do nothing about it than just sulk ...so get your own house in order than to think of ways to finish us cause the fires burning in your own house are enof to destroy you ...hope u got my point sir
Don't look down on us. don't think about crossing border otherwise water o indus river will change to red with Indian blood. You will regret it.
iran,usa etc periodically cross your border and nothing happened.,,who knows we may loose some major cities but we shall present the world with a new desert called the great pakistan desert.
First of I'm not Pakistan, 2nd I have no idea why or why not China didn't attack India in the 70's, 3rd China still consider the South Tibet to be their territory and who know in the future China will use all it mean to retake it when the time is right.
ok where are you from then

secondli china would have run over us long back but now its owt of the question and chinese leadership know is pretty well why ......now the thing is we are not a bana republick that will surrender to chinas bullying us over so called "south tibet" as tibet itself is not chinas it was captured by china in 1950 but if china wants to attcks india it can try whats stopping it ...good luck with that :cheers:
Don't be mad at you or the jingoists?:D

Please don't be mad at me :)

It sucks that every Indo-Pak thread usually ends up nowhere, just lke our diplomatic dialogues, and I am aware India is not blameless,

But I do ask for more understanding. And I will do likewise =)
I'm from US, there hardly any winner in any war. Who know what China willing to lose in other to take back South Tibet.

ok where are you from then

secondli china would have run over us long back but now its owt of the question and chinese leadership know is pretty well why ......now the thing is we are not a bana republick that will surrender to chinas bullying us over so called "south tibet" as tibet itself is not chinas it was captured by china in 1950 but if china wants to attcks india it can try whats stopping it ...good luck with that :cheers:
Please don't be mad at me :)

It sucks that every Indo-Pak thread usually ends up nowhere, just lke our diplomatic dialogues, and I am aware India is not blameless,

But I do ask for more understanding. And I will do likewise =)

No i don't get mad at people just because they belong from a certain place no matter. I have seen you're posts and responses and you are one of the few sane Indians on the forum whom i respect :)

It tells hindus who's the boss in the region.

Pakistan Military Machine, with deep roots in Islamic ideological framework, should give Disproportionate Response to any hindu misadventure to show them their right place.

Now I understand all that military build-up...

Cruise missiles, air-launched nuclear cruise missiles, hyper-sonic weapon systems, battle-field nuclear quasi-ballistic weapons, JF-17s, upgradation of F-16s, new sophisticated tanks like Al-Khalid-1, A-100 MRLS, and all those massive exercises in air, sea, and on land right at indian borders.

Hindu must be crying b/c they can't oppress and murder indian Muslims now..

Pakistan military, deeply rooted in Islamic ideological frame work, keeps indian hindus from mass slaughtering/oppressing indian muslims...and give it a few years, Indian Muslims will become an irreversible force in India with 250 million+ people, Inshallah!!!

Hindu-nationalists have no choice. That is why they are crazy for mody..but even he'll won't be able to do anything..

We will soon get our incomplete portion of Kashmir.

Stop taking over-dose of cow piss. I know you are a hindu and its your religious obligation to drink cow piss..but please, have some control :lol:
No i don't get mad at people just because they belong from a certain place no matter. I have seen you're posts and responses and you are one of the few sane Indians on the forum whom i respect :)

I live outside of India so.... I am one of the few ones who escaped the insanity. Trash talking on the internet achieves nothing.

I tend to read the more 'saner' Pakistani posters. So I have a more positive view now.
take care
Mr when you don't know something than please remain quite @Alfa-Fighter ask your coward army to show balls and do something if you are that mighty

Why you want to see our IA balls???lol.:p::p::p::mad::mad::o::o::o:o_Oo_Oo_O:what::what::what:.. PA +terrorists seen those balls Kargil.... in 71 licked same balls for mercy...

It tells hindus who's the boss in the region.


How does it say that? If anything it shows how insecure Pakistan is, they know they can't face India in a conventional warfare anymore, and now only have one last trick up its sleeve, the nuke.
With Pakistani PM giving comments like that and MMS replying in similar tone, I don't know where are sane people in the sub-continent.

right here Krate, but our chances of rising to power are -1%
How does it say that? If anything it shows how insecure Pakistan is, they know they can't face India in a conventional warfare anymore, and now only have one last trick up its sleeve, the nuke.

Israel also follows the policy of 'disproportionate response' ...are they insecure too? :rofl:

Smaller, but "bossy", powers (in terms of land, area etc) often deploy this methodology to keep their bigger neighbors under their boots.

Pakistan is doing the same here. :cheers:

Also, by doing this, the Pakistan military which is deeply rooted in Islamic ideological thought, will keep indian hindus from mass slaughtering/oppressing indian muslims...make sure that indian Muslims become an irreversible force in India by crossing the 250 million+ mark by 2030-35, Inshallah!!!

So, we have to keep india and hindu-nationalists at bay for 22 years more..and this doctrine perfectly fits into the strategic picture.
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