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Pakistan army warns of ‘disproportionate response’ in future wars

China fully military modernization cover from sea, land, space, nuclear. China focus on the US, if China can handle the US on the high sea, you think India can handle China one on one?
China fully military modernization cover from sea, land, space, nuclear. China focus on the US, if China can handle the US on the high sea, you think India can handle China one on one?
India is border with China, as India use your bigger landmass and large population to intimidate Pakistan, China can apply the same intimidation to India.
China fully military modernization cover from sea, land, space, nuclear. China focus on the US, if China can handle the US on the high sea, you think India can handle China one on one?
well are you ignoering indias might well as for china taking on USA that is a joke china cant even control Japan or S korea or even Taiwan it(china) is a bully and we indians very well how to deal with it we dont have to fight it just make owrself more strong in time china will have to make peace with us deu to trade relations and geo politicks as being a good freind with india serves its purposes more than india being its enemy hope you understand ..thanks
China fully military modernization cover from sea, land, space, nuclear. China focus on the US, if China can handle the US on the high sea, you think India can handle China one on one?

Chinese and Indians have chance of clash in Himalayas and in IOR, In both the regions India has the advantage of terrain and supply lines.
US is backing both Japan and S.Korea, Taiwan. Without US in the future war between Japan and China, you think Japan would stand a chance?

China is different from the US, China fight a war to achieve their objective without worrying about human life or rebuild another nation. Total war with China, India can win again China in term of convention or nuclear warfare.

US is backing both Japan and S.Korea, Taiwan. Without US in the future war between Japan and China, you think Japan would stand a chance?

China is different from the US, China fight a war to achieve their objective without worrying about human life or rebuild another nation. Total war with China, India can't win again China in term of convention or nuclear warfare.
US is backing both Japan and S.Korea, Taiwan. Without US in the future war between Japan and China, you think Japan would stand a chance?
ok fair enof but why will US not support Japan , Taiwan , S korea and give its best harware to them as it can control china there which is trying hard to take USAs place on the Top Table when china can use pakistan and sri lanka and bangladesh and mayanmar to an extend to control indian influence in arabian sea , indian ocean and bay of bengal.....well sir world is not black or white there are more gray areas than black and white combined and thats priciesly why china is not running over S korea , japan or even taiwan though it desperatelli wants to
Any problem in Pakistan...they say nuke India :lol: . What kind of war doctrine is this?
Just like India worry about China encroach into India sphere of influence and India strategic within South Asia, India will do it's best within it mean to prevent this to happen, India would use military intimidation to force other to toe India line if India possess the superiority in Military.

ok fair enof but why will US not support Japan , Taiwan , S korea and give its best harware to them as it can control china there which is trying hard to take USAs place on the Top Table when china can use pakistan and sri lanka and bangladesh and mayanmar to an extend to control indian influence in arabian sea , indian ocean and bay of bengal.....well sir world is not black or white there are more gray areas than black and white combined and thats priciesly why china is not running over S korea , japan or even taiwan though it desperatelli wants to
China is different from the US, China fight a war to achieve their objective without worrying about human life or rebuild another nation. Total war with China, India can win again China in term of convention or nuclear warfare.
well dear thing is china ...why will it attack india in the first place as it looses more than gaining ...chinese are not fools they are pretty smart all they can do is a little intrusions here and there along the himalayas had they been thinking like pakistani genrrals they would have run over us way back in 1970s when we were very weak and they had a new friend in USA under nixon but now scenario is tottally different and they know very well what awaits them if ever they go to attck india cause if they do india will make sure china dosent survives as we all know it today no dought india will also perish but so will china and biggest gainer will be USA withowt firing a single bullet

now the thread is about india pakistan war over kashmir well my little freind pakistani establishment knows the ground realities and the strnths of india and the actiual ground postion of pakistan armed forces

this latest episode of NS threatning india with 4th war is onli a diversion for diverting pakistani populations focus from the real problems of pakistan ...first bring your own house in order then think of eliminating us other wise you will never know what brought your nation down
I have a suggestion.
Start a new thread on this very topic, yet pose questions in simple short sentences.

Why does Pakistan/Pakistani's think that India would give up Kashmir or Siachen.

I think we may move forward based on that!

I was about to write a response to your previous query and than saw this. I suggest its best we open a new thread and discuss this matter in detail. Previously, we have discussed it in bits and pieces but i believe an important topic like this deserves a separate thread.
Just like India worry about China encroach into India sphere of influence and India strategic within South Asia, India will do it's best within it mean to prevent this to happen, India would use military intimidation to force other to toe India line if India possess the superiority in Military.
well here is the differnce between pakistani and indian thinking you can lease/sell(parts of Azad Kashmir , balouchistan & Gilgit -balistan) your land to china & west for money and wepons and so called strategick gains but we indians dont do that yes we lost land to china in 1962 but that was 51 years back a lot of wter has since then flown and now if china tries to capture owr territory by force we will retaliate and thats pricesliy why they run back ebery time they make an incursion....they know that there is a difference between india and pakistan ..but the thing is pakistan can do nothing about it than just sulk ...so get your own house in order than to think of ways to finish us cause the fires burning in your own house are enof to destroy you ...hope u got my point sir
They might be concerned with their local issues but they don't forget to make Pakistan an issue for elections do they?? I never said they aren't concerned over their domestic issues just that they are more fixated with Pakistan then Pakistani leaders are with India. Secondly, i agree with that too but that one was directed to Indian internet warriors who claim they represent more than 2 billion people of you're country.

Pakistan issue playes well in the Hindi heartland.

In a state like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Pakistan issue gets no mileage at all.

The Hindi belt is NOT India, Just like Punjab is not the whole Pakistan. Why do Pakistanis tend to forget this???
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Pakistan issue playes well in the Hindi heartland.

In a state like Kerala, Pakistan gets no mileage at all.

The Hindi belt is NOT India, Just like Punjab is not the whole Pakistan

I am aware of that tidbit.

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