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Pakistan army says troops being sent to Saudi Arabia

Shias and Sunnis here don't have different political ideologies, loyalties and world views based on their sects like they do in the Middle East.

We hold great confidence in our Armed Forces and believe that whatever they do is in the best interests of the country.

At one time, we had 50,000 Pakistani Soldiers in overseas deployment; 20,000 of these were in Saudi Arabia alone. The Shias back then never complained why would they now?

Likewise, Pakistan supported Iran in the Iran-Iraq war; the Sunnis of Pakistan did not complain.

Our interests are not sectarian driven. We are supporting an ally, nothing more.

The fact that Pakistan is the most pro-Iran (according to surveys) country in the world, showcases that we don't pay attention to sects.
And Iran supported Pakistan in 1971 war.
Holy Quran, Surah al Maedah (bashing bani israel):

Ayas 29 to 32 & 82:

And his soul permitted to him the murder of his brother, so he killed him and became among the losers.

Then Allah sent a crow searching in the ground to show him how to hide the disgrace of his brother. He said, "O woe to me! Have I failed to be like this crow and hide the body of my brother?" And he became of the regretful.

Then Allah sent a crow searching in the ground to show him how to hide the disgrace of his brother. He said, "O woe to me! Have I failed to be like this crow and hide the body of my brother?" And he became of the regretful.

Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors.

You will find that the most people in enmity to the believers are the Jews and idolaters. {82}



LOL, I don't know man, I think kinda like what happened in here .

you should never have blinked........ the moment you blink

BAM !"! the weed starts working lol
and i told you this is a Pakistani forum and if i have to be banned for using the nation's language then so be it....

i converse with people in a medium common to both of them. i speak 5 different languages but i prefer my national language.

did i write to you in Urdu? no i did not. respect the respect given to you as guests on the forum. if that is something new and cannot be appreciated. find an iranian forum for your own liking. i am sure the international community is dying to converse with iranians who basically are either cheerleading one faction of muslims killing other muslims and throwing fatwas on others.

now please behave !!
Ok but don’t quote me that “reported your post” when I put Ayas of Quran.

It is none of your business.


you should never have blinked........ the moment you blink

BAM !"! the weed starts working lol
Ok I enjoyed.

Btw former Shah’s quotes:

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Compared to the standards of Arab Armies; these Pakistani soldiers mean a lot.

I think Egypt want more for the soldiers so they can buy S-400 and couple of frigatte, it getting expensive so they are asking for Pakistani soldiers.
Ok but don’t quote me that “reported your post” when I put Ayas of Quran.

It is none of your business.

Ok I enjoyed.

i am glad we have a working relationship now... but then again you will threaten Pakistan with sectarian warfare which Mr. Kulbashan Yadev helped with... apparently we have documented proof as well

buddy you are way way way over your head with this...

so just walk away !!

simply walk away !!
Long Live Israel, The Creator and The Destroyer of History.
Long Live Israel, The Creator and The Destroyer of History.
You’re the most disgusting creature on this forum ever.

Soon you’ll get permanently banned as your previous ids @jammersat aka @Gothic got permanently banned. Btw change your flags to Afghanistan.
It was Imperial Iran I guess , Did I.R Iran Supported Pakistan in 1999 , 2002 standoff and 2008 Standoff? Like Pakistan Supported the Islamic republic of Iran
No because Pakistan and Saudi were allies.
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sending troops to saudia arabia is a horrible decision.look at saudia fm statement, they want normal relation with israel.this wahhabi regime is not only humiliating itself,it is humiliating entire world.everyone knows saudia army is a joke.they can't defend themselves.let them do whatever they want with israel.pakistan must better stay away from saudia because pakistan shares border with iran and iran helped pakistan lots of times.pakistan should better start good relations with turkey and iran rather than al jews or saudis.
nahhhhhhhh.... i wont support it.....
log apne apko aag laga lenge bhai lol
Iranian mod and turkish mod here why not any arab mod?

You’re the most disgusting creature on this forum ever.

I hope you get permanently banned @Gothic

No because Pakistan and Saudi were allies.
Hmm Interesting Logic.
Gech Kardam:what:
You’re the most disgusting creature on this forum ever.

I hope you get permanently banned @Gothic

No because Pakistan and Saudi were allies.
Why? Cause i don't portend like you guys that we all hate Israel so we can spew IRI's propaganda rhetoric "We Want To Wipe Israel Off The Map" here and use it as an excuse to spread our influence across the Middle East?
P.S: I'm not @Gothic.
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