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Pakistan and Israel

I hope most Pakistani people don't
share that opinion

Hitler was an @$$h0le in my Mind , Just a decoy that Zionists used to kill Jewish people to save Zionism ( Lusifarism )

The Mufti pf Jerusalem in 1943 was a friend of Hitler
to read more go to:
Jerusalem History in pictures: Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin el Husseini - World War 2

Let me show you something .

Do you know who this Nazi is????



Here we Go!!

Meet the Pope Benedict.



You have your own problems at home don't you? river of blood

What problems ? oh i remember Zionists supporting BLA & TTP Through their Indian Slaves??

Or Israeli Air Force Tried to Carry out a Surgical strike in Pakistan?

Iran can just " Talk " But ( with a Capital "B") we are capable of doing something that would be remembered forever.

but you see better others problems....anyway there is more than one side of each story... the arabs are fighting Israel for 100 years

And why arabs are fighting you?
If you will capture someone's house what are they supposed to do?
aiming civilians so dont give me the bulldozer story...

I know you are afraid of the Reality and you are guilty .


we have peace with Egypt so why cant we have ties with Pakistan?


Egyptians have done a Mistake & we cannot repeat it , but another aspect is Egypt could be Preparing itself for war against Zionist Israel in this time too.:coffee:
In case of Pakistan its not just zionists?its our big brother from the otherside of the border.
it's hard for me to not condemn israel for its often rogue and illegal actions over the past 5 decades. My heart goes out to Falasteen. But i do believe Jews also deserve a homeland. We as Pakistanis are hypocrites if we deny them this right. Jerusalem should be a jointly owned city as it is home to the holy sites of 3 Abrahamic religions. Don't bring emotions into this topic. We have a lot in common with the Jews. I respect them a lot. I don't respect things that israel has done. But then again, this isn't our war. We have nothing to gain from hating israel and declaring them enemy. We have a lot to gain by engaging with them in a very calculated and professional fashion, like what the Turks do. Lets not bring religion into this discussion. Past is past, think about our interests now. Shouting slogans all the time gets a bit redundant.
This is what exactly we think about Zionist Terrorists .


NEVER EVER before you leave Palestine.



read about Pakistan role in killing 20000 palestenians
and sit quietly ......

Jordanian army attacks

On September 15, King Hussein declared martial law. The next day, Jordanian tanks (the 60th Armored Brigade) attacked the headquarters of Palestinian organizations in Amman; the army also attacked camps in Irbid, Salt, Sweileh, Baq'aa, Wehdat and Zarqa. Then the head of Pakistani training mission to Jordan, Brigadier Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq (later Chief of Army Staff and President of Pakistan), took command of the 2nd division.[2] [3] In addition, the Iraqi army that remained in Jordan after the 1967 war serving as a reserve forces supported the Jordanian army.[4]

Arafat later claimed that the Jordanian army killed between 10,000 and 25,000 Palestinians, although more conservative estimates put the number between 1000 and 2000. [5] [6]

Hostage David Raab described the initial military actions in Black September this way:

"We were in the middle of the shelling since Ashrafiyeh was among the Jordanian Army's primary targets. Electricity was cut off, and again we had little food or water. Friday afternoon, we heard the metal tracks of a tank clanking on the pavement. We were quickly herded into one room, and the guerrillas threw open the doors to make the building appear abandoned so it wouldn't attract fire. Suddenly, the shelling stopped."

The armored troops were inefficient in narrow city streets and thus the Jordanian army conducted house to house sweeps for Palestinian fighters and got immersed in heavy urban warfare with the Palestinian fighters.

Amman experienced the heaviest fighting in the Black September uprising. Syrian tanks rolled across the Yarmouk River into northern Jordan and began shelling Amman and other northern urban areas. Outdated missiles fired by the PLO struck Amman for more than a week. Jordanian infantry pushed the Palestinian Fedayeen out of Amman after weeks of bitter fighting.
Source or just your personal blog.????or the great Wikipedia.Which anyone can edit according to his wishes.
read about Pakistan role in killing 20000 palestenians
and sit quietly ......

Jordanian army attacks

On September 15, King Hussein declared martial law. The next day, Jordanian tanks (the 60th Armored Brigade) attacked the headquarters of Palestinian organizations in Amman; the army also attacked camps in Irbid, Salt, Sweileh, Baq'aa, Wehdat and Zarqa. Then the head of Pakistani training mission to Jordan, Brigadier Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq (later Chief of Army Staff and President of Pakistan), took command of the 2nd division.[2] [3] In addition, the Iraqi army that remained in Jordan after the 1967 war serving as a reserve forces supported the Jordanian army.[4]

Arafat later claimed that the Jordanian army killed between 10,000 and 25,000 Palestinians, although more conservative estimates put the number between 1000 and 2000. [5] [6]

Hostage David Raab described the initial military actions in Black September this way:

"We were in the middle of the shelling since Ashrafiyeh was among the Jordanian Army's primary targets. Electricity was cut off, and again we had little food or water. Friday afternoon, we heard the metal tracks of a tank clanking on the pavement. We were quickly herded into one room, and the guerrillas threw open the doors to make the building appear abandoned so it wouldn't attract fire. Suddenly, the shelling stopped."

The armored troops were inefficient in narrow city streets and thus the Jordanian army conducted house to house sweeps for Palestinian fighters and got immersed in heavy urban warfare with the Palestinian fighters.

Amman experienced the heaviest fighting in the Black September uprising. Syrian tanks rolled across the Yarmouk River into northern Jordan and began shelling Amman and other northern urban areas. Outdated missiles fired by the PLO struck Amman for more than a week. Jordanian infantry pushed the Palestinian Fedayeen out of Amman after weeks of bitter fighting.

home grown zionist BS
Source or just your personal blog.????or the great Wikipedia.Which anyone can edit according to his wishes.

learn some of your own history stop being blind to facts

Friday, 2 January 2009
The role of General Zia-ul-Haq in the events of Black September (1970), involving killing of 25000 Palestinians in Jordan

During Black September the head of Pakistani training commission took command of the 2nd Division and helped kill and cleanse the Palestinians (est. 25,000 dead) from Jordan.

It was none other that Zia ul Haq.

So much for the Palestinian cause.

The butcher was awarded Jordan's highest honour for the services rendered.

Zia was stationed in Jordan from 1967 to 1970 as a Brigadier, helping in the training of Jordanian soldiers, as well as leading the training mission into battle during the Black September operations as commander of Jordanian 2nd Division, a strategy that proved crucial to King Hussein's remaining in power.


Zia remained posted in Jordan from 1967 till 1970, where he was involved in training and leading Jordon's military. He is still highly respected in Jordan for his role in the Black September operations in support of King Hussein, where he commanded Jordan's 2nd division. Zia's troops were heavily involved in street-to-street urban fighting and are credited with killing scores of Palestinians. Black September was a great example of how the Arab nations despise the Palestinians, and their support of them only goes as far as to encourage and help the Palestinians to kill Jews.

Prophet of Doom - Good Muslims - General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq - Pakistan Dictator - 1977-1988


Black September
September 1970 is known as the Black September in Arab history and sometimes is referred to as the "era of regrettable events." It was a month when Hashemite King Hussein of Jordan moved to quash the autonomy of Palestinian organizations and restore his monarchy's rule over the country. The violence resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of people, the vast majority Palestinian. Armed conflict lasted until July 1971 with the expulsion of the PLO and thousands of Palestinian fighters to Lebanon.


Jordanian army attacks
On September 15, King Hussein declared martial law. The next day, Jordanian tanks (the 60th Armored Brigade) attacked the headquarters of Palestinian organizations in Amman; the army also attacked camps in Irbid, Salt, Sweileh,Baq'aa, Wehdat and Zarqa. Then the head of Pakistani training mission to Jordan, Brigadier Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq (later Chief of Army Staff and President of Pakistan), took command of the 2nd division. In addition, the Iraqi army in Jordan after 1967 war serving as a reserve forces supported the Jordanian army.

Arafat later claim that the Jordanian army killed between 10,000 and 25,000 Palestinians.

The armored troops were inefficient in narrow city streets and thus the Jordanian army conducted house to house sweeps for Palestinian fighters and got immersed in heavy urban warfare with the inexperienced and undisciplined Palestinian fighters.
Amman experienced the heaviest fighting in the Black September uprising. The American backed Jordanian army shelled the PLO headquarters in Amman and battled with Palestinian guerillas in the narrow streets of the capital. Syrian tanks rolled across the Yarmouk River into northern Jordan and began shelling Amman and other northern urban areas. Outdated missiles fired by the PLO struck Amman for more than a week. Jordanian infantry pushed the Palestinian Fedayeen out of Amman after weeks of bitter fighting.


Muhammad Aamir Mughal writes:

To all jihadi and sectarian activists (i.e., Ziaists), look at your spiritual and political Godfather General Zia:


"The most promising comparison between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Jewish State of Israel came from Gen. Zia ul-Haq. Lacking a political constituency, he skillfully exploited Islam to legitimize and consolidate his military dictatorship. Presenting himself as a simple, pious and devoted Muslim, he institutionalized religious radicalism in Pakistan. In so doing, he found Israel to be his strange ally. Toward the end of 1981, he remarked:

“Pakistan is like Israel, an ideological state. Take out the Judaism from Israel and it will fall like a house of cards. Take Islam out of Pakistan and make it a secular state; it would collapse.” He likewise surprised many observers in March 1986, when he called on the PLO to recognize the Jewish state. As discussed elsewhere, he was actively involved both in the 1970 Black September massacre of the Palestinians in Jordan as well as in Egypt’s re-entry into the Islamic fold more than a decade later. From 1967 to 1970 our Commander of the Faithful Late. General Muhammad Ziaul Haq was in Jordan in Official Militray Capacity and he helped late. King Hussain of Jordan in ‘cleansing’ the so-called Palestinian Insurgents, Zia and Hussain butchered many innocent Palestinians in the name of Operation against Black September {a militant organization of Palestinians}. The intensity of bloodletting by Zia ul Haq and King Hussain was such that one of the founder father of Israel Moshe Dayan said:

“King Hussein (with help from Zia-ul-Haq of the Pakistani army) sent in his Bedouin army on 27 September to clear out the Palestinian bases in Jordan. A massacre of innumerable proportions ensued. Moshe Dayan noted that Hussein "killed more Palestinians in eleven days than Israel could kill in twenty years." Dayan is right in spirit, but it is hardly the case that anyone can match the Sharonism in its brutality.”

visit this link:

Let us build Pakistan (LUBP): The role of General Zia-ul-Haq in the events of Black September (1970), involving killing of 25000 Palestinians in Jordan

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As i suspected blogs.

And one more thing what do you think that we like Zia-ul Haq very much.?

This man is responsible for more damage to Pakistan and Islamic World than all the other dictators combined.

You see all these bad things happening in Pakistan.

Who sow the seeds for it.

Yes Zia-ul-Haq.
As i suspected blogs.

And one more thing what do you think that we like Zia-ul Haq very much.?

This man is responsible for more damage to Pakistan and Islamic World than all the other dictators combined.

You see all these bad things happening in Pakistan.

Who sow the seeds for it.

Yes Zia-ul-Haq.

Dear sir
a Blog is not making the history

facts are facts

we need peace so do the Palestinian and
more peace is needed in your county is that not so?

ya Israel wants peace.


Just read this thread and you will know how much peace you want.

Israeli Women Soldiers Break the silence

well well

I know that 90 % here think:
hate Jews
hate Israel
hate Zionists
Hitler was a good man
Jews kill Palestinian
Arabs will win
Palestinian are peace seeking people

avoid your dumb remarks......

it is not black and white story......not even in your fine country
isn't it?
well well

I know that 90 % here think:
hate Jews
hate Israel
hate Zionists
Hitler was a good man
Jews kill Palestinian
Arabs will win
Palestinian are peace seeking people

avoid your dumb remarks......

it is not black and white story......not even in your fine country
isn't it?

We all know how peace loving you israelis are!

Does it make sense if i drive a bulldozer on someones house, drive them and their faimilies out and claim its my land just because some 2,000-3,000 years ago my ancestors lived there?

I would have no problem in arming Hamas with much more sophisticated weapons, and bleed israel with a thousand cuts!

Seriously, you israelis have no remorse for little children! You claim that hitler committed genocide against jews, but don't you think your repeating what hitler did to you?

And its surprising that not only your men but your women also have a heart made of stone! Who the hell would smile while beating up innocent lives and driving families out of their homes? Only a cold blooded killer would!
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