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Pakistan And India-Water Disputes-News And Updates

well firstly india has NO RIGHT to stop any water on any of its borders no country has the right to stop anyones water.

having said that our water WOES are of our own doing we badly need to build kalabagh,bahsha dams are a MUST!

however, every politician in pakistan is playing their ethnic card to stop the dam! we are still using dams that were build almost 50 years ago during the time of ayub!

so the answer is:

1) LOBBY your case in the international world to stop india from stealing our water

2) MOST importantly form a consensus for all provinces to build the dam! people will be displaced but they should be compensated!

khudaa kaay liyay subko ek honaa chaiyay stop the blame game! everyone is blaming the other province and india is exploiting our differences(which if we were in the same position would have done too)!!!
Pakistanis blaming India for their governments incompetencies......Poor government....Blame India .....incompetent leadership....Blame India.....unable to manage water resources...Blame India.......

By the way how many dams have been made by Pakistan in past 4 decades to utilize water allotted to Pakistan in Indus Water treaty.....More than 90% of water flows underutilized to Arabian sea...but Pakistanis love to blame India.
well firstly india has NO RIGHT to stop any water on any of its borders no country has the right to stop anyones water.

having said that our water WOES are of our own doing we badly need to build kalabagh,bahsha dams are a MUST!

however, every politician in pakistan is playing their ethnic card to stop the dam! we are still using dams that were build almost 50 years ago during the time of ayub!

so the answer is:

1) LOBBY your case in the international world to stop india from stealing our water

2) MOST importantly form a consensus for all provinces to build the dam! people will be displaced but they should be compensated!

khudaa kaay liyay subko ek honaa chaiyay stop the blame game! everyone is blaming the other province and india is exploiting our differences(which if we were in the same position would have done too)!!!

Your judgement is worthless. Stop watching Pakistani news channels and passing such comments. Read about IWT which was signed between India and Pakistan with with World bank as neutral party.

India has NEVER violated the ITW. Your governments push all the blame on India because they dont want to own up the responsibility of a failed irrigation system in Pakistan.
Sir, befor you talk about what rights India has or does not do bother to read about IWT (Indus water treaty) from a neutral source.

Why don't you think pakistan is not creating any pressure from international community? Because there hve been NO violations.

do read about the IWT before your next post.
India stealing or stopping water flow will only result in a catastrophic war ..!

The real picture is. According to geo and ary news, India is not stopping Pakistan's water nor stealing it. What India is doing, realeasing water at wrong time of year. India realises water, when there is flood situtation in India every year. It measures the water and send report to indus commision so legally we have gave your annual quota. The probelm starts when that water reaches Pakistan and washed away becoz you don't have enough dams to stop and store that water to be used when neeeded.

If your govt did't make enough dams to store and stop those water. why blame India. Blame your corrupt leaders who never showed interest in these issues and filling up there pockets for the last 62 yrs.

leggaly you can't do anything. Thats why your govt dare not to go to international court till today. we are giving your share but at wrong time.

smart move ha
Pakistanis blaming India for their governments incompetencies......Poor government....Blame India .....incompetent leadership....Blame India.....unable to manage water resources...Blame India.......

By the way how many dams have been made by Pakistan in past 4 decades to utilize water allotted to Pakistan in Indus Water treaty.....More than 90% of water flows underutilized to Arabian sea...but Pakistanis love to blame India.

tyre bust in delhi blame LeT

any communal violence in eastern india blame ISI

manmohan feels sick blame pakistan government!!

it works both ways!!!! :hitwall:
Chenab shrinks further as India diverts water

Sunday, March 28, 2010
By Dilshad Azeem

ISLAMABAD: In an alarming situation, the Chenab water influx has dropped by 7 million acre feet (maf) in the last three years following India’s Baglihar Dam construction and its huge water use.

“The Chenab water inflows plunged from 21 maf to 14 maf in three years and the same situation is projected to exist in the current calendar,” sources privy to the developments reveal while sharing the latest statistics with The News here on Saturday.

The water quantum of 7 maf is more than Pakistan’s any existing reservoir and even under-construction Basha storage or controversial Kalabagh Dam. “This substantial reduction is badly hitting the Kharif crops, particularly in the Punjab and generally all over Pakistan.”

“In comparison with 2007, Pakistan is presently suffering a 30 per cent slash in Chenab water availability, and it is a direct consequence of the Baglihar project and massive ground water usage by India through subsidised tubewells installed in its territory around the river,” the sources said.

The sources explained that the ground water pumping was also a source of reduction in river flows. “Besides, there are dozens of Indian projects in the pipeline on its Chenab River side.” They maintained that the situation would be worse for Pakistan as the neighboring country was planning huge hydropower projects around the Chenab River in its territory.

Five-year water statistics provide that Pakistan continued to obtain 21 maf water from Chenab till 2007 Kharif. The flows reduced from 21 maf to 16 maf in 2008 Kharif, and just 14 maf in 2009 Kharif, according to the data.

The official spokesman of the Irsa confirmed that Chenab flows substantially went down from 21 maf in 2008 to merely 7 maf in 2009. “Yes, we, all participants, deeply expressed concerns over the decline in Chenab waters.”

The Indus River System Authority (Irsa) and four provinces jointly expressed great concern over the water data collected for the last five years on Chenab flows.The issue was discussed on the platform of Irsa’s Technical Committee, also consisting of provincial representatives and water and power sector officials, when it met last Wednesday with Irsa Chief Engineer Aurangzeb Khattak in the chair.

To a query, the sources said neither the provinces nor the Irsa presented Rabi flows of Chenab River. “The 7 maf slash is noted only in Kharif seasons and the figure may be up to 8 or 9 maf if the Rabi flows are also compiled.”

The sources categorically said that water inflows from other rivers of the country were normal in the last five years as not only the Irsa but the provinces also presented their own data in the last technical committee.

Chenab shrinks further as India diverts water
India agrees to review Nimo Bazgo Dam project | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

Published: March 29, 2010

LAHORE – India has agreed to the proposal put forward by Pakistan to review the design of Nimo Bazgo Dam project, also declaring the Pak demand of reactivating the telemetry system on rivers as acceptable.

This was decided on the first day of three-day meeting of the Indus River Commission held in the provincial capital on Sunday. G Aranga Nathan heads the nine-member Indian delegation while Jamaat Ali Shah is leading the Pakistani side. Pakistan informed the Indian delegation about the objections to Nimo Bazgo Dam, which was the main agenda of the first day of the meeting comprising the issues of the rapid decrease of water level in River Chenab, the construction of controversial Nimo Bazgo Dam and Chutak Power Plants on the River Indus by India that would cause blockage of more than 35,000 cusec water.

The Indian delegation, however, agreed to the proposals put forward by Pakistan and assured to consider the suggestions in near future but sought more time to deliberate the issue.

The Pakistani delegation informed Indians that Pakistan had already installed telemetry system for monitoring water shares among the provinces of the country while there were apprehensions and unrest among the people, particularly the farmers’ community, over the water shortage due to the Indian projects on rivers.

Pakistan’s representatives stressed that it was the duty of India to ensure provision of complete water share of Pakistan despite having partial facility of use of water under Indus Water Treaty.
However, Jamaat Ali Shah said as the dialogues were of non-political nature, no immediate breakthrough could be expected, adding that Pakistan recorded its protest against the construction of all the controversial dams by India. He further said that the Indus Water Treaty Commission wanted to resolve all the pending issues in order to win the trust of public.

Appreciating the suggestion of the installation of telemetry system, Aranga Nathan asked for more time to deliberate the issue with the Indian experts. He said the telemetry system would help in minimising uncertainty and confusion between the two countries.
He said in case the commission failed to resolve the water issues in present session, another meeting was likely to be called soon. The meeting between the Indus River Commissioners of both the countries would continue on Monday (today) and Tuesday as well.
Good step. Hope a solution amicable to both the countries comes out of it.
India asks Pakistan to stop blaming it for water crisis

Concluding the joint Indus Water Commission talks in Islamabad, India asked Pakistan to stop blaming it for the water crisis persisting in the country and told its neighbour to address its internal water problems, Daily Times learnt on Sunday.

Indian officials have attributed Islamabad’s water woes to a dearth of storage facilities in Pakistani reservoirs, saying a huge 38 MAF of unutilised water flows into the Arabian Sea every year. Reiterating commitment to the Indus Water Treaty (IWT), Indian official sources said the treaty is a significant Confidence Building Measure (CBM) between the two countries that has stood test of time even during wars. ‘India is fully committed to the treaty in letter and spirit,” they said, adding India will do whatever is possible to address Pakistan’s concerns over the IWT.

They further asked Pakistan to use its resources in a better way instead of accusing India of stealing its water and dismissed allegations that India was constructing around 60 dams on Pakistani controlled rivers. According to sources around 33 river projects have been identified on western rivers-Indus, Jehlum and Chenab and the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has begun consultations on 106 schemes to produce 18,653 MW of electricity although no decision has been taken on these schemes yet.

“We have gone beyond the treaty to provide them data to satisfy Pakistan’s concerns,” the Indian officials said. Sources lamented that Islamabad was raising unnecessary technical issues to delay these projects while worldwide scientific studies worldwide have shown decreasing water flows to all rivers with the exception of Indus, whose water was either at the same level or had even increased. According to the sources, the water flow of western rivers in Pakistan’s control was 136 million acre feet (MAF) against 33 MAF in eastern rivers-Sutlej, Bias and Ravi which were controlled by India while 65 per cent of water flows through the Indus.

Sources said under the IWT, India was allowed to irrigate 1.3 million acres of land while it has only irrigated just 0.7 million acres and New Delhi is allowed to construct 3.6 MAF storage facilities on the western rivers. But contrary to the propaganda, it has not built any facility so far despite the fact that India was granted limited rights to use water of western rivers for domestic, agriculture and hydroelectric purposes.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
* New Delhi tells Islamabad it should first address internal water problems

By Iftikhar Gilani

NEW DELHI: Concluding the joint Indus Water Commission talks in Islamabad, India asked Pakistan to stop blaming it for the water crisis persisting in the country and told its neighbour to address its internal water problems, Daily Times learnt on Sunday.

Indian officials have attributed Islamabad’s water woes to a dearth of storage facilities in Pakistani reservoirs, saying a huge 38 MAF of unutilised water flows into the Arabian Sea every year. Reiterating commitment to the Indus Water Treaty (IWT), Indian official sources said the treaty is a significant Confidence Building Measure (CBM) between the two countries that has stood test of time even during wars. ‘India is fully committed to the treaty in letter and spirit,” they said, adding India will do whatever is possible to address Pakistan’s concerns over the IWT.

They further asked Pakistan to use its resources in a better way instead of accusing India of stealing its water and dismissed allegations that India was constructing around 60 dams on Pakistani controlled rivers. According to sources around 33 river projects have been identified on western rivers-Indus, Jehlum and Chenab and the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has begun consultations on 106 schemes to produce 18,653 MW of electricity although no decision has been taken on these schemes yet.

“We have gone beyond the treaty to provide them data to satisfy Pakistan’s concerns,” the Indian officials said. Sources lamented that Islamabad was raising unnecessary technical issues to delay these projects while worldwide scientific studies worldwide have shown decreasing water flows to all rivers with the exception of Indus, whose water was either at the same level or had even increased. According to the sources, the water flow of western rivers in Pakistan’s control was 136 million acre feet (MAF) against 33 MAF in eastern rivers-Sutlej, Bias and Ravi which were controlled by India while 65 per cent of water flows through the Indus.

Sources said under the IWT, India was allowed to irrigate 1.3 million acres of land while it has only irrigated just 0.7 million acres and New Delhi is allowed to construct 3.6 MAF storage facilities on the western rivers. But contrary to the propaganda, it has not built any facility so far despite the fact that India was granted limited rights to use water of western rivers for domestic, agriculture and hydroelectric purposes.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
India agrees to review Nimo Bazgo Dam project

LAHORE – India has agreed to the proposal put forward by Pakistan to review the design of Nimo Bazgo Dam project, also declaring the Pak demand of reactivating the telemetry system on rivers as acceptable.
This was decided on the first day of three-day meeting of the Indus River Commission held in the provincial capital on Sunday. G Aranga Nathan heads the nine-member Indian delegation while Jamaat Ali Shah is leading the Pakistani side. Pakistan informed the Indian delegation about the objections to Nimo Bazgo Dam, which was the main agenda of the first day of the meeting comprising the issues of the rapid decrease of water level in River Chenab, the construction of controversial Nimo Bazgo Dam and Chutak Power Plants on the River Indus by India that would cause blockage of more than 35,000 cusec water.
The Indian delegation, however, agreed to the proposals put forward by Pakistan and assured to consider the suggestions in near future but sought more time to deliberate the issue.
The Pakistani delegation informed Indians that Pakistan had already installed telemetry system for monitoring water shares among the provinces of the country while there were apprehensions and unrest among the people, particularly the farmers’ community, over the water shortage due to the Indian projects on rivers.
Pakistan’s representatives stressed that it was the duty of India to ensure provision of complete water share of Pakistan despite having partial facility of use of water under Indus Water Treaty.
However, Jamaat Ali Shah said as the dialogues were of non-political nature, no immediate breakthrough could be expected, adding that Pakistan recorded its protest against the construction of all the controversial dams by India. He further said that the Indus Water Treaty Commission wanted to resolve all the pending issues in order to win the trust of public.
Appreciating the suggestion of the installation of telemetry system, Aranga Nathan asked for more time to deliberate the issue with the Indian experts. He said the telemetry system would help in minimising uncertainty and confusion between the two countries.
He said in case the commission failed to resolve the water issues in present session, another meeting was likely to be called soon. The meeting between the Indus River Commissioners of both the countries would continue on Monday (today) and Tuesday as well.

India agrees to review Nimo Bazgo Dam project | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
Whatever on Indian side but the fact is PAKISTAN GOVT even not make any single dam since last 30 years damn Govts both civilian and military both. Even Military govt had edge over civilian govt btw making any Dam. My friend's father working in WAPDA and he is really good person he said WAPDA and WATER issue made by PAKISTAN they even not make any single dam for Electric city and Water storage. In 2004-2006 more thn 5 big companies offered electricity and dam projects but because of of leaders that projects are not possible. His father also told me when our first deligation send to Korea, They agreed and offering us very state of the art Tech for electricity power and also also offer good project for Dam as well. But one first deligation back to Pakistan and discuss issue with GOVT. After when Govt officials send to Korea @ response Project lost. His father said all those people who sitting in Govt since last 30 years not a single person sincere with this country.

My friend's father always said "Neyat may fatoor hey hukmaroo ke jab bhi kuch acha honay lagta hey inke demands aur inke personal issues har project ko khatam kardetay hain. hamaray hukmarrano ke neyatoon may fatoor hey aur paisay ka laalach"

Thats why i still not blamed India BECAUSE THIS BS created by OUR LEADERS!
Water is not the issue just a tool to blame India for their own mismanagement. Some states uses lion's share of water while others remain deficit with it. And there are other type of mismanagement and wastage.

For example "In Pakistan a huge 38 MAF of non utilized fresh water flows into the Arabian Sea every year."

When you allowed your water goes into drain or sea unutilized you have no right to blame others for water shortage.
Water is not the issue just a tool to blame India for their own mismanagement. Some states uses lion's share of water while others remain deficit with it. And there are other type of mismanagement and wastage.

For example "In Pakistan a huge 38 MAF of non utilized fresh water flows into the Arabian Sea every year."

When you allowed your water goes into drain or sea unutilized you have no right to blame others for water shortage.

Thank you Justin, we needed a debate on this, most of members, have no knowledge of water dispute and give their needless rants. Most of them have not even heard of IWT. Nice thread Blacksonic :tup:
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