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Pakistan And India-Water Disputes-News And Updates

Lately there has been a lot of news in Pakistan media about Pakistan Government's mismanagement of water resources as being the cause of water Crisis in the country.....

Experts urge provincial govts to build dams

LAHORE - Leading water and power experts Wednesday urged all the four provincial governments to build dams in their respective areas in order to conserve 36 MAF water presently being wasted to sea.

The consensus was developed at Pakistan Water Front meeting jointly chaired by the LCCI SVP Ijaz A. Mumtaz and former Vice President Shahzad Ali Malik.
The water and power experts including Mushtaq Ahmad Gill, Dr. Muhammad Shafiq, Dr. Shahid Raza, Ayub Mayo and Dr Asif were of the opinion that there was no constitutional bar on the provincial govt so they must not waste any more time and should initiate working on small dams in their respective areas.
They said that it was not the Pakistan alone against which the Indian govt was hatching water conspiracies but it was playing the same game with China, Bangladesh and Nepal.

They made the point that Pakistan is on the brink of mass starvation as the process to turn it into a desert had begun because of a drastic cut in water availability from 5,000 cubic meters per capita in 1950s to 1000 cubic meter in 2010 despite the fact that water availability per capita ranks last amongst Asian countries and Pakistan experiencing severe water stress.

Without water 20m acres of otherwise fertile land would dry up in a week and tens of millions of people would starve. No army, with bombs and shellfire could devastate as thoroughly as Pakistan could be devastated by India by cutting off river flows. They said that the United States should ensure implementation of Indus Water Treaty (IWT) in letter and spirit, sharing of complete information regarding water flows as per the article VI of IWT, and installation of telemetry system on rivers by international agencies. They also urged the United States to ensure compensation of 0.2 MAF water of Baghliar, protection of water shed in the upper reaches (J&K) of western rivers, and time-bound resolution of differences and disputes besides technical and financial assistance for development of water resources particularly hydro-electric projects. Under the Indus Water Treaty 1960 India cannot stop or interfere with western rivers, whereas in case of Baglihar Dam India did not meet IWT provisions of sharing information. India withheld 0.2 MAF in case of Baghliar.

Experts urge provincial govts to build dams | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

Pakistan political class is more willing to blame India for their Mismanagement, rather than utilizing their available water resources.

India has given a reply to all the hullabaloo created over water crisis...

India links Pakistan’s concerns on water to ‘mismanagement’

NEW DELHI: India on Tuesday dismissed Pakistan’s concerns regarding the flow of water and attributed its woes to mismanagement of water resources and an attempt to divert attention from the growing discontent in Sindh and Balochistan over denial of their share of Indus waters.

Pledging commitment to the Indus Water Treaty (IWT), senior Indian officials blamed Pakistan for making water a “populist issue” and expressed concerns over the issue being handed over to the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LT) for raising anti-Indian sentiments.

They described propaganda by both Pakistan’s political class as well as jihadi elements against India for “robbing the neighbouring country of its share or water” a source of concern as well as figment of imagination. The officials denied any plans to build storage projects on the western rivers of Indus, Jehlum and Chenab, which accounted for an average flow of water of 135 million acre feet (MAF). But they revealed that surveys had been conducted to explore the possibility of small conservation storage projects on Chenab.

They believed that Pakistan was concealing crucial facts from its people. According to the officials, out of the 135MAF flowing through the western rivers, India had the right to utilise 3.6MAF for storage projects. Even for irrigation purposes, India had used under 0.8MAF against 1.3MAF allowed under the IWT. In other words, out of the 1,343,477 acres of crop area that India is allowed to irrigate using water from the western rivers, it has been irrigating only 792,426 acres.

Canals: The officials said India had provided 62 million pounds to Pakistan under the treaty to construct ‘replacement’ canals as compensation for surrendering its eastern rivers to India. But India had not been able to harness the entire potential of the eastern rivers, leaving three MAF of water flowing to Pakistan. Coupled with mismanagement of water resources, Pakistan’s woes are compounded by rising silt levels in Indus waters, deforestation and rising temperatures.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Pak water cry against India: Charade or Real?

Kashmir issue which has remained a main rallying point to galvanize support across the social, political and military spectrum of Pakistan for decades seems to be loosing its magical formulae of stoking anti India sentiments.

After all over 5000 Pakistanis are killed in the terrorist violence, civil society of Pakistan have understood the repercussions of Pakistan state policy of espousing terrorism.

Pakistan and its proxies have realized that they have exhausted the Kashmir issue and there are very few takers left therefore they have come up with latest catchphrase replacing the 'K' word with water.

Recently Lashkar-e -Toiba chief Hafeez Saeed accused India of waging water wars on Pakistan, Infact, Saeed has decided to launch a nationwide movement against India on the issue. He alleged India of constructing illegal dams and diverting water from Pakistani rivers.imilar sentiments are expressed by Islamabad and the issue also came up at Indo-Pak Foreign Secretary level talks.

Sources have told ANI that Pakistan intentionally took up complex technical issues pertaining to the ongoing hydel projects in Jammu and Kashmir during the talks.

Hafeez Saeed and Pakistan Government raising similar bogey and taking common stand on water issue demonstrates and substantiates the calibrated strategy on one hand and also shows the unholy collusion between the two, the point India has been making to the International community for quite some time .

India sees the latest rhetoric on water aired by Pakistani state and its proxies as a coordinated effort to create anti India hysteria, which can capture popular imagination and have a positive resonance within Pakistan.

According to the Indus Water Treaty, India does have a right on three western rivers the Chenab, the Jhelum and the Indus for domestic use including for drinking water, navigation, limited agricultural use and for generation of hydro electric power by construction of run of the river power projects. But keeping Pakistani sensitivities in mind India has so far not exploited its legitimate right entitled by the Indus Water treaty.

Treaty clearly says that India is allowed maximum storage on the western river of 3.6 MAF storage, but contrary to Pakistani propaganda that India is guzzling all the water, so far India has not done a single unit of storage.

No storage capacity has been created so far. IWT also entitles India to irrigate crops from waters of the western rivers i.e. 1.34347 MAF , this is the area India can irrigate , till 2008-2009 India has irrigated only 0.7924 MAF , less than two third of the entitled capacity is being used.

Indus Water Treaty had cut across Indus Basin, Eastern rivers Sutlej, Beas and Ravi were given to India and western rivers Chenab, Jhelum and Indus were allocated to Pakistan. Western rivers combined which have gone to Pakistan carry almost four times the water of the three eastern rivers.

According to experts, the flow of rivers is fluctuating because of fluctuating amount of snow melt, fluctuation of rainfall and that impacts the flow in the rivers, it impacts the quantum of waters in the rivers.

However Indus River, which carries 65 percent of the total water is an exception, data shows that since 2000 flow of the river Indus is increasing.

New Delhi also feels that Pakistan is trying to deflect its domestic water problems and inter provincial grievances by creating the India bogey, what is actually happening is that river flows into Punjab which does not provide adequate amount of water to the southern provinces Balochistan and Sindh and it is convenient to say that India is playing mischief.

According to Pak's own admission a great deal of wastage is taking place and is going unchecked into the sea i.e. 38 MAF is wasted. There is also Permanent Indus Commission in place, commissioners from both sides have been meeting regularly and so far there have been 111 tours and 103 meetings of the commission and despite the rhetoric the commissioners are expected to meet again in May.

Certain sections of Pakistan media is also producing misplaced reports, Hafeez Saeed was quoted by a Pakistani national daily that India has built 62 dams whereas only 33 hydro electric projects are under the works and India has already provided the information to Pakistan.

India believes that all the major projects which Pakistan is objecting to are mainly located in Jammu and Kashmir and If Pakistan have objections they are denying the people there legitimate rights as far as water is concerned under the IWT.

Three western rivers are actually in Kashmir Tulbul on Jhelum, Baghlihar on Chenab and there are other projects on the western river for the benefits of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

Pak water cry against India: Charade or Real?
Adding More prof
Pakistani people should also introspects and listen jamat ali shah too.

Please listen carefully what is your IWT water commissioner is saying(He is a top most person in this issue from pakistan so he knows reality better than us) :pop

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merge it with the other thread and if you can shut up, hogging the water is one thing what we do with our water is none of your business
merge it with the other thread and if you can shut up, hogging the water is one thing what we do with our water is none of your business

Why shut up.... Pakistan has been going ballistic all over the world...shouting India stealing water......but not telling the other side of the story...that Poor management of water resources by Pakistan itself are the cause of water crisis in Pakistan.

If you blame my country...its becomes my business.....if you can not contribute....buzz off...
Why shut up.... Pakistan has been going ballistic all over the world...shouting India stealing water......but not telling the other side of the story...that Poor management of water resources by Pakistan itself are the cause of water crisis in Pakistan.

If you blame my country...its becomes my business.....if you can not contribute....buzz off...

No member can say shut up to you, you are a free bird.

The pakistan is doing all this propaganda because they don't have any real issues with India so they make fake one.

The management requires hard work, brain and will benefit their own people.

Only talk, talk and talk requires only twisting of tongue which is simple without handwork or brain and also they don't want to benefit their own people just to enjoy seat of power and war mongering because of envy.
You are wasting you time. They are tuned to think India is "stealing" water. But they can not tell how.

They can not digest anything which contradicts this. I have already tried in atleast two of the thread but of no use. Anyways, your initiatives is appreciated.
Why shut up.... Pakistan has been going ballistic all over the world...shouting India stealing water......but not telling the other side of the story...that Poor management of water resources by Pakistan itself are the cause of water crisis in Pakistan.

If you blame my country...its becomes my business.....if you can not contribute....buzz off...

No member can say shut up to you, you are a free bird.

The pakistan is doing all this propaganda because they don't have any real issues with India so they make fake one.

The management requires hard work, brain and will benefit their own people.

Only talk, talk and talk requires only twisting of tongue which is simple without handwork or brain and also they don't want to benefit their own people just to enjoy seat of power and war mongering because of envy.

You are wasting you time. They are tuned to think India is "stealing" water. But they can not tell how.

They can not digest anything which contradicts this. I have already tried in atleast two of the thread but of no use. Anyways, your initiatives is appreciated.

you can buzz off and you can take rest of this karate company with you, this isnt an issue of mismanagement its an issue of territorial rights been violated...but i guess that has become a second nature to your country so it doesnt really see it as an issue.

DAWN.COM | World | Jamaat Shah interview

The Kishenganga River runs through Kashmir, and becomes the Neelum River. Water flows through Azad Jammu and Kashmir for 165 km before joining the Jhelum at Muzaffarabad. Now 70-80 kilometres of this river also run through Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. So the water re-routed by the Kishenganga power project reduces the flow of water going to Muzaffarabad. And then, Pakistan also has one project on the Jhelum River – the Neelum-Jhelum hyrdro-electric power project.

What are the adverse impacts of this one project according to the Indus Water Treaty? One, it reduces our annual energy generation. Two, the Kishenganga project also has an environmental impact because the depth of the water is reduced and this has an impact on the flora and fauna in Azad Jammu and Kashmir through which the Neelum flows. Three, there are technical problems in the design of the Kishenganga project such as the height of the gates and so on.

The Jhelum waters were given to Pakistan. And going by the spirit of the treaty, while the waters are Pakistan’s to use, both countries can accrue benefits. When India made its plans known to Pakistan, that did not mean Pakistan did not have the intention [of constructing a plant]. In 1989, we told India that we are constructing a project there. India wanted to inspect the site. At the time, it was only a small exploration tunnel. Now the intention has been shown, with the Chinese being given the project. So we have a legal case.

Moreover, while the total quantity of water has not been changed, there are no guarantees that India will not store or divert water into the Wullar barrage. Certainly, re-routing will impact the flow-time and therefore reduce the quantum of water [to Pakistan].

India did not provide us updated flow data. In August 2008, India violated the treaty by not providing accurate data on the initial filling of the Baglihar dam. The treaty says the initial filling should not reduce the water flowing into Pakistan. So the initial filling of the Baglihar reduced Pakistan’s water and India should compensate for the lost water.
Whatever we do with our water its none of India's business. India has no right to make dams on three western tributaries flowing from kahsmir namely Jehlum, Chenab & Indus as per Indus water agreement and India can do anything it wants with three eastern tributaries Ravi, Sutlej and Beas.

So, in simple words dont make dams on our rivers and block our water. Water flowing from our rivers in our country and how it is utilized in our country is our own matter.

If X steals the Y's wealth and gives an excuse that Y was already throwing his wealth in gutter so X thought of stealing it, is never an excuse to justify the crime of X.

I think the above example would help trying people understand some basic logic.:police:
dude the news i posted is from the news source how come there is soo much discrepancy in both..atleast i quoted the original commisioner himself, the reported is yakin off on his own
Whatever we do with our water its none of India's business. India has no right to make dams on three western tributaries flowing from kahsmir namely Jehlum, Chenab & Indus as per Indus water agreement and India can do anything it wants with three eastern tributaries Ravi, Sutlej and Beas.

So, in simple words dont make dams on our rivers and block our water. Water flowing from our rivers in our country and how it is utilized in our country is our own matter.

If X steals the Y's wealth and gives an excuse that Y was already throwing his wealth in gutter so X thought of stealing it, is never an excuse to justify the crime of X.

I think the above example would help trying people understand some basic logic.:police:
some questions for you
1.have you read IWT ??
2.have you more knowlege of IWT than your own IWT water commissioner???
3.are you just intreasting in india bashing nothing else???
4.Or it is right?? as my one fellow indian friend said "They are tuned to think India is "stealing" water"

have you read post 1,2,3 ???: hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

India have all right to make dam for power generation and use water for irigation purpose in 13.5 lacks kilometer.
right now we are just irigating in 8.5 lacks kilometer so expect more in future???

First go research ,read then discuss with source..:P

dude the news i posted is from the news source how come there is soo much discrepancy in both..atleast i quoted the original commisioner himself, the reported is yakin off on his own

Because selective reading is not good for health:rofl::rofl:

all thease from your own media.......

Experts urge provincial govts to build dams | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Indus water treaty is intact,India-Pakistan commissioners - Breaking News, Pakistan News, National, World, Business, Cricket, Education, Health, Stock Exchange | OnePakistan.com
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In Pakistan, rich farmers bribe officials in order to monopolise water supplies, leaving the poor without water....and the government and other people bodies have done nothing to rectify this and similar issues....this devoids a huge chunk of population of their share of water resources....and Pakistan authorities have devised a way to counter their problem.....blame it on India .....
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