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Pakistan Air Force Transport

C-130s at Gilgit Airport Today.

I guess it's probably due to the PAF being in perfect tune with the Herc (like the F-16) in that it would be much, much cheaper to keep adding Hercs than to pivot to a totally new platform. As of now, scarcely few, if any, Herc users switched over to anything but a new Herc. There's a reason for that.

However, all that said and done, perhaps it would've been wiser on all parties to have used the FMF/CSF funding on 8~12 new C-130Js instead of the AH-1Z and F-16s?

Perhaps then Congress might have not cut the aid since it'd have zero direct military value (logistics is a tougher thing to cry about than Vipers and Zulus).
INDIA HAS LOBBIED AGAINST PAKISTAN when even getting rifles, bullet proof jackets and mine resistant vehicles...C130 is way up the league..Pakistan even used it to bomb India in 1960s
INDIA HAS LOBBIED AGAINST PAKISTAN when even getting rifles, bullet proof jackets and mine resistant vehicles...C130 is way up the league..Pakistan even used it to bomb India in 1960s

If it was up to India, Pakistan will not exist. Don’t worry about indian wet dreams, worry about what needs to be done. Too much significance is given to India and so called Indian lobby. Posters should show maturity.
If it was up to India, Pakistan will not exist. Don’t worry about indian wet dreams, worry about what needs to be done. Too much significance is given to India and so called Indian lobby. Posters should show maturity.
Zia is jiyala his argument start from Congress ends Indian lobby these excuses nothing more whose job is to counter so called Indian lobby?? When sitting president will write memo gate and sitting PM will do Business in india why US listen Pak?? Why they listen Pak now?? Why not then? difference is leadership and Govt.
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Zia is jiyala his argument start from Congress ends Indian lobby these excuses nothing more whose job is to counter so called Indian lobby?? When sitting president will write memo gate and sitting PM will do Business in india why US listen Pak?? Why they listen Pak now?? Why not then? difference is leadership and Govt.

Pakistanis are Pakistan’s worst enemies. Boogeyman syndrome is pervasive. Thanks for mentioning the PPP & Haqqani.
Pakistanis are Pakistan’s worst enemies. Boogeyman syndrome is pervasive. Thanks for mentioning the PPP & Haqqani.
Asif Zardari and Hussain Haqqani gang were worst enemies of Pak along NS when you beg and get job then You not entitled to ask anything it's up to master what he offers U.
Like Ishaq dollar birbed media houses 55 billions in 5 yrs its was 550 million $$ that time PAF wanted 8 more F16s Dar refused to pay difference along CSF to LM and put it on indian lobby and Jews its all about priorities nothing more.
You serious or joking around ?
Serious, was later transferred to a front company called Royal Airlines or something. Google Earth and find the hanger on the right of the runway on Nur Khan base next to the KRL head office. That is ISI’s hanger. They use business jets now.
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Zia is jiyala his argument start from Congress ends Indian lobby these excuses nothing more whose job is to counter so called Indian lobby?? When sitting president will write memo gate and sitting PM will do Business in india why US listen Pak?? Why they listen Pak now?? Why not then? difference is leadership and Govt.
Yes i remeber 8 f16 were approved by congress and indian lobby was unsuccessful ..also indian lobby couldnt out pakistan on FATF either
If it was up to India, Pakistan will not exist. Don’t worry about indian wet dreams, worry about what needs to be done. Too much significance is given to India and so called Indian lobby. Posters should show maturity.
Yes i remeber 8 f16 were approved by congress and indian lobby was unsuccessful ..also indian lobby couldnt out pakistan on FATF either
Zia U not getting point here it's Pak Govt job to counter it and hire lobby firms also local American Pakistani job let theior local members to know but again Govt perceptions count.Govt lobby for theior countries not for themselves In Pak it's otherway around sad reality.
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