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Pakistan Air Force To Gain Superiority Over Indian Air Force

By that, would it be safe to assume they find it superior to the Erieye?

Educated guesses are often not far off the mark, as long as they're not "arguments" like "PhAlCoN RuLeZeZ, ZdK SuX0Rz". The Chinese examined the Phalcon system, before the Israelis succumbed to Western pressure and refused to export. The Chinese also have limited experience with the Mainstay platform. And following this, they developed the ZDK-03/KJ-2000 system.

By the few snippets of info released, the ZDK-03 has a clustered antenna like the Mainstay, rather than a Phalcon/Sentry-type Rotodome. Given their examination of the Phalcon's capability, the Chinese undoubtedly tried to match, if not exceed, its performance, so one can assume that it would present similar performance. Now, factor in this being China's first attempt at an airborne early warning system, and the more technologically antiquated radar arrangement. In light of this, it is unlikely that the ZDK-03 surpasses the Phalcon, and it would be a stretch to imagine it can match the Phalcon's performance. Given the secrecy of the PLA, I suppose we can do nothing but wait till someone gets their hands on hard, cold facts to prove this wrong.

BTW: That thing about outrageous claims, it works both ways. There's nothing to suggest that the ZDK-03 is rubbish, but nothing proves that its better than the systems the Indians use.

Very well put and balanced.. That is the way to move forward in an argument.
if you are referring to Konkurus ATGM purchase then according to some sources that deal was signed in 2008/2010 but has been revealed now

Just like the M777 deal was already under final negotiations as confirmed by BAE during Defexpo, so the letter of the army Chief has not really anything to do with these procurements.
Oh really.
Yes, we are all interested in what 5th gen technologies your FC-20 ultimately proves to have, but at the moment, Chinese industries are nowhere [don't ask for source] close to developing the kind of things such as ALR-94, FSO, SPECTRA etc.
BTW JF-17, J-10 have sensor fusion. That's news to me. And even if they did. What sensors do they have anyway.
BTW by sensor fusion, one means something like this.

Courtesy Drsomnath999

jf-17 has it from blk 2 onwards, J-20, j-10A and later already has it, sensors that are usually externally mounted, are fused within the aircraft. F-16 blk 60 is an example, so is Rafale, EF-2000, Su-35, F-35 and F-22 etc

I just don't understand what conclusion some are coming to. Yes as a regional AF the PAF is impressive and capable but when compared to a future global AF like the IAF naturally the latter is the superior but that does not diminish the PAF's standing but all things a relative so when looked at through the prism of the IAF the PAF is inferior. No two ways about it in terms of quality and quantity but this is meaningless. We would not expect anything less given the comparisons of economy and budget.

There is just no point Iin trying to argue against this fact as anyone will be able to see through the flawed logic in seconds.
hahaaha i knew that at the end, it will all boil to ''We bhaarteez have superior technology'' :rofl:
BTW ignorant one, we also have this baby



ZDK-03 is an export AWACS system being developed for the Pakistani Air Force. This project was initiated in the early 2000. A Y-8 AWACS testbed (serial # T0518/Project 021) based on Y-8 Category II Platform was first discovered at CFTE in early 2006. Unlike KJ-200, this variant carries a traditional rotodome above its fuselage, with a mechanically rotating antenna inside. The PESA radar is thought to scan electronically in elevation but mechanically in azimuth. Therefore the Y-8 AWACS was speculated to be developed for the export market only as it appears less advanced than KJ-200 which features a fixed AESA radar. However this design does provide a true 360° coverage and carry a cheaper price tag. The AEW radar may be the product of the 38th Institute/CETC, but no details are available.
Chinese Military Aviation | China Air Force
when i post this news 1 week ago the super duper admin of this forum oscar deleted my post and now when someone else open this thread oscar is sleeping:lol:
First Tejas is no match to JF-17
YES only in pakistani defence forums not in reality:D
secondly Yes Rafale is a really good plane but you are forgetting we are getting J-10 and some more F-16 and J-10 final number in our Air Force would be 150 along with 250 JF-17 Block 2 and around 100 F-16 and already working on Block 3 JF -17
well ur forgetting rafale is way ahead in technology & capabilty in comparision to J10 & F16
& why r u forgetting PAK FA:lol:
The Indian Airforce is so horrible, it's an insult we were behind. But then again, one plane of ours manned by a Mujahid can beat over 50 of your planes!
PHALCON is superior to Erieye? and DRDO AWACS is superior to ZDK-03 for no apparent reason.

well on one ground ur boasting of posting facts meanwhile u urself not aware of the facts ,
phalcon awacs is one of the most advanced AWACS in this world is this not a fact for u,samethiung ZDK 03 is a PESA radar awacs

The significant thing that will increase the gap is not the Rafale, to be countered by FC-20, but the FGFA! In the mean time, let us be realistic.
well dont think by acquring FC 20 u can counter so easliy rafale as it looks to U:lol:
The Indian Airforce is so horrible, it's an insult we were behind. But then again, one plane of ours manned by a Mujahid can beat over 50 of your planes!
Your pilots can see 800 kms into every direction and shoot unguided munitions at a similiar range at 100% accuracy!!
even with deterioting IAF you still cannot beat us...
Most of your planes don't even have BVR!! yes you may have missiles but what is their use if you can't use them beyond visual range??:lol:
eireye is a good radar but it doesn't have 360 degree view!! Even DRDO AEWC which is of the same class has it!!
For god's sake, you are betting your future on a lightweight fighter like JF 17, and your future plans include a medium category fighter J 10.....:disagree: You should have enrolled for the J 20 program when chinese first announced it!!
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