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dude, refueling pods are expensive?

Yes, to implement a mechanically retractable refueling PROBE is very costly and in most instances would also require a redesigning of the aircraft's fuselage. Not to mention that Pakistan simply does not have the expertise yet. I cant obviously tell you exactly how much it will cost to add such a feature (simply cause I don't know) but I will remind you that in any circumstance, PAF is trying to market this aircraft as a low budget 4th gen alternative. Therefore any cost which we can save, we must. Whether it is cosmetically "ugly" as you say has no bearing on the aircraft performance minus fractional virtually non-existent drag.
People harp so much about BVR. But what good they are? 120 Km stated range means the missile can hit a stationary target while traveling in a straight line at 120Km range.
Yes, to implement a mechanically retractable refueling PROBE is very costly and in most instances would also require a redesigning of the aircraft's fuselage. Not to mention that Pakistan simply does not have the expertise yet. I cant obviously tell you exactly how much it will cost to add such a feature (simply cause I don't know) but I will remind you that in any circumstance, PAF is trying to market this aircraft as a low budget 4th gen alternative. Therefore any cost which we can save, we must. Whether it is cosmetically "ugly" as you say has no bearing on the aircraft performance minus fractional virtually non-existent drag.
okay :(
3 air commodores promoted to rank of AVM
July 23, 2014, 7:17 pm

For news details visit : 3 air commodores promoted to rank of AVM

For news details Read on : 3 air commodores promoted to rank of AVM
ISLAMABAD- Government of Pakistan has promoted Air Commodore Shahid Niaz, Air Commodore Asim Zaheer and Air Commodore Ahmar Shahzad to the rank of Air Vice Marshal.
Air Vice Marshal Shahid Niaz was commissioned in Pakistan Air Force in January, 1984 in Engineering Branch. During his illustrious career, he has commanded an Electronics Wing. In his staff appointments he has served as Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (Electronics Engineering) and Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (Networks). He is a graduate of National Defence University (NDU) and holds a Master’s degree in National Security and War Studies from NDU and MS in Signal Processing from China. He is also a recipient of Sitara-i-Imtiaz (Military).

Air Vice Marshal Asim Zaheer was commissioned in Pakistan Air Force in November, 1984 in GD (P) Branch. During his illustrious career, he has commanded a Fighter Squadron and an Operational Air Base. In his staff appointments he has served as Chief Project Director (CPD) Falcon at Air Headquarters Peshawar. He has also served as Air Attaché to France. He is a graduate of Combat Commanders’ School, Armed Forces War College and German General Staff College. He holds a Master’s degree in War Studies. He is also a recipient of Sitara-i-Imtiaz (Military) and Tamgha-i-Basalat.

Air Vice Marshal Ahmar Shahzad was commissioned in Pakistan Air Force in November, 1984 in GD (P) Branch. During his illustrious career, he has commanded a Fighter Squadron and an Operational Air Base. In his staff appointments he has served as Chief Project Director (CPD) Falcon at Air Headquarters Peshawar. He has also served as Air Attaché to USA. He is a graduate of Combat Commanders’ School, Armed Forces War College and Command & Staff College UK. He holds a Master’s degree in War Studies (AFWC) and a Master’s degree in Defence Studies (UK). He is a recipient of Tamgha-i-Imtiaz (Military) and Legion of Merit (USA).
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PAF Recruitment ad ~c1976




~C1971. check out the salaries.
If you go to PAF Faisal, you will see a junked Mi-24 hind, in the far backyard. I have it in the gallery. Check it out. PA operated them for sometime, but lack of spares leaded them to be unoperatable.
can you tell the exact location of it in the Faisal base
May be i would be able to see it
Group Captain SM HALI gives a thrilling account of PAF-s 14 Squadron during 1965

When War broke out in 1965, East Pakistan had only a solitary squadron of 12 F-86F aircraft at Dhaka to meet its air defence requirements. Since offensive operations were not contemplated from the East, it was expected that No 14 Squadron alone would be sufficient to counter the limited threat envisaged.

No 14 Squadron based at Tezgaon on the outskirts of Dhaka, had maintained a constant vigil of air defence alert right since the Rann of Kutch crisis in April, 1965. The limited effort available and long spells of watchfulness had taken their toll in fatigue and exhaustion. The prevailing unsafe conditions further aggravated the situation. The single airfield had inadequate dispersal. Absence of proper aircraft protective pens, sand bags, camouflage nets and operational readiness platforms, non-existence of airfield fencing and ground defence arrangements must have given the Station Commander Group Captain Ghulam Haider, nightmares. The 14 Squadron aircraft remained in the open while the pilots had to be accommodated in tents. Yet the Station Commander set about making preparations. A few aircraft decoys were placed at strategic locations. Hessain cloth was acquired and utilizing the natural camouflage of East Pakistan, some degree of concealment and deception was achieved.

Tezgaon airfield was defended by only one battery of ack ack. Little or no early warning of incoming raids was possible. There was a solitary and out-dated Marconi radar at Kurmitola 20 kilometers north of Dhaka. It was virtually useless as enemy aircraft could approach from any direction and not be detected at low level. There was no other reporting organization against low level raids.

It was in this scenario that No 14 Squadron took up its vigil to guard the aerial frontiers of East Pakistan. Prior to 1 September, there had been no formal indication of the impending operations. On 2 September, Air Headquarters ordered a special alert and issued instructions for dispersal and camouflage. From this date, two aircraft were flown twice daily on Combat Air Patrol (CAP) missions. On 4 September an aircraft was lost due to a bird hit. The pilot ejected safely but the squadron strength was reduced to 11 aircraft.

When War ultimately broke out on 6 September, No 14 Squadron was ordered to be ready for immediate strikes. CAP missions were flown over Dhaka all day. When PAF launched its airfield strike plan at dusk on 6 September, No 14 Squadron was asked to hold back because of the difficulty in synchronizing the strike timings owing to the one hour difference in local times between East and West Pakistan. Moreover, the Government wanted to wait and see. In case the situation remained quiet overnight in East Pakistan, it might prove possible to avoid an escalation of hostilities. This hope was short lived. IAF Canberras from Kalaikunda penetrated into East Pakistan-s airspace as deep as Dhaka during the night of 6/7 September, and dropped bombs at random without much effect in the way of damage of casualties.

IAF also launched a pre-dawn offensive on 7 September. Various targets in East Pakistan comprising the airfields at Chittagong, Jessore, Lalmunirhat, Shibgang, Thakurgaon and Kurmitola were attacked. Low clouds and the natural camouflage of East Pakistan caused the Indian aircraft to miss Tezgaon air field at Dhaka altogether. Instead they attacked Kurmitola, an airfield in the vicinity of Dhaka. Here, a barrack was hit with rockets resulting in two casualties-one Sergeant AR Choudhry, and a child.

Two Sabres were scrambled to intercept the enemy. They failed to catch up with them but Flight Lieutenant ATM Aziz did not return from the mission. Later the wreckage of his Sabre was discovered 25 kilometers north of Dhaka. It indicated no damage from enemy action but the cause of the accident was never established. No 14 Squadron was now down to 10 aircraft.

Strike at Kalaikunda
The night and pre-dawn raids of IAF allowed the PAF C-in-C to retaliate. PAF-s strike against Kalaikunda was a totally different story. After the mission order had been received at about 6 a.m. on 7 September, five pilots (Flight Lieutenants Haleem, Baseer, Tariq Habib Khan and Flying Officer Afzal Khan) led by their Squadron Commander, Squadron Leader Shabbir Hussain Syed were briefed for a low level mission involving a distance of nearly 300 kilometers from Dhaka. Because of the necessity to fly low all the way, the Sabres were required to carry their full load of external fuel in two 120 and two 200- gallon drop tanks per aircraft, leaving only their 0.5 inch machine-guns available for the attack.

Despite poor visibility the Sabre formation reached its target and as the No 14 Squadron pilots pulled up to commence their attack, it was obvious that complete surprise had been achieved. There was no anti-aircraft fire and no fewer than 14 Canberras were lined up wing-tip to wing-tip on the tarmac as though for peacetime review. The Indians had probably never imagined that such a small force could react with such speed and audacity against odds so heavily weighted against it, and that, too, at the very limits of its reach into Indian territory.

Each Sabre put in two passes over the airfield and by the time they exited, Kalaikunda was engulfed in smoke and flames. The mission landed back safely at 0744 a.m., claiming 10 Canberras destroyed and five damaged along with two Hunters damaged. A remarkable achievement by only five aircraft.

While the strike had been airborne, large numbers of IAF aircraft had been plotted over Jessore, heading towards Dhaka. Several of the six remaining Sabres on the airfield were scrambled for interception. No contact, however, was made with the IAF aircraft, which headed back across the Indian border. The degree of the air defence effort at Dhaka can be illustrated by the fact that one pilot alone-Flight Lieutenant Farooq F Khan- was scrambled five times in his Sabre in the first two hours after daybreak on 7 September. At no time, however, did he see an enemy aircraft.

A Second Attack on Kalaikunda
To complete the destruction of Kalaikunda, a second raid was ordered at 10:30 a.m. This time Flight Lieutenant Haleem led a formation of four Sabres. Visibility was still very bad when they reached the target but now the enemy was prepared. A barrage of anti-aircraft fire greeted them and nine Hunters pounced on them. The Sabres split in two pairs. One continued the attack while the others turned to engage the Hunters.

Flight Lieutenant Tariq Habib, leading the second pair asked his No 2 Flying Officer Afzal Khan to jettison his fuel tanks to prepare for battle but he was shot down before he could do so. Flight Lieutenant Tariq Habib in the meantime jettisoned three of his tanks, but the fourth hung up and with this handicap he was cornered by 3 Hunters for a good ten minutes. With remarkable coolness and presence of mind, he twisted and turned at low level and though his aircraft got badly damaged, he managed to shake them off and returned safely to Dhaka. For his courage and skill in fighting his way clear of the larger and better equipped enemy force, Tariq Habib was awarded a well-deserved Sitara-e-Jurat. His Squadron Commander, Squadron Leader Shabbir Hussain Syed was also decorated with Sitara-e-Jurat for his outstanding leadership. No 14 Squadron earned the nickname of Tail Choppers, alluding to the swath of bullets they used at Kalaikunda to cut through the tails of IAF-s neatly lined up Canberras. In West Pakistan, PAF had cut off the head of the Indian Air Force, and in their two sorties on 7 September, the pilots of No 14 Squadron did an equally good job with the tail.

In its second raid, No 14 Squadron claimed 4 to 6 Canberras destroyed but lost one pilot and one Sabre. Flight Lieutenant Tariq Habib-s aircraft also could not be recovered for want of spares. The squadron strength was now reduced to 8 but not their zeal to attack the enemy. It was only bad weather and some political considerations that brought a lull in their operations.

Other Raids
On 10 September, No 14 Squadron struck IAF Base Baghdogra with 4 Sabres. On 14 September it attacked Barrackpore and Agartala. Due to enemy-s retreat to deeper bases, the squadron-s score in these strikes was limited to 5 transport aircraft, 2 fighters, 1 Canberra and a helicopter.

These were its last strike missions as it was considered prudent to conserve the depleted strength of No 14 Squadron specially since the enemy never showed its face again on the eastern front for the rest of the war.

Cumulative Effect
No 14 Squadron-s offensive on 7 September was a crucial blow to IAF morale. The fearless and timely action of this plucky squadron caused the enemy to withdraw the bulk of its aircraft to bases in the rear, thus ensuring by default, the comparative security of East Pakistan. This stirring tale of valour and stoic defiance by 14 Squadron was to have a second, even more glorious chapter- to be written by the blood and grit of its men, in another far grimmer war-in December, 1971.

‘We are starting with the fundamental principle that we are all citizens and equal citizens of one state. No matter what is his colour, caste or creed is first, second and last a citizen of this state with equal rights, privileges and obligations....

Pakistan will provide its minorities an ample field for the outlet of their genius and they should come forward and play their role as true citizens in making Pakistan one of the greatest nations....’

The Quaid’s message conveyed hope as well as a challenge. The minorities of Pakistan took up the challenge boldly. The Christians who are a majority amongst the minorities of Pakistan have played a leading role in this regard. They have excelled in every field of life - be it the Armed Forces, the Civil Services, the Judiciary, Education, Sports or the noble profession of the healing and caring for the sick and wounded.
Pakistan Air Force had the pleasant and proud privilege of receiving a very effective contribution from its Christian members. It is, therefore, befitting that we pay our tributes to them on the auspicious Christmas day which happily coincides with the Quaid’s birth anniversary.

Leading the forefront in order of chronology is Air Vice Marshal Eric Gordon Hall. Born in 1922, the young Eric migrated to British India from Burma after it was occupied by the Japanese in 1942. Having lost his father, an actively serving army officer in the war, young Eric enlisted in the ranks of the Royal Air Force and within weeks his potential was recognized and in December, 1943 he was selected for the officer cadre and was commissioned as a pilot. For the remaining period of the war he saw active duty with flying colours. With the partition of the Sub-Continent in 1947, Flying Officer Eric G Hall opted for Pakistan and was initially posted to Risalpur to help train and build up Pakistan Air Force. Through his vision, dedication and hard work, Eric rose to the prestigious rank of Air Vice Marshal and the Deputy Chief of Air Staff and Chief of Staff, PAF. During his service tenure he commanded a number of PAF Bases and also served as the Commandant of PAF Staff College, and Defence and Air Attache’ in USA.

Eric Hall’s finest hour came in 1965 when as a Group Captain he was commanding the air transport Base at Chaklala. With war being imminent, he was conscious of PAF’s handicap of the lack of heavy bombers. Eric Hall set up to fill this gap. He struck upon the unique idea of converting PAF’s C-130s to the role of ‘Heavy Bombers’. With some modifications these were made capable of carrying upto 20,000 lbs of bombs. Having conducted trials to prove the efficacy of the use of C-130s in this hitherto novel and innovative role, the Group Captain volunteered to lead the first bombing mission that happened to be over Kathua bridge, on 11 September 1965. This was a daring move and one of the finest examples of a commander leading from the cockpit. The mission was not only fraught with danger but the totally unarmed C-130 was also highly vulnerable to enemy action. But the success of this mission that was unique in the history of flying prompted the higher command to authorize thirteen more bombing missions on the C-130 including the precision bombing of Indian heavy guns at Atari on the banks of BRB Canal. The success of all these missions proved that the Air Vice Marshal had hit the bull’s eye it his innovative idea. For his valour and vision, Eric G Hall was awarded Sitara-e-Jurat in 1965.

After a long heroic life he breathed his last on June 17, 1998 in Maryland USA, where he had settled after his retirement in 1975.

Air Commodore Nazir Latif, who was born in 1927 joined the 8th GD pilot’s course but because of his high standard in flying, was upgraded to the 7th GD (P) course and graduated in 1950.

Just prior to the 1965 War, as a Wing Commander, Nazir Latif commanded a Bomber Wing. Under his able command, the bomber wing had been well prepared and well trained to undertake daring but accurate bombing missions deep inside the enemy territory. Wing Commander Nazir Latif led the most challenging raids including the successful attack on Ambala which was deep inside the Indian territory and was believed to be defended by batteries of Soviet-supplied SA-2 Surface to Air Missiles. On two occasions, his aircraft was hit by anti-aircraft guns but he flew back his aircraft and landed safely after pressing home his attacks accurately. For his exceptional flying skill and valour the Government of Pakistan conferred the Sitara-e-Jurat on him.

In 1971 too, while commanding PAF Base at Masroor, he actively participated in the war and flew numerous daring bombing missions. During the course of his service, he commanded three different fighter and bomber wings and two Bases. He also served as Director of Operations and Plans at the Air Headquarters. After a long and meritorious service, he retired in 1972. He is currently serving as Director Operations in a Charter Air Service in the Middle East.

Wing Commander Mervyn Leslie Middlecoat was another outstanding pilot who deserves special mention. He was a brilliant officer right from the beginning. On his graduation with the 16th GD (P) course in 1954, he was awarded the trophy for the best performance in Ground Subjects.

Soft spoken and mild mannered, Middlecoat was the epitome of an officer and a gentleman besides being an outstanding pilot. Flying different aircraft in his service career, he came to master the F-104 Starfighter.

He was commanding No 9 Squadron during the 1965 War and believed in leading from the front. He kept the morale of the Squadron very high and guided his pilots in a highly professional manner. For his leadership and devotion to duty, Squadron Leader Middlecoat was awarded the Sitara-i-Jurat in 1965.

On the outbreak of war on 3 December 1971, Wing Commander Mervyn. L. Middlecoat was on a training visit abroad. He returned to Pakistan immediately and joined operations with such zeal and keen interest that he inspired all squadron pilots. The day after his arrival he was detailed on a strike mission to the heavily defended Jamnagar airfield. While returning after the successful mission he was engaged by 2 enemy MiG-21s. In the encounter his aircraft was hit by an enemy missile. He was heard to be ejecting in Indian territory and was officially declared ‘missing in action’ and later ‘presumed dead’. For his devotion to duty, determination and courage, he was awarded a Bar to the Sitara-i-Jurat.

Cecil Chaudhry, the son of Faustian Elmer Chaudhry, the famous Chief Photographer of Pakistan Times, Lahore, was born in 1941. His interest in aircraft and flying brought him to the PAF and he graduated in 1960. He soon established himself professionally and in 1965 was working as Flight Commander (Training) under the renowned Squadron Leader Sarfraz Rafiqui. When war broke out on 6 September, 1965, Cecil busied himself flying numerous Close Support missions to ward off the Indian ground attack against Lahore and Sialkot. He was detailed to fly a dusk strike mission against Halwara under the command of Squadron Leader Rafiqui. There were unavoidable delays in their take-off and Halwara got forewarned because of the successful PAF strike against Pathankot. When Rafiqui, Yunus and Cecil reached their target Halwara, they were intercepted by numerous Hunter aircraft of the Indian Air Force. During the engagement, after shooting down one Indian Hunter, Rafiqui’s guns jammed and he handed over the lead to Cecil. The three fought bravely against heavy odds but Rafiqui and Yunus were shot down while Cecil managed to return safely after shooting down a Hunter. The loss of his mentor Rafiqui and friend Yunus enraged Cecil and he fought the rest of the war aggressively and with determination. For his acts of courage, dedication and professional ability, Cecil received the Sitara-i-Jurat.

During the 1971 war also Cecil, by now a Squadron Leader, fought with valour. On 7 December, during his second mission of the day over Zafarwal-Shakargarh sector, Cecil’s aircraft was hit by ground fire and badly damaged. He had to eject in enemy territory but he managed to make good his escape and reached Sargodha base safely. He continued to fight valiantly despite fractured ribs and exacted his revenue on 11 December, when he managed to shoot down an Indian SU-7 fighter right over the area where he had lost his aircraft.

During the course of his service, Cecil commanded the prestigious No 9 Squadron and the Combat Commander’s School PAF. He retired in 1986 in the rank of Group Captain. Not one to sit idle, he took time to educate himself and subsequently became the Principal at St. Anthony’s School at Lahore. He continues to turn out scores of motivated young men who are bubbling with zeal and enthusiasm to serve their country with dedication, pride and honour.

Squadron Leader William Desmond Harney, a Navigator of exceptional courage and dedication to duty needs special mention.

Born in Chittagong in 1937, after receiving his early schooling at St. Placids, W.D. Harney joined PAF Academy in 1957 and graduated in 1960.

In 1965, when war broke out, W.D. Harney was posted as Navigator in a Bomber Squadron. During the war, inspite of a hand injury, he voluntarily undertook 14 bombing missions and especially the most hazardous ones to Adampur, Halwara, Jodhpur, Pathankot and Ambala. In all the missions, he excelled in leadership, courage and devotion to duty. His mission-planning and execution of the missions was so meticulous that despite heavy odds, he always reached his targets and contributed significantly to the accuracy of the attacks. For his display of extreme courage and professionalism, W.D. Harney was awarded the Sitara-i-Jurat.

Squadron Leader W.D. Harney participated wholeheartedly in the 1971 war also and undertook a number of daring missions. He retired in 1974 and decided to settle in Australia where he had gone to attend to his ailing father.

Squadron Leader Peter Christy was a jolly, hard working and dedicated officer. He served as a B-57 Navigator and flew a number of successful operational missions in 1965. In 1971, Peter Christy was on deputation to PIA when he himself volunteered to return to PAF for war duties. He displayed great keenness to fly, and inspite of overwhelming family obligations and responsibilities he was always willing to take on any mission at any odd hour of the day or night. His sense of humour under war conditions, his dedication to the cause of the country and his personal courage contributed immensely to the Squadron’s morale.

On 6th December, 1971 Squadron Leader Peter Christy was detailed as Navigator for a bombing mission to Jamnagar. He failed to return from the mission and was officially declared ‘missing in action’. For his personal example and complete devotion to duty, he was awarded Sitara-i-Jurat.

It is for paucity of space that only seven names have been dwelled upon in detail but the rank and file of PAF is full of names of Christian officers and men who have contributed significantly to the formation of PAF and later kept the national banner flying with courage, dedication and dignity. To name a few, ‘Edwin Nazirullah, Steve Joseph, James Jebb, Patric Callaghan, Stephen Israel, M.J. O’Brain, Springett and Game amongst the pioneering pilots with Leslie de’ Cruz the Navigator, Alfred Jagivan the Air Gunner, Marston the Armament Officer, Robert Ritchie, J.E. Lewis, H.J. Caldens, J.M. Octavious and H.W. Highland the Admin Officers and C.M. Revis the Education Officer among the pioneers. Later John Carrapiett and Saleem Gohar who fought valiantly in the Indo Pak Wars. Out of these, besides Eric Hall, Steve Joseph and M. J. O’Brain also rose to the rank of Air Vice Marshal and achieved the penultimate position in PAF and served as the Deputy Chief of Air Staff. Air Vice Marshal O’Brain also achieved a rare distinction as having been so far the only PAF Officer to serve as the Commandant of National Defence College.

It is interesting to note that out of a total of 70 Sitara-e-Jurats awarded to PAF officers in both the Wars, seven were won by Christian officers.

The tradition continues till today as the mantle is passed on to generation after generation of Christians in PAF who continue to give their best to PAF and their country as an embodiment to Quaid’s dream and message.

The faces and the names of the men in blue
shall be ever-changing,
With each generation that will prevail in its time,
and then pass on into history.
But the courage and the honour
of the Pakistan Air Force
shall endure forever,
for they are its very heart and soul.
People harp so much about BVR. But what good they are? 120 Km stated range means the missile can hit a stationary target while traveling in a straight line at 120Km range.

BVR is normally known as an Air to Air missile, what you mean by Stationary target?

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