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It seems PAFs answer to SU30s and Rafale(at least till 2020-22) is the battle proven F16 (mlu, adf, block 52). I think they are gonna try to get the numbers above 100 in the next 2-3 years one way or the other.
It is an interesting bit of news. Is the refusal another facet of our punishment for refusing to be a part of the team in yemen or is it a genuine need of Jordan. If do how long will they hold out. Various numbers from 6 to 14 have been quoted by various people that one talks to. If we do go down that line then does it mean J31 is a long way away from induction or not a realistic prospect.

Sir talk is cheap. Why would Jordan sell off its F16s beyond the ANF models
No it's not.

Our gap is non existent.

Rafales will arrive in 2017, won't be operational until 2019 due to training, doctrine issues.

T-50 is in bad weather, Russia has no money & is lacking in technology to deliver it in time. As things are going IAF won't have operational T-50 before 2020-21

Our sixteens & seventeens plus SAMs, AWACs can do their primari job just fine till 2020, we don't need a new platform. More Block-52s are welcomed, however another solution would be to buy 60 odd Norwegian sixteens and put them through SABR F-16V AESA upgrade. 60 odd AESA upgraded F-16s will give us equal capability to Rafale, in strong numbers.

FC-31 is a great prospect. We ought to join the program along the lines of JF-17 Thunder program. I expect it to be operational around 2020-21 timeline.

Sometimes you are like a breath of fresh air on this forum. God Bless you!!
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Sir talk is cheap. Why would Jordan sell off its F16s beyond the ANF models
Sir Fatman.
Iam only responding to news which has been reported by Janes in the past if I remember correctly. There was talk of PAF buying the whole fleet and Jordan getting replacement from uncle Sam( bl. 32/42s ). I understand the current fix Jordan is in and the fact that these 16s are MLUed so it always seemed unlikely however I can only go by what is reported.
I fully agree with your assessment. Just because IAF has talked of buying Rafales does not mean we have to respond immediately. Our planners have taken into account whatever our opposition is in the process of buying. The real and only future prospect is J31 if and when it is mature. Not knowing what is going on at that front, I suggested alternatives. So it is either J31 or ABC.
No it's not.

Our gap is non existent.

Rafales will arrive in 2017, won't be operational until 2019 due to training, doctrine issues.

T-50 is in bad weather, Russia has no money & is lacking in technology to deliver it in time. As things are going IAF won't have operational T-50 before 2020-21

Our sixteens & seventeens plus SAMs, AWACs can do their primari job just fine till 2020, we don't need a new platform. More Block-52s are welcomed, however another solution would be to buy 60 odd Norwegian sixteens and put them through SABR F-16V AESA upgrade. 60 odd AESA upgraded F-16s will give us equal capability to Rafale, in strong numbers.

FC-31 is a great prospect. We ought to join the program along the lines of JF-17 Thunder program. I expect it to be operational around 2020-21 timeline.

Those Norwegian F16s have not been offered nor do we need them. JF17 blk 3 will do.

It is not exactly a gap but a configration conflicting the need for taking out SAMs and other out of range military installations such as air bases stationing SU30s. That will be necessary considering IAFs numerical superiority and our inability to counter it once in the air and also to pave way for ground offence which is enevitable because of our narrow land mass.

PAF's bombing campaigns have always payed off in the past wars and were the reason behind successful containing of IAF. Alas PAF has been ignoring that art. We should have gone for a strike aircraft once the sanctions had been lifted.

@MastanKhan @araz
Those Norwegian F16s have not been offered nor do we need them. JF17 blk 3 will do.

It is not exactly a gap but a configration conflicting the need for taking out SAMs and other out of range military installations such as air bases stationing SU30s. That will be necessary considering IAFs numerical superiority and our inability to counter it once in the air and also to pave way for ground offence which is enevitable because of our narrow land mass.

PAF's bombing campaigns have always payed off in the past wars and were the reason behind successful containing of IAF. Alas PAF has been ignoring that art. We should have gone for a strike aircraft once the sanctions had been lifted.

@MastanKhan @araz

You might be correct regarding the Norwegian F-16's but what about the Greek ones?

The JF-17 block 3 would do well when it is produced in a couple of years but till then we have not yet seen the full integration of the JF-17bk 2's.

PAF continuously trains for asymmetric warfare so they would be well aware of the capabilities of SU30's. The only issue that one might think of is the numerical imbalance.

PAF relies on the Mirage III/V's for bombing campaigns which might not be possible till they find a proper replacement.

The problem PAC is having is that they are still not able to attain the target number per anum in producing JF-17's.
sir don't u think option already given as Pak should get up to 18 F16 get 36 odd F16s fitted with Aesa Radar. Similarly limited induction of J10 bs is also viable option with AESA radars. If Pak going for 1000Million deal for Cobras and Helfire than it may arrange funds for them.
Further as news is spreading that Pak and Russia Mi35 deal is on hold, further Russia shall not be willing to provide capable fighter jet like Su 35 to Pak.

( Further Pak should try to get at least 18 J15s supported by same number of Jf17 block -2 for naval warfare as soon as possible)

What happened of Nawab shah based new Jf17 production facility?
PAF options are as follows - the way i see it

get 72 MLUed F-16 of that we have 58 already delivered
get 36 blk 52 of that we already have 18
that is total of 6 F-16 squadrons

build 10 squadrons of JF-17 by 2018-20

the above plan will leave PAF with 3 F-7PG squadrons and 1 CCS squadrons

invest in FC/J-31 to be inducted post 2020.

invest in Advance AWACS, layered air defense

AFAIK the the Norwegian machines are on offer. Russian sabre rattling might push their JSF purchase meaning that we might be able to pick them from 2017 onwards if the deal goes through.

I'm a big supporter of JF-17 Block-3 but it won't be more capable than an F-16 with an AESA radar upgrade.

FC-31 should be looked at seriously, and we should be planning for an air sea battle as it is likely that the next invasion might take place from our coast.

AFAIK the the Norwegian machines are on offer. Russian sabre rattling might push their JSF purchase meaning that we might be able to pick them from 2017 onwards if the deal goes through.

I'm a big supporter of JF-17 Block-3 but it won't be more capable than an F-16 with an AESA radar upgrade.

FC-31 should be looked at seriously, and we should be planning for an air sea battle as it is likely that the next invasion might take place from our coast.
Won't be more capable but they will have more life.

I am all for FC31 but considering our budget, it is unlikely that we'll see it soon in PAF colors.

The way i see it, JH7B with approx 2000km combat radius seems like the only option we have.

AFAIK the the Norwegian machines are on offer. Russian sabre rattling might push their JSF purchase meaning that we might be able to pick them from 2017 onwards if the deal goes through.

I'm a big supporter of JF-17 Block-3 but it won't be more capable than an F-16 with an AESA radar upgrade.

FC-31 should be looked at seriously, and we should be planning for an air sea battle as it is likely that the next invasion might take place from our coast.
Why are we only looking at J-31's?

The TFX and KFX are also going to be available by 2020.
TFX would be a better choice but the limitation is the EJ-200 engine.

Won't be more capable but they will have more life.

I am all for FC31 but considering our budget, it is unlikely that we'll see it soon in PAF colors.

The way i see it, JH7B with approx 2000km combat radius seems like the only option we have.
There are some reports that PAF is interested in T-50 Golden Eagle. That is also similar to the F-16's. What do you think?

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