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Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

I dont want to be the reason for added "heart burn". But news is going to be good.

Now you are being a naughty boy. Is this related to Pakistan's 'Make in America' agenda? :P

please atleast tell us the vendor :-)

Yea man, as if Lockheed Martin is mentioned, and people would think maybe Pakistan is buying howitzers from them? :P

Well---it could be, but it is not. But when it is announced, it will be a good surprise.

How long do we have to wait before we can rub it in the face of Indians?
Those Norwegian F16s have not been offered nor do we need them. JF17 blk 3 will do.

It is not exactly a gap but a configration conflicting the need for taking out SAMs and other out of range military installations such as air bases stationing SU30s. That will be necessary considering IAFs numerical superiority and our inability to counter it once in the air and also to pave way for ground offence which is enevitable because of our narrow land mass.

PAF's bombing campaigns have always payed off in the past wars and were the reason behind successful containing of IAF. Alas PAF has been ignoring that art. We should have gone for a strike aircraft once the sanctions had been lifted.

@MastanKhan @araz


F16s will always be the backbone of paf. I would like to see a minimum number of120of 120 F16s. I would also like to see at least 80 J10 Bs and Cs. I would like to see at least 18 JH7Bs for the navy + 18 JF17 naval versions, and around 200 + JF17s For air force.

The air force may have other options available.
Sir Fatman.
Iam only responding to news which has been reported by Janes in the past if I remember correctly. There was talk of PAF buying the whole fleet and Jordan getting replacement from uncle Sam( bl. 32/42s ). I understand the current fix Jordan is in and the fact that these 16s are MLUed so it always seemed unlikely however I can only go by what is reported.
I fully agree with your assessment. Just because IAF has talked of buying Rafales does not mean we have to respond immediately. Our planners have taken into account whatever our opposition is in the process of buying. The real and only future prospect is J31 if and when it is mature. Not knowing what is going on at that front, I suggested alternatives. So it is either J31 or ABC.

Jordan refusing f-16s has nothing to do with Yemen and GCC non-sense. Jordanians couldn't care less about GCC's adventures in Yemen. I always found how much the Arabs differ among themselves. Those with oil and those without it. Jordan needs aerial assets for itself, because of the flames at its own borders. Pakistan should depute a squadron of strike aircraft to Jordan, and rub it in the face of the UAE and Saudis.

F16s will always be the backbone of paf. I would like to see a minimum number of120of 120 F16s. I would also like to see at least 80 J10 Bs and Cs. I would like to see at least 18 JH7Bs for the navy + 18 JF17 naval versions, and around 200 + JF17s For air force.

The air force may have other options available.
Why J10bs?
Now you are being a naughty boy. Is this related to Pakistan's 'Make in America' agenda? :P

Yea man, as if Lockheed Martin is mentioned, and people would think maybe Pakistan is buying howitzers from them? :P

How long do we have to wait before we can rub it in the face of Indians?


I cant disclose anything that i dont know---hehn---but remember, if we csn go for 8 submarines, we csn also spend mor on the aircrsft as well.

Just my assessment------we are waiting for what kind of package the rafale will have, even though we know it but still.

They waited too long across the border for the rafale. It has given us enough time to plan.

Why J10bs?

Because of aesa, it will be an excellent choice. The f16s are not available with aesa.

I cant disclose anything that i dont know---hehn---but remember, if we csn go for 8 submarines, we csn also spend mor on the aircrsft as well.

Just my assessment------we are waiting for what kind of package the rafale will have, even though we know it but still.

They waited too long across the border for the rafale. It has given us enough time to plan.

Because of aesa, it will be an excellent choice. The f16s are not available with aesa.

True, Rafale ain't coming before 2018 at least, because there will be teething issues, that is guaranteed. So 2-3 more years of breathing space. By the time Rafale fleet is up and fully combat ready, i am not even sure if it would be relevent, with the Chinese and Russian 5th gen aircraft being available.

I cant disclose anything that i dont know---hehn---but remember, if we csn go for 8 submarines, we csn also spend mor on the aircrsft as well.

Just my assessment------we are waiting for what kind of package the rafale will have, even though we know it but still.

They waited too long across the border for the rafale. It has given us enough time to plan.

Because of aesa, it will be an excellent choice. The f16s are not available with aesa.

Oh boy I hope it's j10 with Aesa, It's the only way forward for Pakistan, I agree with you we should get more f16 raise the number to 100 plus but at the same time we should be looking at j10 in similar numbers, j31 is a long way off and IAF has Su30, upgraded mirages and now Rafael coming in to the mix.

Jf 17 is good for point defence, defensive roles, it's short legged and carries less payload, it's perfect for second line and stand off attacks but we need air superiority fighter and j10 can fit that role well something that even JF17 third block won't be able to do truly.

I cant disclose anything that i dont know---hehn---but remember, if we csn go for 8 submarines, we csn also spend mor on the aircrsft as well.

Just my assessment------we are waiting for what kind of package the rafale will have, even though we know it but still.

They waited too long across the border for the rafale. It has given us enough time to plan.

Because of aesa, it will be an excellent choice. The f16s are not available with aesa.
Well---it could be, but it is not. But when it is announced, it will be a good surprise.
Khan sb my hinch is different it may typhoons with saudi help I feel it's workable .f 16 may be but there is space for third plane and typhoon is in desire list of PAF 36 to 56 is nice decent addition plus BAE also looking for bussiness But if saudi money is there then never forger yanks too they may offer us F 15 s reason is bussiness for Boeing typhoon and F15 R planes of same league when money is there then nobody can beat yanks .
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PAF is already utilising the current JFT fleet in operation Zarb-e-Azb according to a tweet by Alan warnes who was interviewing the new CAS .warnes is on a visit to PAF bases. Hope to see a writeup soon in AFM
According to the new CAS the JFT remains it's prime focus.

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