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Pak Media - India Orders 36 Rafale Jets from France, Bharat Ke upar Jangi Jnun Sawar hai

One thing I have noticed is that Pakistan has a lot of Tv-series or Daily shows for discussion on Geo-political scenario... On the one hand its good as it makes the population verse with global undertakings while on the other hand too much of Geo-political discussion based upon conspiracy theory and false facts leads to creation of paranoia in the population....

I think in India we don't have many such Tv-series/Daily shows ( Forgive me if I'm wrong). Right now I can only think of two such series in India.... One is India's World by Rajya Sabha Tv and the other one is the recent show called " LATITUDE" telecast-ed on Times Now and anchored by Mashroof Raza...
"Bharat Ke upar Jangi Jnun Sawar hai" - :lol:

If only they could make out that the MMRCA's are to counter altogether a "different" adversary not them. :disagree:

Bro ,what is the meaning of that statement ?
I cant get it .Can you brief it ?
Cannot understand when, Pakis will stop debating each and every move India takes.
Dear Pakis, you are off of Indian radars. We no more plan anything keeping u in mind.
Stay cool and be happy.
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