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Pak Media - India Orders 36 Rafale Jets from France, Bharat Ke upar Jangi Jnun Sawar hai

Lol Bhai jaan ! F16 is not a good fighter or what ? :lol: Now Rafale sending othershock waves across the subcontinent. ... Lots of SOS from other sides:dance3:
Actually that's your own psyche, which has repeatedly been exposed.
Why would anyone be concerned about something which wouldn't see light of the day for a few years yet.:cheesy:
One thing some frivolous characters forget is that PAF had already checked out this bird a decade ago. :pleasantry:
Typhoon...where this come from..PAF have already rejected typhoon long time ago.
lol, you also rejected Su-27 , but still dreaming eager to buy from Chinese now. Not everyone can buy expensive toys.

Actually that's your own psyche, which has repeatedly been exposed.
Why would anyone be concerned about something which wouldn't see light of the day for a few years yet.:cheesy:
One thing some frivolous characters forget is that PAF had already checked out this bird a decade ago. :pleasantry:
But everything changed since a decade.... avionics, weapon systems , radar .....:cheers:
lol, you also rejected Su-27 , but still dreaming eager to buy from Chinese now. Not everyone can buy expensive toys.

But everything changed since a decade.... avionics, weapon systems , radar .....:cheers:
This paranoid will never stop...you keep guessing we keep getting...now go it's milky time..
lol, you also rejected Su-27 , but still dreaming eager to buy from Chinese now. Not everyone can buy expensive toys.
We also rejected MIG-21 and SU-7s back in 1969, but two decades later inducted the F-7 because it met PAF's operational requirements, similar case may apply with others.
But everything changed since a decade.... avionics, weapon systems , radar .....:cheers:
Indeed they have but as said elsewhere, the main factor remains the pilot, his training and capabilities.
We also rejected MIG-21 and SU-7s back in 1969, but two decades later inducted the F-7 because it met PAF's operational requirements, similar case may apply with others.

Indeed they have but as said elsewhere, the main factor remains the pilot, his training and capabilities.
tell me you rejected the same plane , and then indudcted the same plane.. what this all tell ? either you are confused or seller don't want to sell you...

MIG 21 you rejected but copy u inducted. Most important factor , You don't have capability to buy it , you can't rejected things which can't buy.

Yes but in BVR; Radar and Electronics play important role not pilot capability, its plane capability , come out from old generation planes stuffs. World has changed.
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tell me you rejected the same place , and then indudcted the same plane.. what this all tell this? either you are confused or seller don't want to sell you...

MIG 21 you rejected but copy u inducted. Most important factor , You don't have capability to buy it , you can't rejected things which can't buy.

Yes but in BVR; Radar and Electronics play important role not pilot capability, its plane capability , come out from old generation planes stuffs. World has changed.
That's where you are confused, the F-7 may be based on the MiG-21 but it's much enhanced capabilities specially the PG version. The original MiG-21s for example didn't even have guns and no avionics like a HUD.
The PG version is even more advanced, apart from several design features for improved agility, it's a BVR capable machine.
When countries share a common border with a few minutes of flying time between them and AWACS monitoring and looking hundred of miles into others airspace, your BVR capability comes second best also keep in mind the RCS each aircraft generates.
That's where you are confused, the F-7 may be based on the MiG-21 but it's much enhanced capabilities specially the PG version. The original MiG-21s for example didn't even have guns and no avionics like a HUD.
The PG version is even more advanced, apart from several design features for improved agility, it's a BVR capable machine.
When countries share a common border with a few minutes of flying time between them and AWACS monitoring and looking hundred of miles into others airspace, your BVR capability comes second best also keep in mind the RCS each aircraft generates.
I believe F7 crash rates are way better than the mig-21's FL, but even our mig-21 BISON's are good even better than F-7

Mig 21 bison cockpit
F7 cockpit

:D :D :D rightly said :rofl:
sidewinder iam the jatt with plusar 200NS:p::lol:
That's where you are confused, the F-7 may be based on the MiG-21 but it's much enhanced capabilities specially the PG version. The original MiG-21s for example didn't even have guns and no avionics like a HUD.
The PG version is even more advanced, apart from several design features for improved agility, it's a BVR capable machine.
When countries share a common border with a few minutes of flying time between them and AWACS monitoring and looking hundred of miles into others airspace, your BVR capability comes second best also keep in mind the RCS each aircraft generates.

Well if you are not mistaken MIG-21FL, played a very important role in 1971 , It can fire Guns and carry bombs, and Now check when did you bought First F-7 .... BTW MIG-21 Bis can carry A2A was developed in 70's .

Yes , all planes are more then 50-100km apart in initial flights and car fire immediately. No to mention , when Plane flying form near by Delhi bases etc. All Low RCS plane was on front line.
Money !!!!! or lack thereof :)

They can easily buy 20-30 jets if not 100.

Don't tell me that's a difficult thing..

The J-10B already has a AESA radar and is packed with many different sensors.
One question:

When is PAF getting it?

What happened to the 36 J-10As that Musharaf ordered from China?

Where is the news deferring J-10A orders? any links from Government of Pakistan?

Any official source talking about the purchase of the advanced J-10B?

Thanks. It would help in constructive discussions.
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