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Pak-Iran Border fence construction to start from Next Week


Nov 3, 2014
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Commander Southern Command Lt. Gen Asim Bajwa

@5:40 till 6:50

@Mentee @PaklovesTurkiye @Areesh @Maarkhoor @Major Sam it should be taken in Iran as collective Lannat by poor Pakistan on Mullah terrorist regime who did nothing to protect borders except barking Saudi, Zionist, CIA martian blah blah BS.
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Commander Southern Command Lt. Gen Asim Bajwa

@5:40 till 6:50

@Mentee @PaklovesTurkiye it should be taken in Iran as collective Lannat by poor Pakistan on Mullah terrorist regime who did nothing to protect borders except barking Saudi, Zionist, CIA martian blah blah BS.
Dont worry about others. Lets put our own house in order
Alhumdulillah. .Thank God finally Pakistan did it and inshallah we will able to protect our citizens from Afghanistan, Indian Iran base terrorists.
Oh I forgot one country (Isreal) which are involved in terrorists activities in all over the world. INSHALLA this is the downfall for all enemies of Pakistan and this is the time where Pakistan will rise as one of the powerfull country in the world , in this region and all Muslim world as Pakistan is only Nuclear Power in Muslim world.

Just a cheap theatrical act from Pakistan to boost their terrorist activity in our Eastern boarders like past 15 years with saudi money.

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Every one know who is the real terrorists in the world which is Isreal (Zionist nation).
Just a cheap theatrical act from Pakistan to boost their terrorist activity in our Eastern boarders like past 15 years with saudi money.
If it were true the picture would have been much different for you brother, believe you me.. The fact is Pakistan's policy to support Muslim nations at all costs is what has held us back. By supporting Palestine we have the west looking at us unfavorably (Palestinians don't appreciate it either) and by supporting you we have the GCC being unfavorable to us when they can. It would be easier to dump you and take billions in return from GCC countries but we choose not to. Don't thank us but keep your verbal abuse against us in check if it's possible.
2014 news, what's the latest?
Here is 2018. And the good point is Iran is safer than many european countries. If there wasn’t our eastern boarder problem with Pakistan we would be the safest country in the world. Yep we are Shias of Amir ul-Momenin Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S).

We follow Twelve Imams (cousin and grandsons of Holy Prophet (PBUT)) who never preached for destruction & suicide.

Here is 2018. And the good point is Iran is safer than many of european countries. If there wasn’t our eastern boarder problem with Pak we would be the safest country in the world. Yep we are Shias of Amir ul-Momenin Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS).

We follow Twelve Imams who never ordered for terrorism & suicide.

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Again you have shown countries impacted by terrorism (not the ones inflicting it) like your previous post. Countries impacted by terrorist activities inflicted by Indian terrorists traveling on Iranian Passports. Food for thought!
Again you have shown countries impacted by terrorism (not the ones inflicting it) like your previous post. Countries impacted by terrorist activities inflicted by Indian terrorists traveling on Iranian Passports. Food for thought!
I don’t get involved in Pakistan-India verbal wars.
Iran should also contribute in fencing border. This is in the interest of both countries. It will stop smuggling & kidnapping incidents of Iranian guards .

Iran has chosen India as it's ally.

Every country has right to make policy. Iran is Not India ally, This is just matter of mutual interest & trade.
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