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A Second Iranian Revolution?

I honestly blame the incompetance of the government for these protests. They completely mishandled the Mahsa Amini case, trying to sweep it under the rug. The problem is that Iranian people are not stupid. Nobody is going to believe that a healthy, young 22 year old girl randomly, abruptly fell into a coma and died.

The government investigated this case and put out a report. According to the report, Mahsa Amini died because of "circumstances" They try to blame her death on the fact that there was a crowd outside the morality police HQ and that prevented the ambulance from getting there on time supposedly.

That is beyond ridiculous, but even if you're going to blame the crowd, who dragged all those people there in the first place ? The government and their policies are to blame, but of course they refuse to take any responsibility whatsoever. This would be the equivalent of trying to blame George Floyds death on the drugs in his system.

I mean sure with every case there are contributing factors, but the main cause is what's important. In George Floyds case, he suffocated because of the knee on his neck. In Mahsa Amini's case we don't know but it's extremely suspicious that a healthy, young 22 year old would just randomly fall into a coma and then die of a heart attack.

It's nothing less than a pathetic attempt at deflection by the government and it didn't work.Instead of actually trying to get to figure out what really happened, instead of punishing those responsible, reforming their policies and apologizing to appease the angry crowds, instead they make excuses and this is the end result.

Iran is seeing the worst civil unrest since the start of the revolution. An entire generation of youth are disenfranchised and the country is now facing threats from every corner. Like I said, the government really f#cked this up. Now people are so angry that some are willing to annihilate their own country just to get rid of this government. This was a do or die moment for this government and they completely failed with their response.
Iran came a long road to reach at this point and still a long road ahead.
There is a case(1990s) which national TV announced:
Official death report of Mr. X.
"برخورد دیوار با سر"

Long story short this guy was doing next stage of "morality" work on his own according to final report.
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and some...
the paranoid Mullah regime has survived due to the majority of Rural population using the religious slogans and diverting the attention from all its disastrous policies and ruthless persecutions to Evil Western conspiracies.

American state will do great service to Iranian people by staying away and let the Iranian people rise up and overthrow this regime themselves and that will be possible if the protests are not religious or ideology but about social justice and quality of life so that people across the social classes can join a combined opposition. a minority group of educated left wing youngsters from the Urban area cant put a dent on the regime no matter how vocal and committed they are because of their small size.
the regime just kills few hundreds of them and showcases it as attack on Islam and the protests lose their steam.

Just for your information, there majority in Iran is not rural. Iran's urbanization rate is above 76%.

I honestly blame the incompetance of the government for these protests. They completely mishandled the Mahsa Amini case, trying to sweep it under the rug. The problem is that Iranian people are not stupid. Nobody is going to believe that a healthy, young 22 year old girl randomly, abruptly fell into a coma and died.

The government investigated this case and put out a report. According to the report, Mahsa Amini died because of "circumstances" They try to blame her death on the fact that there was a crowd outside the morality police HQ and that prevented the ambulance from getting there on time supposedly.

That is beyond ridiculous, but even if you're going to blame the crowd, who dragged all those people there in the first place ? The government and their policies are to blame, but of course they refuse to take any responsibility whatsoever. This would be the equivalent of trying to blame George Floyds death on the drugs in his system.

I mean sure with every case there are contributing factors, but the main cause is what's important. In George Floyds case, he suffocated because of the knee on his neck. In Mahsa Amini's case we don't know but it's extremely suspicious that a healthy, young 22 year old would just randomly fall into a coma and then die of a heart attack.

It's nothing less than a pathetic attempt at deflection by the government and it didn't work.Instead of actually trying to get to figure out what really happened, instead of punishing those responsible, reforming their policies and apologizing to appease the angry crowds, instead they make excuses and this is the end result.

Look, the claim that Mahsa Amini was killed by police forces holds no water in light of known documented elements.

First of all you're wrong about her health situation, she had precedents in the form of a brain surgery during her childhood, as admitted by her father and confirmed by hospital records. So she was subject to risk factors. Also, some of her CT scans (made after the incident) were published, and there were no traces of traumatic injury to the head or torso.

Secondly, why don't you mention the CCTV footage that was released from the Vozara center where the police van drove her to, along with the other five or six ladies arrested? Fact is, someone who'd just been beaten to within an inch of their life, will not be walking towards the entrance like Amini did, i.e. without any visible sign of pain or impairment.

Thirdly, I don't remember the legal medical report blaming crowds outside the Vozara center. It simply presented the technical conclusions of the autopsy, and they are clear about the absence of symptoms of lethal violence on Mahsa Amini. Considering her former health issues and the unusual stress she found herself under, her falling into a coma and passing away afterwards is not nearly as suspicious as you seem to think.

In George Floyd's case, there's concrete evidence for heavy handed police brutality, in Mahsa Amini's there isn't, and all available indications are pointing to the contrary.
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Oh wear a hijab and cut internet, oh no, life has no sense that way.


it is not about hijab, it is about a brutal regime that uses intimidation and killing to control the population. 42 kids have died since the beginning of the protests. They cut the internet so the brutality cannot be sent abroad and no one could see them. For god sake they forced high school kids to participate in their propaganda video and when they refused they brought in the basiji goons to beat the crap out of a bunch high school girls. One died as the result and several got hospitalized. Where in this world have you seen the level of brutality you can see from this regime? I used to hate Israel for the treatment of Palestinians but this regime is even worse than them.
power of people:

Mihan ice cream company provided their trucks to be used by basij and police to transport their forces. As the result people did boycott their products and now they are on the verge of bankruptcy so they created these ads to convince people that they didn't (typical regime lies) but people already made the decision and won't buy their products anymore.
In the west women are oppressed because they can't go freely in topless by the streets, do you imagine the injustice for a native american woman?

And someone can say: who give a fck about that? 99.99% dont want to go in topless.

Well, the same with hijab and muslim countries like Iran.

Most of muslim women wear hijab freely.

And only a noisy crazy people complain about that.

By the other side if a Western woman upload a pic of her showing tits and nipples to his Instagram account, Instagram evil censors will cut access to his instagram account, is that freedom? Nipples are not related to sex, but only in the hot mind of depraved men.

If women in the west want to go topless they can get a vote and change it and they will go topless. That's the difference.

Majority of Islamic countries have the freedom to choose if they want to wear hijab or not, that's why a lot of them wear it but because it is forced in Iran, majority don't want to wear it just to show their objection to be forced. Leave it to be free and you will see the results. This regime made hijab such a red line issue that caused a riot over it and killed 400+ people to not give an inch. They are literally every day announcing that they will restart gasht-e ershad and forced hijab as soon as protests are over, and the reason they don't have it now is because all their personnel are on the street beating people and no one is left to run them.
it is not about hijab, it is about a brutal regime that uses intimidation and killing to control the population. 42 kids have died since the beginning of the protests. They cut the internet so the brutality cannot be sent abroad and no one could see them. For god sake they forced high school kids to participate in their propaganda video and when they refused they brought in the basiji goons to beat the crap out of a bunch high school girls. One died as the result and several got hospitalized. Where in this world have you seen the level of brutality you can see from this regime? I used to hate Israel for the treatment of Palestinians but this regime is even worse than them.
You're right but that is the develop of protests, it's not the origin of protests.

I think Iran people who started to protest was in fact due to porverty and low incomes. But it's more nice protest asking freedom than money, it happens everywhere.

Food inflation are punishing Iranian poor people, and the most of Iran poor people are non-Persian and non-shiite, i.e: the most of people who protest.

Then in fact it's not a hijab, internet of freedom related protests, it's a economic protest, like almost all big protest in this world.
Haha, you are funny.

The West secretly stays quiet on Iran, because it is a Shia country.

The West needs Iran as a counterweight to the majority Sunnis.
You're right but that is the develop of protests, it's not the origin of protests.

I think Iran people who started to protest was in fact due to porverty and low incomes. But it's more nice protest asking freedom than money, it happens everywhere.

Food inflation are punishing Iranian poor people, and the most of Iran poor people are non-Persian and non-shiite, i.e: the most of people who protest.

Then in fact it's not a hijab, internet of freedom related protests, it's a economic protest, like almost all big protest in this world.

the issue with poverty and income in Iran vs rest of the world is that in Iran the government officials all have wealthy life style, they have their kids studying in UK, Canada and US, steal money and transfer them to outside accounts but always ask ordinary people to deal with hunger and poverty. According to one of parliament members 5400 of top government officials have their kids in Canada / US. Yet, they shout all day long death to USA. And guess what, all those kids are living a grand lifestyle, using people's money, no hejab, drinking alcohol, having mixed parties...

as I said it is not one single issue that made people explode, it is corruption to the core of top officials, restrictions on social freedom, while their own kids don't follow, this bogus anti-US anti-west pos while their kids are there, not giving people freedom to protest, every single protest is confronted with iron fist and killing / maiming scores of people, cutting internet for people (there were 2 million people whose job depended on Internet before protests and they lost their jobs because of cutting the internet) while they themselves have access to internet, twitter, Instagram...

for 40 years people waited in the hope that reforms will change the system to a better more open society but thing didn't change a bit, as we saw with the murder of Mahsa Amini for not wearing hejab the way they approve (not because of lack of hejab as she had it)

and as you said balouch and Kurdish people are even worst, and being subjected to harsher treatment. In the first week of protests, they opened fire in Zahedan on people coming back from prayers killing more than 90 people in one single instance and then they lied about it and said separatists fired on people but people, including the Imam of the mosque rejected their claim and told the truth that it was basiji and police who opened fired on people with live ammunition and killed them in cold blood (the protestors were unarmed).
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the issue with poverty and income in Iran vs rest of the world is that in Iran the government officials all have wealthy life style, they have their kids studying in UK, Canada and US, steal money and transfer them to outside accounts but always ask ordinary people to deal with hunger and poverty.

"All" government officials have wealthy lifestyles and offspring studying in the west, perhaps that's why the country's highest authority, the Supreme Leader is living a simple, modest life in an ordinary dwelling devoid of any luxury and located in a working class district of Tehran. Perhaps that's why the Leader's children never spent time abroad. Leader, shall we remind, who according to oppositionist propagandists and the USA troll army is concentrating all power in his hands.

as I said it is not one single issue that made people explode,

Some 100.000 gullible and violent rioters out of 85 million. Reason being the nonstop propaganda and psy-ops beamed into Iran by western- and zionist-sponsored outlets, which number several times Iran's own media and are much better funded.

Also these rioters, who attack and murder law enforcement personnel as well as citizens loyal to the Revolution in the dozens, do not qualify as "the people". The footage below offers an adequate reflection of the Iranian people:

not giving people freedom to protest, every single protest is confronted with iron fist and killing / maiming scores of people,

Free unhindered protests have been a regular feature of politics in the Islamic Republic. What won't be allowed, is mob violence and deadly attacks against law enforcement personnel as well as destruction of public and private property. Individuals engaging into such, will legally and legitimately be dealt with by the country's security forces.

cutting internet for people (there were 2 million people whose job depended on Internet before protests and they lost their jobs because of cutting the internet) while they themselves have access to internet, twitter, Instagram...

When the internet is being instrumentalized by western and zionist intelligence services to incite violence, it will be cut. Iran's existential foreign enemies bear full responsibility.

for 40 years people waited in the hope that reforms will change the system to a better more open society but thing didn't change a bit,

Again, those rioters do not represent the Iranian people.

as we saw with the murder of Mahsa Amini for not wearing hejab the way they approve (not because of lack of hejab as she had it)

Mahsa Amini was not "murdered".

1) Published CCTV footage shows her walking into the building the police van drove her to, and she's not exhibiting any signs of pain or physical impairment while doing so.
2) At the hospital, her father publicly stated she had had a surgery as a child, as confirmed by hospital records. In other terms, she had medical precedents.
3) Leaked CT scans of Amini made after her collapse present no signs of traumatic injury to her head or torso.
4) The legal medical report clearly excludes lethal moves on the part of law enforcement.

This is the perfect example of manipulation by hostile regimes and the exiled oppositionists they sponsor, and how such manipulation leads a tiny minority of gullible subjects to resort to violence as a result.
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it is not about hijab, it is about a brutal regime that uses intimidation and killing to control the population. 42 kids have died since the beginning of the protests.

According to the MKO terrorist sect based in Albania, where the CIA has offered them an operational center from which they're flooding the internet and so-called social media with propaganda and disinformation 24/7.

The same MKO which murdered some 14000 Iranians in the 1980's, betrayed their country by siding with Saddam during the latter's USA- and EU-backed military aggression against Iran, and resorted to abject "I"SIS-style crimes, which according to reports included cutting embryos out of the wombs of pregnant women. In short, crimes typical of NATO- and zionist-trained terrorists worldwide.

What a credible source indeed!

They cut the internet so the brutality cannot be sent abroad and no one could see them.

It was legitimately interrupted because hostile foreign-sponsored media keep trying to provoke an escalation of violence by encouraging their audience to attack government employees and fellow citizens and to commit murder.

For god sake they forced high school kids to participate in their propaganda video and when they refused they brought in the basiji goons to beat the crap out of a bunch high school girls. One died as the result and several got hospitalized.

Fake news, debunked already.

Where in this world have you seen the level of brutality you can see from this regime? I used to hate Israel for the treatment of Palestinians but this regime is even worse than them.

Sure, we've heard the same tired old mantras at the onset of unrest in Syria. We also vividly remember the Iraq WMD lies in 2003, Colin Powell's embarrassing show at the UN Security Council and countless other fabrications by NATO regimes and the zionists.

the most of Iran poor people are non-Persian and non-shiite, i.e: the most of people who protest.

No, citizens who are both non-Persian and non-Shiite do not form a majority among the poor. Nor even among rioters. Minorities aren't unduly discriminated against in Iran. Unlike Spain, where they're subjected to such treatment that they vote for independence, before being cracked down on. And unlike Iran, Spain does not have to deal with the destabilizing power of the entire USA/EU/zionist propaganda apparatus.
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Haha, you are funny.

The West secretly stays quiet on Iran, because it is a Shia country.

The West needs Iran as a counterweight to the majority Sunnis.
this bogus anti-US anti-west pos while their kids are there,

Maybe that's why Iran's the country most sanctioned by the west, and why every single armed terrorist grouplet killing Iranians is being backed by western regimes. Maybe that's why the west threw its full weight behind Saddam when Baathist Iraq invaded Iran in 1980. Maybe that's why the USA regime entered the Iran-Iraq war on behalf of Baghdad in 1988 and attacked the Iranian Navy, in addition to shooting down a civilian Iranian airliner. Maybe that's why every oppositionist organization advocating overthrow of the Islamic Repubilc is generously funded by the west. Maybe that's why the most massive propaganda campaign in history, directed againt the Islamic Republic of Iran, is being conducted by the west.

That's a pretty strange way of "staying quiet". And it makes Iran's opposition to the USA regime so "bogus" that it generates this much aggression from the latter.

and as you said balouch and Kurdish people are even worst, and being subjected to harsher treatment. In the first week of protests, they opened fire in Zahedan on people coming back from prayers killing more than 90 people in one single instance and then they lied about it and said separatists fired on people but people, including the Imam of the mosque rejected their claim and told the truth that it was basiji and police who opened fired on people with live ammunition and killed them in cold blood (the protestors were unarmed).

The truth is that several of Zahedan's police stations, three to be exact, were fired at by armed elements. Hence why security forces returned fire. Just days before the riots, western-backed sectarianist terrorist outfit Jeish al-Zolm published a video documenting how they've replenshed their arsenals, announcing upcoming terrorist operations in Iran's Sistan va Baluchestan province. And then claimed responsibility for some of these terrorist aggressions. The area has been the site of terrorist attacks before and this time's no exception.

A government which permits the construction of grand mosques in Zahedan...:


...will not open fire on worshippers. Especially when there's no reason whatsoever to resort to such an action.

Also, the assault on one of the police stations happens to be documented. Follow the link below to watch images of armed outlaws shooting at the police:

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the issue with poverty and income in Iran vs rest of the world is that in Iran the government officials all have wealthy life style, they have their kids studying in UK, Canada and US, steal money and transfer them to outside accounts but always ask ordinary people to deal with hunger and poverty. According to one of parliament members 5400 of top government officials have their kids in Canada / US. Yet, they shout all day long death to USA. And guess what, all those kids are living a grand lifestyle, using people's money, no hejab, drinking alcohol, having mixed parties...

as I said it is not one single issue that made people explode, it is corruption to the core of top officials, restrictions on social freedom, while their own kids don't follow, this bogus anti-US anti-west pos while their kids are there, not giving people freedom to protest, every single protest is confronted with iron fist and killing / maiming scores of people, cutting internet for people (there were 2 million people whose job depended on Internet before protests and they lost their jobs because of cutting the internet) while they themselves have access to internet, twitter, Instagram...

for 40 years people waited in the hope that reforms will change the system to a better more open society but thing didn't change a bit, as we saw with the murder of Mahsa Amini for not wearing hejab the way they approve (not because of lack of hejab as she had it)

and as you said balouch and Kurdish people are even worst, and being subjected to harsher treatment. In the first week of protests, they opened fire in Zahedan on people coming back from prayers killing more than 90 people in one single instance and then they lied about it and said separatists fired on people but people, including the Imam of the mosque rejected their claim and told the truth that it was basiji and police who opened fired on people with live ammunition and killed them in cold blood (the protestors were unarmed).

Rich kids of Tehran upload pics of them drinking Western alcoholic beverages to Instagram.

But if a poor man destillate homemade alcohol (with the risk for the health) is punished with 40 lashes.

Anyway, without hunger there is no revolution.

The dumb politic of how Iran handled the increase of food prices, is the source of protests.
No, citizens who are both non-Persian and non-Shiite do not form a majority among the poor. Nor even among rioters. Minorities aren't unduly discriminated against in Iran. Unlike Spain, where they're subjected to such treatment that they vote for independence, before being cracked down on. And unlike Iran, Spain does not have to compose with the destructive power of the entire USA/EU/zionist propaganda apparatus.

Yeah, now Kurds and Sunites are the rich elite of Iran, in your crazy fantasy view of Iran. Stop saying nonsenses and lies.

non-Persian and non-Shiite are most of the Iranian poor people, proportionally to his number, in percentage, obviously.

You are tiring talking of Spain state, I'm not from the Spanish state, they do bad things sometimes too, that doesnt excuse Iran state. I supported Catalonian people right to decide. Anyway, zero killed in Catalonian mayhem.

Iran got free money from EU due to Iran Deal.
So currently I dont know exactly if the EU is more destructive for Iran or for Spain. :lol:

Orchestrated Iranian protests come from Israel/GCC/USA.
Yeah, now Kurds and Sunites are the rich elite of Iran, in your crazy fantasy view of Iran. Stop saying nonsenses and lies.

Yes, they are part of it. What do you know about the composition of Iran's "rich elites" to go on spreading these unsubstantiated allegations at every chance? Either post some evidence to substantiate them or give it a rest.

non-Persian and non-Shiite are most of the Iranian poor people, proportionally to his number, in percentage, obviously.

So you're an expert on Iranian demography, society and economy? Ok, then show us some credible evidence for your claims. Because nothing's obvious in this regard.

You are tiring talking of Spain state, I'm not from the Spanish state, they do bad things sometimes too, that doesnt excuse Iran state. I supported Catalonian people right to decide.

You need to stop projecting other situations onto Iran.

Anyway, zero killed in Catalonian mayhem.

Zero lethal attacks on law enforcement in Catalonia. Zero incitement to violence by the NATO / zionist propaganda apparatus, unlike what took place in Iran.

Try any of that in Spain and see how many would get mowed down by security forces.

Iran got free money from EU due to Iran Deal.
So currently I dont know exactly if the EU is more destructive for Iran or for Spain. :lol:

What's that? Iran never received a penny for free from any one.

Orchestrated Iranian protests come from Israel/GCC/USA.

Yes, and the EU is and has always been their partner in crime. Just recently a couple of French spies were caught who had been holding meetings with local trade unionists, I wonder why. During the 2009 fitna (so-called "Green Movement"), Iranian intelligence intercepted communications involving German spies and released their code-names. In 2020, the UK ambassador to Tehran joined a tiny gathering of political trouble makers after the assassination of martyr Soleimani.

It's actually enough to consult any of the European mainstream media to get an idea of the deep hostility EU regimes have been harboring against Iran.

This is without mentioning how EU regimes are hosting and supporting exiled opposition grouplets including armed terrorist and separatist ones.
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