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Pak-Iran Border fence construction to start from Next Week

Iran should also contribute in fencing border. This is in the interest of both countries. It will stop smuggling & kidnapping incidents of Iranian guards .

Every country has right to make policy. Iran is Not India ally, This is just matter of mutual interest & trade.

Allies have all sorts of interests, mutual & trade.
Iran has given permission to the IN to use Chahbahar in the event of a war with Pakistan.
What more does an ally do.
Good decision

Iran is a recognized threat to Pakistan and we hardly have any economic ties with them.

Pakistan doesn't gain anything from having good relations with Iran instead our focus should be gulf countries
Commander Southern Command Lt. Gen Asim Bajwa

@5:40 till 6:50

@Mentee @PaklovesTurkiye it should be taken in Iran as collective Lannat by poor Pakistan on Mullah terrorist regime who did nothing to protect borders except barking Saudi, Zionist, CIA martian blah blah BS.
A Thunder squadron must be stationed in that area 24/7
Iran has given permission to the IN to use Chahbahar in the event of a war with Pakistan.
Oh, then this is serious development . On one side indian puppet afghan government, here iran, other side Bangladesh as india puppet & their Ocean in complete india control. India has influence in region we can't deny. They are making futile effort we salute them too, & they do whatever they went, but we will not allow this. We are strong independent country.
Good decision

Iran is a recognized threat to Pakistan and we hardly have any economic ties with them.

Pakistan doesn't gain anything from having good relations with Iran instead our focus should be gulf countries
Gulf (PGCC) countries are FAKE. And despite having good relationship with them for years you are one the worse countries in HDI, economy and security.

finally we are doing something. Now fence it, guard it and mine it.

Iran has chosen India as it's ally.

We have to save ourselves from the enemy and it's allies.

we have realized this after losing so lives, smuggling and terrorist attacks organized from Iran.
Gulf countries are fake.
Bro we have taken the right step to help you and also make life difficult for those who are creating troubles for your citizens and creating misunderstanding between us. We are not oil rich country and we have got our economic limitations and this money could be spend elsewhere for betterment of our citizens. We don't have got any dispute of land or water any other sort between us. Shia Islam or Sunni its irreverent here and we have got centuries old bond between us due to similarities of culture religion language and so forth. So when someone takes the right step you need to encourage and appreciate there effort instead of unkind to them. You may not want to talk about Pakistan and India dispute now but God forbid one day if Indian army is standing on your border via Afghanistan then we will see which currency you will be using to buy food.
Better late than never.
After the fence on western borders is complete, Pakistan should launch a covert operation in Baluchistan to get rid of MOIS and likes of Kulbudhan Yadav. They'll not get a way to fly back into Iran.
Iran struggles in patrolling and fencing the border. How Pakistan does it with the economic shape its in is the reality.

Fencing is not the solution, going inside those villages and mountain hideouts and killing those mofo's who cause these problems between Iran/ Pakistan is the solution.

Iran's offer is on the table........let us go to these areas to kill them. Otherwise the problem won't go away.
Iran struggles in patrolling and fencing the border. How Pakistan does it with the economic shape its in is the reality.

Fencing is not the solution, going inside those villages and mountain hideouts and killing those mofo's who cause these problems between Iran/ Pakistan is the solution.

Iran's offer is on the table........let us go to these areas to kill them. Otherwise the problem won't go away.
How Pakistan does it should not be your concern, what you should instead be focusing on the training of your so called soldiers that get abducted every now and than.
Iran struggles in patrolling and fencing the border. How Pakistan does it with the economic shape its in is the reality.

Fencing is not the solution, going inside those villages and mountain hideouts and killing those mofo's who cause these problems between Iran/ Pakistan is the solution.

Iran's offer is on the table........let us go to these areas to kill them. Otherwise the problem won't go away.
Without fencing how can one make sure no unauthorized movement except from legal checkpoints.
You need Fence + Post + Patrolling physically + Drones.
We can understand why smugglers don't want fencing.
Iran struggles in patrolling and fencing the border. How Pakistan does it with the economic shape its in is the reality.

Fencing is not the solution, going inside those villages and mountain hideouts and killing those mofo's who cause these problems between Iran/ Pakistan is the solution.

Iran's offer is on the table........let us go to these areas to kill them. Otherwise the problem won't go away.

Does Russia bomb other countries when terrorist activities happen other their soil: when did they ever launch air strikes or infiltrate neighbouring borders, without permission?

Did China ever bomb other countries when Uighurs caused terrorist attacks: did China go bomb Turkey.

Afghanistan is a major haven for terrorists due to its instability and corruption. Yet, when has ever Pakistan went and launched air strikes there although perfectly capable without consequence: everyone is doing it after all. Pakistan instead fenced the border, and setup monitoring equipment and more soldiers there. Not violate or speak of violating international law, as a mature country unlike Iran and India.

Reality is, and as history has shown us, countries which don't accept their mistakes and faults, and continue to blame it on others just like Saudi Arabia and United States, are bound to fail in the aspect.

Today, China and Russia, both are largely free of terrorism thanks to action on their own soil, not on others soil.
But America and Gulf countries, with some European countries, are paying the price to this date.

It is the failure of Iran if they cannot protect their border. It is the duty of Iran that they setup border fence, get better equipment for monitoring, and more importantly, not become the satellite state of RAW terrorism against other countries.

Your terrorist regime is the direct cause of the grievances in Iraq, Yemen and Bahrain - always wanting to put their dirty nose in other countries and spark sectarian violence. And while all that happens, Iran doesn't do shit to Israel, just empty words... Instead Iran has gone on to befriend one of the dearest friends of Israel: India. While Iran forgets that whatever military development they have had in nuclear and missile technology, it would have not been possible without Pakistan. Two-faced liars, nothing more, that is Iran.
Gulf (PGCC) countries are FAKE. And despite having good relationship with them for years you are one the worse countries in HDI, economy and security.

Does Russia bomb other countries when terrorist activities happen other their soil: when did they ever launch air strikes or infiltrate neighbouring borders, without permission?

Did China ever bomb other countries when Uighurs caused terrorist attacks: did China go bomb Turkey.

Afghanistan is a major haven for terrorists due to its instability and corruption. Yet, when has ever Pakistan went and launched air strikes there although perfectly capable without consequence: everyone is doing it after all. Pakistan instead fenced the border, and setup monitoring equipment and more soldiers there. Not violate or speak of violating international law, as a mature country unlike Iran and India.

Reality is, and as history has shown us, countries which don't accept their mistakes and faults, and continue to blame it on others just like Saudi Arabia and United States, are bound to fail in the aspect.

Today, China and Russia, both are largely free of terrorism thanks to action on their own soil, not on others soil.
But America and Gulf countries, with some European countries, are paying the price to this date.

It is the failure of Iran if they cannot protect their border. It is the duty of Iran that they setup border fence, get better equipment for monitoring, and more importantly, not become the satellite state of RAW terrorism against other countries.

Your terrorist regime is the direct cause of the grievances in Iraq, Yemen and Bahrain - always wanting to put their dirty nose in other countries and spark sectarian violence. And while all that happens, Iran doesn't do shit to Israel, just empty words... Instead Iran has gone on to befriend one of the dearest friends of Israel: India. While Iran forgets that whatever military development they have had in nuclear and missile technology, it would have not been possible without Pakistan. Two-faced liars, nothing more, that is Iran.

Says the guy from the country which supported taliban for 3 decades and got sweeties from Sudi dogs & yankees.
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