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Pak deplores 'use of force' by India in Kashmir

At least Indians use excessive force in Indian territory. What happens to Pakistan when American droned the hell outta its civilians. When did the deploration go then?
No sir you fcuk off, did u like them waving pakistani flag, looks like even your private hair got burnt in anger.
Oh Azad Kashmir tells it went very well
Again the same idiocy.

Did you take Azad Kashmir from India? No, you invaded the independent country of Kashmir and took it from them.

The ruler then invited the Indian army to stop the marauding Pashtun tribal lashkars, and acceded to India.

Since the Indian army came there and drove you back from Srinagar (including the airport), have y ever taken an inch of land controlled by India? No.

I pity Pakistani schoolkids who are taught this myth that "Azad Kashmir" was taken from India. You invaded a small kingdom, and that is why they lost their independence.

No sir you fcuk off, did u like them waving pakistani flag, looks like even your private hair got burnt in anger.
Not really. They can fly as many flags as they want. But the state stays with India. End of story. Go cry.
Again the same idiocy.

Did you take Azad Kashmir from India? No, you invaded the independent country of Kashmir and took it from them.

The ruler then invited the Indian army to stop the marauding Pashtun tribal lashkars, and acceded to India.

Since the Indian army came there and drove you back from Srinagar (including the airport), have y ever taken an inch of land controlled by India? No.

I pity Pakistani schoolkids who are taught this myth that "Azad Kashmir" was taken from India. You invaded a small kingdom, and that is why they lost their independence.

Pakistanis are taught history much better than you. Like you who are taught half truths on Kashmir. Pakistanis know what you are taught and they also know the fact if they wouldn't have attacked they wouldn't have had Azad Kashmir and GB with them now. Keep your pity to yourself. You would need it
Pakistanis are taught history much better than you. Like you who are taught half truths on Kashmir. Pakistanis know what you are taught and they also know the fact if they wouldn't have attacked they wouldn't have had Azad Kashmir and GB with them now. Keep your pity to yourself. You would need it
Again - you attacked the small, independent kingdom of Kashmir. You did not take an inch from India. So the existence of "Azad Kashmir" proves nothing about India's might.

Take even one inch from us, and then talk. Until then, Kashmir is India's, and there is nothing your country can do about it. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.:enjoy:
Again - you attacked the small, independent kingdom of Kashmir. You did not take an inch from India. So the existence of "Azad Kashmir" proves nothing about India's might.

Take even one inch from us, and then talk. Until then, Kashmir is India's, and there is nothing your country can do about it. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.:enjoy:

We have taken more than an inch from you. Pity your history again. But anyways I have made my point. You are taught half truths on Kashmir while we are far better than that. You can boost yourself on occupying whatever remaining part of your atoot ang you have for now.
We have taken more than an inch from you. Pity your history again. But anyways I have made my point. You are taught half truths on Kashmir while we are far better than that. You can boost yourself on occupying whatever remaining part of your atoot ang you have for now.
Nope. You haven't. You tried to take it in '65, ended up desperately defending Lahore instead. Lost more than half the country in '71. Lost Siachen glacier and Saltoro in '84. Tried to regain them in '87, and failed. Tried to take Kashmir in '99, and failed. Gave up trying since then, and decided to "deplore" uselessly now and then.

That's your martial history, in a nutshell. You have not taken an inch from India. India has taken Siachen and other areas from you. Oh and also cut you in pieces. LOL.
Nope. You haven't. You tried to take it in '65, ended up desperately defending Lahore instead. Lost more than half the country in '71. Lost Siachen glacier and Saltoro in '84. Tried to regain them in '87, and failed. Tried to take Kashmir in '99, and failed.

That's your martial history, in a nutshell. You have not taken an inch from India. India has taken Siachen and other areas from you. Oh and also cut you in pieces. LOL.

Would focus only on the bold part since the rest is the bunch of half truths/lies that you Indians are normally fed by your state.

Still think we haven't taken an inch from you in atoot ang area?

Battle of Chamb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Would focus only on the bold part since the rest is the bunch of half truths/lies that you Indians are normally fed by your state.

Still think we haven't taken an inch from you in atoot ang area?

Battle of Chamb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fact is we captured far more land in western sector apart from creating Bangladesh in 1971 but returned it back along with 93000 POW according to simla agreement plus retained some strategic areas which was never returned to pak

Battle of Basantar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Would focus only on the bold part since the rest is the bunch of half truths/lies that you Indians are normally fed by your state.

Still think we haven't taken an inch from you in atoot ang area?

Battle of Chamb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh FFS. In a war territory is always captured by both sides, and then bargained for. It is the totality at the end of the war itself that matters. India and Pak have taken chunks of territory in individual battles. By that logic, India has even taken Lahore:




Status quo pro bellum is what matters. ie, what was the territorial change at the end of the war. The answer is that Pak lost half its country. Gaining one inch and losing one mile is not considered gaining, it is called losing.

When India captured Siachen and Saltoro, there was no equivalent capture by Pakistan. It was one sided.

Pakistan has tried since 1965 to take Kashmir from India, and never gained an inch. It has stopped trying since 1999. Now all it can do is "deplore" and cry in front of the world, and here on PDF. Keep it up.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
And how well did that work in the past?:lol:
Very well I suppose... it liberated lot of punjabis for all their problems... some became rich and some became worm food in unmarked graves...

Oh FFS. In a war territory is always captured by both sides, and then bargained for. It is the totality at the end of the war itself that matters. India and Pak have taken chunks of territory in individual battles. By that logic, India has even taken Lahore:




Status quo pro bellum is what matters. ie, what was the territorial change at the end of the war. The answer is that Pak lost half its country. Gaining one inch and losing one mile is not considered gaining, it is called losing.

When India captured Siachen and Saltoro, there was no equivalent capture by Pakistan. It was one sided.

Pakistan has tried since 1965 to take Kashmir from India, and never gained an inch. It has stopped trying since 1999. Now all it can do is "deplore" and cry in front of the world, and here on PDF. Keep it up.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
We gained additional Pakistanis territory in 1971 which we retained and not covered under simla agreement

this is from pakistani brigadier

Kargil: what might have happened | Javed Hussain's Blog
Very well I suppose... it liberated lot of punjabis for all their problems... some became rich and some became worm food in unmarked graves...
Yes, those Pakistani Punjabis have been selflessly sacrificing their lives to fertilize the soil of Indian Kashmir for quite a while now. 90% of LeT are Pak Punjabis, sent to die. But they still have this delusion that these unemployed cannon fodder youths would some day do what even their armed forces can't - take Kashmir from India.

Oh FFS. In a war territory is always captured by both sides, and then bargained for. It is the totality at the end of the war itself that matters. India and Pak have taken chunks of territory in individual battles. By that logic, India has even taken Lahore:




Status quo pro bellum is what matters. ie, what was the territorial change at the end of the war. The answer is that Pak lost half its country. Gaining one inch and losing one mile is not considered gaining, it is called losing.

When India captured Siachen and Saltoro, there was no equivalent capture by Pakistan. It was one sided.

Pakistan has tried since 1965 to take Kashmir from India, and never gained an inch. It has stopped trying since 1999. Now all it can do is "deplore" and cry in front of the world, and here on PDF. Keep it up.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Knew you would come up with such bullsh!t after getting busted on this "even a single inch" claim. By the way this captured area was not returned to India and is now named as Iftikharabad named after General Iftikhar Janjua..

Since I showed we captured more than an inch from India. We also captured skardu one year after our indipendence. Surely it was more than an inch. Or are you told some other definition of "an inch" back in India. Just like you have different definitions for terms like "secularism", "democracy" etc.

Siege of Skardu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

PS: You have posted pictures of soldiers standing outside Police station Burki. Burki is a town outside Lahore city and is part of Lahore district. Even Wahga border with India was part of Lahore district in 1965 and not Lahore city.

Even today in maps it is shown outside Lahore city but obviously is part of Lahore District.

Fact is we captured far more land in western sector apart from creating Bangladesh in 1971 but returned it back along with 93000 POW according to simla agreement plus retained some strategic areas which was never returned to pak

Battle of Basantar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Leave it kid. You don't know what we are talking about and what you are posting doesn't deny my claim anyways.
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