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Pak deplores 'use of force' by India in Kashmir

In any case, lathis and tear gas are not excessive force for police standards anywhere in the world. It is a travesty to hear the Pakistani govt bleating about "brutal force" on such a trivial occasion.

How many people were killed today because of "brutal force"? How many were seriously injured? How many had so much as a scratch?

Brutal force, my foot. Coming from a country where enforced disappearances, massive internal displacement due to civil wars, sound of attack jets and artillery and tanks in the streets is a common everyday experience.

Who will be the next to cry over this "violence", Syria? What a bunch of jokers.

True. Nobody died. But these protesters were protesting because your army killed a civilian in a fake encounter. And that was surely very brutal. Nothing new in Kashmir but definitely brutal.

Calling others post sh!t ... What else your can say... all your post qualify for that reward. :lol:

Indian army fighting terrorist that come from our neighborhood and your army fighting with your own people those become terrorist because of your policies.

Yadd yada. :)
True. Nobody died. But these protesters were protesting because your army killed a civilian in a fake encounter.
Wrong. Read the news properly, instead of imagining things. Too little input into and too much output from the brain is a recipe for idiocy.
Wrong. Read the news properly, instead of imagining things. Too little input into and too much output from the brain is a recipe for idiocy.

Right. This series of protests started few days ago when Indian army repeated what it loves to do in occupied Kashmir. Killing a civilian in fake encounter.
True. because Pakistan is fighting terrorists while you are fighting civilians of Kashmir to occupy their land.
They are effectively the same and in fact more similar than you would like to admit given the ISI's activities, the only difference is how PAKISTAN classifies them. You guys are STILL playing this "good terrorist, bad terrorist" game, well more fool you.
Right. This series of protests started few days ago when Indian army repeated what it loves to do in occupied Kashmir. Killing a civilian in fake encounter.
Making up stories, are we? Sorry boy, your ignorance has been exposed. This had nothing to do with any fake encounter.
Making up stories, are we? Sorry boy, your ignorance has been exposed. This had nothing to do with any fake encounter.

You have complete right to remain ignorant. I respect it. :)
True. because Pakistan is fighting terrorists while you are fighting civilians of Kashmir to occupy their land.
Lol what? The are, were terrorists armed to the teeth in Kasmir targeted Delhi and Mumbai, and para military forces were used. However this is whats known as COIN. Note they did not use tanks, or air strikes.
Pakistan has armed insurgents as well, and the Pakistan uses tanks, and F-16s as well as drone strikes via America, thats known as LIC. Low Intensity Conflict. Not COIN. LIC is supposed to be used against forign armies or nations ie America invading Iraq etc... Pakistan is doing this internally.
To top it all off while India has a democratic system, all though not perfect its far better than a puppet government set up by the ISI with shadow assassinations. The Indian situation in Kasmir may not be perfect, but its better than being in Pakistan.
They are effectively the same and in fact more similar than you would like to admit given the ISI's activities, the only difference is how PAKISTAN classifies them. You guys are STILL playing this "good terrorist, bad terrorist" game, well more fool you.

good that you consider civilians and terrorists killing civilians the same. It is your occupation of Kashmir that is making you think this sh!t.
They are effectively the same and in fact more similar than you would like to admit given the ISI's activities, the only difference is how PAKISTAN classifies them. You guys are STILL playing this "good terrorist, bad terrorist" game, well more fool you.
One major difference though is that our forces are competent enough to keep these terrorists irrelevant - in fact so irrelevant that certain people can even call them "civilians". On the other hand, in Pak they blow up naval bases, air force bases, army headquarters, police stations, visiting cricket teams, anything at all with impunity.

That's the difference that having a well trained and professional intel agency and security forces makes to a country. Imagine, if RAW and the IA and Kashmiri policemen were of the same caliber as their counterparts - we would have seen our own tanks and fighter jets bombing our own country all day for years. In some Operation this-e-that or other.
Right. This series of protests started few days ago when Indian army repeated what it loves to do in occupied Kashmir. Killing a civilian in fake encounter.

Before accusing indian army , why dont introspect and check what your army is doing in balochistan or frontier areas.
Before accusing indian army , why dont introspect and check what your army is doing in balochistan or frontier areas.

We already know what they are doing. They are killing terrorists.
good that you consider civilians and terrorists killing civilians the same. It is your occupation of Kashmir that is making you think this sh!t.
When you pick up a weapon and start targeting civilians and security personnel alike you are no longer considered an innocent civilian. But please, do continue with your arbitrary distinctions, it is doing your country oh so much good...
When you pick up a weapon and start targeting civilians and security personnel alike you are no longer consider an innocent civilian. But please, do continue with your arbitrary distinctions, it is doing your country oh so much good...

That's true. Such people are not civilians. That's why we don't kill them. But again this doesn't apply to those civilians who didn't pick up the gun and are killed in fake encounters. Something that your military do every now and then in Kashmir.

So when your Army chief again request USA/China/UN to intervene into Kashmir issue??

Sorry boy no bone for you today. :)
What about use of force by china !

What about killing kashmiris by firing from other side of border !
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