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Pak deplores 'use of force' by India in Kashmir

PS: You have posted pictures of soldiers standing outside Police station Burki. Burki is a town outside Lahore city and is part of Lahore district. Even Wahga border with India was part of Lahore district in 1965 and not Lahore city.

Even today in maps it is shown outside Lahore city but obviously is part of Lahore District.

You started the war with the grand aim of conquering Kashmir. Not only did you not take an inch of Kashmir, but had Indian forces on the outskirts of your largest city. I guess that's victory by your madrassah logic.

If India tried to capture Tibet, and Chinese forces reached Gurgaon on the outskirts of Delhi, would we declare victory? Only Pakistanis are so idiotic. Singing odes about how they tried to take the neighbour's land and ended up desperately defending their major city.

As for the previous bit - yes, that happens in battles - do check out how much territory in total was gained by India and Pakistan in that war. You are in for a surpise.
Since I showed we captured more than an inch from India. We also captured skardu one year after our indipendence. Surely it was more than an inch. Or are you told some other definition of "an inch" back in India. Just like you have different definitions for terms like "secularism", "democracy" etc.

Siege of Skardu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Did you even bother to read the link you gave? Please check whom PA was fighting in that siege. It was Pakistan army v/s the police force of Kashmir. Pak even took Kargil, before the Indian army sent you packing. It's all in your own link.
You started the war with the grand aim of conquering Kashmir. Not only did you not take an inch of Kashmir, but had Indian forces on the outskirts of your largest city. I guess that's victory by your madrassah logic.

If India tried to capture Tibet, and Chinese forces reached Gurgaon on the outskirts of Delhi, would we declare victory? Only Pakistanis are so idiotic. Singing odes about how they tried to take the neighbour's land and ended up desperately defending their major city.

As for the previous bit - yes, that happens in battles - do check out how much territory in total was gained by India and Pakistan in that war. You are in for a surpise.

Leave my madarsah logic. I can see you moving back from "even an inch" claim.

By the way Indian army was present in Koti city of AJK back in 1947 when it evacuated it to be later captured by Pakistani army. Still not equal to an inch???

PS: All Pakistani madarsah follow madarsahs in India which itself has a huge number of Madarsahs.

read my previous posts and i don't want to mention Qaid post

Note: Musharaf claimed India captured 1000 Sq km of pakistani land in 1984
That in itself is humiliating for Pakistan, that too when the military was running the country. But what was even better for us, the areas we captured were so strategically significant - we occupied commanding heights on the glaciers, forever having the ability to maintain vigil over an even larger area.
Did you even bother to read the link you gave? Please check whom PA was fighting in that siege. It was Pakistan army v/s the police force of Kashmir. Pak even took Kargil, before the Indian army sent you packing. It's all in your own link.

It doesn't matter to us whom we were fighting. We took Skardu a year later after the independence of your country. It is you who lost skardu and not some police.

read my previous posts and i don't want to mention Qaid post

Note: Musharaf claimed India captured 1000 Sq km of pakistani land in 1984

Yeah you captured Siachen which was not guarded by any Pakistani troops. However your further movement from that frozen wasteland has been effectively checked by Pakistani military. Got your point. Now don't interfere bubblo.

Umm...no - read my next post.

Answered it kid.
It doesn't matter to us whom we were fighting. We took Skardu a year later after the independence of your country. It is you who lost skardu and not some police.
Man, are you this thick? When India and Pak became independent, Kashmir was not part of either nation. It was an independent kingdom. Whatever you took, you took from them, before we stepped in. Kashmir was not part of India when you took Skardu, they signed the accession precisely because of your invasion. You even took Kargil and Srinagar airport, and were beaten back by the IA later. So what is the point of this "after you became independent" bit?

Now you are saying "doesn't matter who you were fighting" - this exchange began precisely on that point. You did not take anything from us - you took it by attacing the police forces of a tiny kingdom. You were the reason they lost their independence.
Man, are you this thick? When India and Pak became independent, Kashmir was not part of either nation. It was an independent kingdom. Whatever you took, you took from them, before we stepped in. You even took Kargil and Srinagar airport, and were beaten back by the IA later.

Now you are saying "doesn't matter who you were fighting" - this exchange began precisely on that point. You did not take anything from us - you took it by attacing the police forces of a tiny kingdom. You were the reason they lost their independence.

Don't share the history that you were taught back in India. We know the lies that you guys are fed. I was just countering your bogus claim.

And we are the reason that around 86000 sq km of erstwhile state of Kashmir don't have to live a life under tyranny and oppression.

Now you are saying "doesn't matter who you were fighting" - this exchange began precisely on that point. You did not take anything from us - you took it by attacing the police forces of a tiny kingdom. You were the reason they lost their independence.

We took it a year later after your independence. It is not our fault if you weren't able to send your regular troops to Skardu who might evacuate it like Kotli.
This is too much for pakistan, india having huge budget,military,taking positions in siachen,flexing muscles in indian ocean,developing its own GPS system,now 7th biggest economy and 3rd by PPP term,its cruel india cruel !
Yeah you captured Siachen whcih not guarded by any Pakistani troops. However your further movement from that frozen wasteland has been effectively checked by Pakistani military. Got your point. Now don't interfere bubblo.
What a shameless post

what was left us to capture, there was No further movement once we captured siachen and your troop tried to retake those posts in 84,87 and 92

But failed with high casualties
What a shameless post

what was left us to capture, there was No further movement once we captured siachen and your troop tried to retake to posts in 84,87 and 92

But failed with high casualties

Kid there are dozens of other glaciers around Siachen including the second highest peak in the world. Your occupation of Siachen would have put those highly strategic peaks in jeopardy but Pakistani military has effectively stopped you from further movement.
Since pakistan want to de-militarize the siachen zone as claim their success in siachen and india not agreeing the idea, mmm success OMG !
Kid there are dozens of other glaciers around Siachen including the second highest peak in the world. Your occupation of Siachen would have put those highly strategic peaks in jeopardy but Pakistani military has effectively stopped you from further movement.
Do not tell me ,tell that to your Generals who dared to retake "useless" un strategic post resulted in high casualties not once but thrice
Don't share the history that you were taught back in India. We know the lies that you guys are fed. I was just countering your bogus claim.
Everything that I said is verifyable from independent sources. Heck, the source you yourself gave verifies it. Here is what it says about Skardu:

Victory of Pakistan Irregulars over Weak battalions of Jammu Kashmir State force

And we are the reason that around 86000 sq km of erstwhile state of Kashmir don't have to live a life under tyranny and oppression.
You are the reason they lost their independence. If you had not attacked them, they would not have signed the instrument of accession to India.

We took it a year later after your independence. It is not our fault if you weren't able to send your regular troops to Skardu who might evacuate it like Kotli.
Are you really, really thick? Again with the "after independence" irrelevancy. You took Skardu because it was not India at that time. It was after you took most parts of Kashmir, that the IA was invited by the ruler. You were even in control of Kargil and Srinagar. Guess who owns those places today?

For the last time - don't boast to us about taking some parts of Kashmir from an independent kingdom. When you can take Kashmir from India, come here and boast about it. Until then, adieu.

As always, it has been a pleasure ripping apart your nonsense. Enjoy the heartburn.

Do not tell me ,tell that to your Generals who dared to retake "useless" un strategic post resulted in high casualties not once but thrice
One of those operations was commanded by a certain Brigadier Musharaff. They came skiing down the mountains Hollywood style, a company of SSG. When the entrenched Indian infantry fired, they skied back up at twice the speed.
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