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Pak deplores 'use of force' by India in Kashmir

Everything that I said is verifyable from independent sources. Heck, the source you yourself gave verifies it. Here is what it says about Skardu:

Yeah because of state of India which was a year old by then failed to send its troops for different reasons. Not our problem.

You are the reason they lost their independence. If you had not attacked them, they would not have signed the instrument of accession to India.

as I said. Half-truth/Lie fed to you back in your country.

Are you really, really thick? Again with the "after independence" irrelevancy. You took Skardu because it was not India at that time. It was after you took most parts of Kashmir, that the IA was invited by the ruler. You were even in control of Kargil and Srinagar. Guess who's flag flies there today?

Whose flag flies in Kotli and Skardu? Anyways this is just refined rant from above. Already answered.

For the last time - don't boast to us about taking some parts of Kashmir from an independent kingdom. When you can take Kashmir from India, come here and boast about it. Until then, adieu.

And don't come up with "even an inch" claim next time. Or else you would busted badly just like in this thread. Yeah you boost all you want on occupying remaining part of Kashmir for now. :)

As always, it has been a pleasure ripping apart your nonsense.

Love your confidence. But your ignorance is even better since because of this ignorance you make foolish claims.

Enjoy the heartburn.

Don't know about you Indians since you have strange definition of your own about different things. We normally here in Pakistan don't feel heartburn after humiliating and busting someone. ;)

Do not tell me ,tell that to your Generals who dared to retake "useless" un strategic post resulted in high casualties not once but thrice

They tried to take back which is belongs to them. Just like whole of Kashmir. That doesn't change the history of Siachen that I mentioned earlier.
Yeah because of state of India which was a year old by then failed to send its troops for different reasons. Not our problem.

as I said. Half-truth/Lie fed to you back in your country.

Whose flag flies in Kotli and Skardu? Anyways this is just refined rant from above. Already answered.

And don't come up with "even an inch" claim next time. Or else you would busted badly just like in this thread. Yeah you boost all you want on occupying remaining part of Kashmir for now. :)

Love your confidence. But your ignorance is even better since because of this ignorance you make foolish claims.

Don't know about you Indians since you have strange definition of your own about different things. We normally here in Pakistan don't feel heartburn after humiliating and busting someone. ;)

They tried to take back which is belongs to them. Just like whole of Kashmir. That doesn't change the history of Siachen that I mentioned earlier.
And i appreciate their professionalism they can try once again IA would be there to welcome them like always
Yes, those Pakistani Punjabis have been selflessly sacrificing their lives to fertilize the soil of Indian Kashmir for quite a while now. 90% of LeT are Pak Punjabis, sent to die. But they still have this delusion that these unemployed cannon fodder youths would some day do what even their armed forces can't - take Kashmir from India.
Well, what can you say... some people are so egomaniacs that they fail to see the reality... we all know what will happen to them eventually...
And how well did that work in the past?:lol:

Considering Pakistan has its adversary darpoke India (four times bigger than Pakistan) bogged down in Muslim Kashmir for more than a quarter of a century, I think little Pakistan has done very well.

Aao jara khushbu lagake. 1971 repeat Kara denge. And ya, you and you atim bum can go to hell. Indians care 2 hoot bout your nukes. :D

I don't know why Supa Powa India continues to tolerate the killing of thousands of Indian soldiers in Muslim Kashmir for the past 26-years.

Indian military = Too darpoke
Pakistan still trying very hard to internationalize the Kashmir issue.

Still trying to get India to sit for talks...well try harder....

It is sad that no one gives a damn. After your recent GCC blunder/sensibility? , even GCC is not gonna give a damn

Considering Pakistan has its adversary darpoke India (four times bigger than Pakistan) bogged down in Muslim Kashmir for more than a quarter of a century, I think little Pakistan has done very well.

I don't know why Supa Powa India continues to tolerate the killing of thousands of Indian soldiers in Muslim Kashmir for the past 26-years.

Indian military = Too darpoke
First ask us again and get the remains of your soldiers who died in Kargil....let the families of those Patriotic souls get some peace for trusting their sons with your god forsaken country.
Pakistantoday deplored the alleged "use of force" by Indian authorities against protesters in Jammu and Kashmir.

Pakistan's Foreign Office spokesperson Tasnim Aslam issued a statement regarding the situation in Jammu and Kashmir.

The spokesperson said that Pakistan regards the Kashmiris' struggle for their "right to self-determination" legitimate as sanctified by the United Nations Security Council resolutions.

"Pakistan deplores the brutal use of force by Indian security forces against peaceful and unarmed Kashmiris," said Aslam.

She said Pakistan has consistently extended diplomatic, moral and political support to the Kashmiris' struggle for "self-determination".

In her weekly briefing yesterday, the spokesperson had termed the waving of Pakistani flag by protesters inSrinagaras an "expression of emotional bond with Pakistan".

Pak deplores 'use of force' by India in Kashmir | Business Standard News
None of any one's business, forget about neighbors
Kashmir mulls comprehensive opinion poll-BBC report
  • A recent survey in Indian- and Pakistani-administered Kashmir has produced "striking results". The poll was conducted by Robert Bradnock - an associate fellow at the Chatham House think-tank in London - and here he assesses the results.
Most Kashmiris yearn for peace
Given the significance of the 63-year-old dispute over Kashmir - for India, for Pakistan and above all for Kashmiris - it is remarkable how few attempts there have been to test opinion in Kashmir itself about attitudes to key issues in the dispute.

Two polls in the last decade have sampled opinion in Indian Jammu and Kashmir. Opinion has also been explored outside Kashmir in the cities of India and Pakistan.

Yet the poll published on 26 May at Chatham House was the first ever to be taken on both sides of the Line of Control (LoC).

Urgently felt
Its key results are striking.

Unemployment and other economic issues, for example, rank high across the whole of Pakistani held Kashmir and Indian held Jammu and Kashmir.

Indeed economic issues were among the few that united opinion in nearly all the sampled districts on both sides of the LoC.
The poll shows that there is more room than many had anticipated in Kashmiri opinion itself for negotiation.
Robert Bradnock
At first glance economic problems seem to be the top priority in the minds of many Kashmiris, and more important than solving the dispute itself.

Yet when asked how important the dispute was to them personally, 80% overall said it was very important - 75% in Pakistani-administered Kashmir and 82% in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.

The search for a solution is thus urgently felt.

On many other issues, however, opinions were sharply divided, notably by geographical distribution.

The headline figures of 44% (in Pakistani-administered Kashmir) and 43% (in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir) opting for independence, for example, conceals wide regional disparities.

While in the predominantly Muslim Kashmir Valley in Indian-administered Kashmir, the proportion in favour of independence ranged from 74%-95%.

But in the four districts of the predominantly Hindu Jammu part of Indian-administered Kashmir, there was virtually no support for independence at all.

In response to the question "Will an end to militant violence help to end the conflict?" opinion ranged from 0% in Rajouri to 98% in Anantnag and Kathua, while in Pakistani-administered Kashmir it ranged from 27% in Kotli to 75% in Bagh.

This was a professionally designed and implemented poll. I worked with Ipsos MORI (based in London) on the poll's design.

FACTS Worldwide (Mumbai) and Aftab Associates Private Limited (Pakistan) used specially trained interviewers to carry out the face-to-face interviews in four languages.
Many Kashmiris - but not a majority - favour independence
It was funded by a charitable organisation run by Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, the son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Dr Gaddafi's foundation had already been funding development projects among Kashmiri refugees in Pakistan and India, and in 2002 approached me at King's College London to discuss issues surrounding the resolution of the dispute.

In line with his view that civil society has a vital role to play in resolving disputes worldwide, he sponsored the poll.

Engaging Kashmiri opinion emerged as one of the key features of the poll.

Three quarters of all Kashmiris - on both sides of the LoC - believe that all sides of Kashmiri opinion should be consulted in negotiations over the future of Kashmir.

An optimistic sign is the apparent sense of flexibility among many Kashmiris in seeking a solution.

Only 27% of all Kashmiris are in favour of the LoC in its present form (22% in Pakistani-administered Kashmir and 29% in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.)

In three districts in Kashmir valley support for the present LoC falls to 1%, while in Kargil it is 0%.

However, if the movement across the LoC were to be fully liberalised, support for keeping the LoC rises dramatically to 85% overall.

Even in the Kashmir valley it rises to over 80%, and in Pakistani-administered Kashmir to over 90%.
The Kashmir insurgency has raged for 20 years
It is perhaps the attitudes to the LoC that are most significant.

Both Pakistan and India have been very reluctant to consider openly any question that the LoC might be made permanent.

For Pakistan in particular the issue has been presented in all-or-nothing terms, and the possibility that the LoC might be made permanent has been taboo - as it is for some major Kashmiri groups.

Yet there are many signs that the LoC has become a de facto part of life, and for some a vital part of their security.

Indeed, only 8% said that they were not in favour of the LoC in any form.

As the poll showed, while 8% of the total population claimed to have friends or family on the other side, less than 1% had visited the other side of the LoC in the last five years.

In this light it is not surprising that in Poonch and Rajouri, two key border districts in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, more than 90% are in favour of keeping the LoC.

The conversion of the LoC to a "soft" border reportedly played a large part in the Musharraf government's back channel talks with India.

The poll finding that across Kashmir around one quarter are strongly opposed to changing the LoC while a further half would accept it if it is liberalised gives a strong signal that this could be a fruitful area for further negotiation.

And the poll shows that there is more room than many had anticipated in Kashmiri opinion itself for negotiation.

The bigger question is whether the governments of India and Pakistan have the confidence, the power and the goodwill to meet the urgent aspirations of the Kashmiris for a peaceful and permanent settlement.
Kashmiri policemen using tear gas and lathis = "Brutal use of force".

Pakistan using army, airforce, rangers, paramilitaries, heavy artillery, tanks, IFVs, fighter jets etc inside their own country for years and years = Just another day in paradise.
Unfortunately some of these Kashmir's are dolts of highest degree. There is no logic to go with Pakistan other than religious fanatism. You do not want to join medieval age people.
Everything that I said is verifyable from independent sources. Heck, the source you yourself gave verifies it. Here is what it says about Skardu:

You are the reason they lost their independence. If you had not attacked them, they would not have signed the instrument of accession to India.

Are you really, really thick? Again with the "after independence" irrelevancy. You took Skardu because it was not India at that time. It was after you took most parts of Kashmir, that the IA was invited by the ruler. You were even in control of Kargil and Srinagar. Guess who owns those places today?

For the last time - don't boast to us about taking some parts of Kashmir from an independent kingdom. When you can take Kashmir from India, come here and boast about it. Until then, adieu.

As always, it has been a pleasure ripping apart your nonsense. Enjoy the heartburn.

One of those operations was commanded by a certain Brigadier Musharaff. They came skiing down the mountains Hollywood style, a company of SSG. When the entrenched Indian infantry fired, they skied back up at twice the speed.
You can only take a donkey to the water, you cannot make it drink. :D
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