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PAK Army captain martyred, soldier wounded in LoC firing from India

both sides will say that the other started unprovoked firing

its a given that soldiers on either side are looking for any possible target to take out whether provoked or not. its target of opportunity and the latest Pakistani victims are most probably the result of sniper fire. no matter how much either side tries to be careful there is bound to be a chance where one will fall victim to the other.
the death game continues.

a usual response will be so be it. might as well give a go ahead to out BAT and 101 Mujahid force to take out more "innocent".
Indian patrol...?

and voice of reason from either side will home on anyone. its time to spill blood and get to the moral high ground guys.

do your forum war for all its worth.
Proud of the fact that the Indian Army retaliated in the same tone. Good job.

Feel sad for the captain as well as the soldier.

And there is no end to this cycle, Until the support firing stops for the terrorists. Till then news reports like this would keep on coming.

Good job Indian Army.
anyhow it's even!
we've caught an indian agent near wagah just a while ago
What is the Indian Army stand on this? Any statement yet?

you might be in a better position to find out.

a TIT for that? with reference to the recent attack on Indian patrol?
or the usual response to Pakistanis when they were trying to facilitate the infiltration.
both sides will say that the other started unprovoked firing

its a given that soldiers on either side are looking for any possible target to take out whether provoked or not. its target of opportunity and the latest Pakistani victims are most probably the result of sniper fire. no matter how much either side tries to be careful there is bound to be a chance where one will fall victim to the other.
the death game continues.

a usual response will be so be it. might as well give a go ahead to out BAT and 101 Mujahid force to take out more "innocent".
Indian patrol...?

and voice of reason from either side will home on anyone. its time to spill blood and get to the moral high ground guys.

do your forum war for all its worth.
What we civilians can't understand is there would be one family whose son/husband/father won't be returning for the EID or DIWALI. but hey what the heck lets have a mudslinging competitions one side can dig a grave and use it as a foxhole and let the other take cover behind a pyre.
What we civilians can't understand is there would be one family whose son/husband/father won't be returning for the EID or DIWALI. but hey what the heck lets have a mudslinging competitions one side can dig a grave and use it as a foxhole and let the other take cover behind a pyre.

nothing to understand yaar
its all politics bull
its just that the loser looses the life here . its not a street scuffle where the only loss is some pride and some dusty clothes

our media on both sides, and the likes of red topi and some arm chair farts are full of gas and finger the armies on each side to settle the score.
I know from experience that we both fire at each other when the opportunity presents itself.

everything goes .. its not it. both sides will continue until a flag staff meeting is held when they will mutually decide that its enough already.
back in late 90s, when 4 Jaat was deployed across the LoC in front of our unit in Bhimber, there was a daring raid by an Indian officer who wanted to take few dead or alive Pakistani soldiers when them, apparently the diehard Lt Col was leading the assault and our Company mess was riddled with bullets. thats how close they got by sneaking into our positions and at that time the border was not even "hot". oh yea the result of that was that we just barely repulsed them back and there were some fatalities and casualties on either side.

ceasefire etc is all crap. we both violate it when it suits us.
nothing to understand yaar
its all politics bull
its just that the loser looses the life here . its not a street scuffle where the only loss is some pride and some dusty clothes

our media on both sides, and the likes of red topi and some arm chair farts are full of gas and finger the armies on each side to settle the score.
I know from experience that we both fire at each other when the opportunity presents itself.

everything goes .. its not it. both sides will continue until a flag staff meeting is held when they will mutually decide that its enough already.
back in late 90s, when 4 Jaat was deployed across the LoC in front of our unit in Bhimber, there was a daring raid by an Indian officer who wanted to take few dead or alive Pakistani soldiers when them, apparently the diehard Lt Col was leading the assault and our Company mess was riddled with bullets. thats how close they got by sneaking into our positions and at that time the border was not even "hot". oh yea the result of that was that we just barely repulsed them back and there were some fatalities and casualties on either side.

ceasefire etc is all crap. we both violate it when it suits us.
Well i guess we just can't learn to live side by side in a cordial way Sir. Hawks on the either side of the border don't want the dust to settle down.
Well i guess we just can't learn to live side by side in a cordial way Sir. Hawks on the either side of the border don't want the dust to settle down.

what pees me off is the foreign Hawks.. living with full comfit in US and Europe and want us to bleed for them because they are "upset" that we are not doing our duty enough
just because the other side has killed 6 of our guys it means all our soldiers are heartless cowards and begarut..
and this media circus mentality of 1st 2nd gulf war has made the war look like a joke

green screens with automatic fire .. hell with CNN and Fox for making the war into some thing like a Soap opra and a drama

I know it that I had to move just under the Indian machine gun post in madarpur in Kashmir just to get to the village or to the water. they didnt fire when they didnt feel like it and we also didnt when we could help it. but sometimes we had to do that because some other sector had some fighting.
Just saw the interview of parents of Captain Sarfraz shaheed. Captain Sarfaraz joined army because it was he wish of his father. Both father and mother were extremely satisfied and proud of there son. They were more calm than Bharati trolls and Pakistani members here. Not even a drop of tear was in the eye of both of them. Amazing people. Just shows when we have such parents nothing in this world can undo Pakistan.
what pees me off is the foreign Hawks.. living with full comfit in US and Europe and want us to bleed for them because they are "upset" that we are not doing our duty enough
just because the other side has killed 6 of our guys it means all our soldiers are heartless cowards and begarut..
and this media circus mentality of 1st 2nd gulf war has made the war look like a joke

green screens with automatic fire .. hell with CNN and Fox for making the war into some thing like a Soap opra and a drama

I know it that I had to move just under the Indian machine gun post in madarpur in Kashmir just to get to the village or to the water. they didnt fire when they didnt feel like it and we also didnt when we could help it. but sometimes we had to do that because some other sector had some fighting.
I got nothing but RESPECT for the brave souls who served on the either side of the border Sir, and Hats off to you. I can just hope things would calm down and let the saner minds take control.
The parents are indeed brave, respect to them. RiP to the soldier... I think bravery runs in the heredity of the family. Salute to the dead.

Just saw the interview of parents of Captain Sarfraz shaheed. Captain Sarfaraz joined army because it was he wish of his father. Both father and mother were extremely satisfied and proud of there son. They were more calm than Bharati trolls and Pakistani members here. Not even a drop of tear was in the eye of both of them. Amazing people. Just shows when we have such parents nothing in this world can undo Pakistan.
We Pakistanis promise to revenge.

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