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PAF Wrecks Havoc On Millitants


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom

PESHAWAR: At least seven suspected militants were killed early on Wednesday when army jets pounded militant hideouts in the northwestern tribal regions of Orazkzai and Khyber.

Assistant political agent Muhammad Rafique told Dawn.com that three militant hideouts were destroyed in the bombardment, adding that seven militants had reportedly been killed in the strikes.

The jets struck suspected militant hideouts in the Ublan area of Orakzai tribal region and Khyber tribal region’s border area.

Earlier on Tuesday, security agencies had claimed to have killed 33 militants affiliated to the outlawed Lashkar-i-Islam (LI) and Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in multiple jet strikes conducted in the remote Tirah valley of Khyber and in the Mamozai area of Orakzai.

Jets blitz suspected militant hideouts in Khyber, Orakzai; seven killed | Pakistan | DAWN.COM
Thats because the word 'collateral damage' means a lot to us & we've got assets on the ground to minimize it to an absolute bear minimum unlike our American friends.
But Pakistan says that it is cooperating with US and allowed drone strikes.

1. Would you allow US people to get assets to minimize the collateral damage ? The person who helped them to catch Osama, Afridi is in jail.

2. US also said that when they shared intelligence with Pakistani Army, the terrorists were gone and they tracked it with satellites.

3 .If they don't do drone strikes, terrorists will easily live in Pakistani territory and return back after 2014

Now tell me what options they have ?
If you have got a naughty kid in the house, would you rather clip him around the ears yourself or would you prefer a neighbour to do it. !!
Shouldn't you slap yourself who made the innocent kid, naughty at the first place ?

If you don't, your neighbor will slap you and the kid so that both learn their lessons.
Shouldn't you slap yourself who made the innocent kid, naughty at the first place ?

If you don't, your neighbor will slap you and the kid so that both learn their lessons.

Firstly, did your parents knew how you would turn out to be (No punt intended). :D
If you are referring to the Talibans, .....the ones allegedly created by Pakistan must be in their 70s.
BTW, albeit, you supposedly never created the Naxal Maoists, why do they give you a bloody nose at every opportunity.
But Pakistan says that it is cooperating with US and allowed drone strikes.

1. Would you allow US people to get assets to minimize the collateral damage ? The person who helped them to catch Osama, Afridi is in jail.

2. US also said that when they shared intelligence with Pakistani Army, the terrorists were gone and they tracked it with satellites.

3 .If they don't do drone strikes, terrorists will easily live in Pakistani territory and return back after 2014

Now tell me what options they have ?

On the contrary the US does indeed has assets on the ground in Pakistan's Tribal Areas how do you think they know whether Mullah Armstrong is in such & such car or such & such cave or not; its their disregard for collateral damage that does the killings. The Pakistan Army & the Pakistan Air Force on the other hand know full well how counter-productive the whole exercise is whereby you bomb a militant hide-out & in the process end up killing a few women & children here & there along with some innocent bystanders & you can bet your arse that badal or revenge concept amongst the Pashtuns kicks in whereby their loved ones will leave no stone unturned till they've paid you back in kind !

It is precisely because of this & some other factors have been asking the US to stop using drone-strike with impunity & let us co-ordinate with you to avoid this collateral damage that breeds more militants than the drone-strike killed.

As far as your other 3 points are concerned :

(a) Afridi coordinated with a foreign intelligence body against the detriment of Pakistan; if he were born anywhere from Germany to Dijbouti he would be held accountable for that. Khair either way we didn't even punish him for that but something else.

(b) When the US shares intelligence with us & the terrorists in turn are gone - If this happens indeed than it does happen for a reason; which is that the US policy in Afghanistan has failed miserably - Nation building gone down the drain, winning the war remains a pipe-dream & the region is more destabilized then it ever was before. Pakistan reserves the right to not continue lighting our own feet on fire just because Uncle Sam is looking for his 4th of July Celebration.

(c) The Taliban have continued to live in Pakistani & Afghan territories & no amount of Drone Strikes is going to change that; the only thing this policy has managed to achieve is to create even more of them.

The Option that they have is to listen to the Taliban as we asked them in '01 & they're finally doing that ! It would have done the world & this region a world of good had they done that more than 12 years ago instead of going in the way they did. The Taliban can never be defeated through the force of arms because for them winning is to not loose; the only option that is left before us is to sit down & talk to them.

Thankfully the Americans are coming around to that, now !
Firstly, did your parents knew how you would turn out to be (No punt intended). :D
If you are referring to the Talibans, .....the ones allegedly created by Pakistan must be in their 70s.
BTW, albeit, you supposedly never created the Naxal Maoists, why do they give you a bloody nose at every opportunity.
Yup we treated them as step child and they felt bad and kicked us. We are trying to give them their rights.

My parents instilled good values and always kept reminding me not to hurt anyone. So they never had to slap me. As I wasn't raised to Hate my neighbor. So I never broke their window. :D

"When the US shares intelligence with us & the terrorists in turn are gone - If this happens indeed than it does happen for a reason; which is that the US policy in Afghanistan has failed miserably - Nation building gone down the drain, winning the war remains a pipe-dream & the region is more destabilized then it ever was before. Pakistan reserves the right to not continue lighting our own feet on fire just because Uncle Sam is looking for his 4th of July Celebration."

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistans-war/232282-paf-wrecks-havoc-millitants.html#ixzz2JRffEUFl

Yes its US failure to trust Pakistan at first place with sharing intelligence. I am surprised you are blaming US because terrorists left the place after they shared intelligence. I hope you don't say that US told terrorists to move to frame Pakistan.

Also, recently 1 woman 2 children were found dead along with other bodies in Tribal region. People protested. Security forces used force on them. So, wouldn't death of these women and children create more anti-Pakistan people.
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"When the US shares intelligence with us & the terrorists in turn are gone - If this happens indeed than it does happen for a reason; which is that the US policy in Afghanistan has failed miserably - Nation building gone down the drain, winning the war remains a pipe-dream & the region is more destabilized then it ever was before. Pakistan reserves the right to not continue lighting our own feet on fire just because Uncle Sam is looking for his 4th of July Celebration."

Yes its US failure to trust Pakistan at first place with sharing intelligence. I am surprised you are blaming US because terrorists left the place after they shared intelligence. I hope you don't say that US told terrorists to move to frame Pakistan.

Also, recently 1 woman 2 children were found dead along with other bodies in Tribal region. People protested. Security forces used force on them. So, wouldn't death of these women and children create more anti-Pakistan people.

No never said that; they reserve the right to not share any information with us. I merely commented on the absolute counter-productivity of their actions whereby they bomb suspected militants with a complete disregard for human life & the problem, in turn, that creates for us & them alike.

The US can continue not sharing any information with us but even if they do we're not going to paint targets for them that we're talking with to bring about a closure of this mess.

As for what the Security Forces did or did not do - Indeed if this did happen then it does indeed create anti-Pakistan Army sentiment therein; where do you think most of the TTP's foot soldier's come from if not through such botched up jobs by us or by those who consider us an accessory to murder whereby we tacitly allow drone strikes on Pakistani sovereign land.
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