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PAF Wrecks Havoc On Millitants

Yes finaly PAF is killing damn fagot militants

TTP is surrendering

No talks with these bastards until we kill each & evry TTP bastard on earth
an unfair comment to say the least. race or religion should be kept aside
instead of Hindu the word "Indian" would have been just fine.

Although I dont think he would mind being called Hindu but if the intent is not so polite then it must be avoided.

the issue my dear is that the world is only interested in knowing and highlighting where we didnt come to their expectations and failed so such stories like Osama being within 10 km of the outer boundary wall of PMA (which is bigger than a town iteself) gets a lot of mention instead of the list of mentioning the top tier Al Qaeda and taliban leadership we killed or captured and handed over to Yanks.

Excellent comment. Their are Hindus in Pakistan and Muslims in India. These comments do nothing but prove we are bigots.
Excellent comment. Their are Hindus in Pakistan and Muslims in India. These comments do nothing but prove we are bigots.

also the Indians are an essential element of this forum and give this forum much needed life and flavor normally only seen in our sports matches like cricket or hockey.

it would really help if their posts are countered with better argument and view point.
Clashes continue. Ali Khel's may have surrendered to LI!:


At least 12 suspected militants were killed and several others injured when fighter jets pounded their hideouts in upper Orakzai Agency on Monday.

At around 3:30pm, jets bombed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) hideouts in Oblana, Arghanjo and Adam Khel areas of Mamozai, said a security official, adding that five hideouts were destroyed and more than a dozen suspected militants were also injured besides the 12 killed.

The exact number of injured could not be ascertained because the militants shifted their wounded accomplices to an undisclosed location in the mountainous region, he said.

Mamozai is the strong hold of TTP’s Orakzai commander Mullah Gul Zaman and his deputy Mullah Toufan.

A TTP commander told journalists that nine of their fighters were killed in the bombings, while those injured are being treated at an undisclosed location. He vowed to continue their fight against security forces.

Another security official said TTP militants in Tirah valley, Khyber Agency are trying to infiltrate the Dabori area of Orakzai Agency following fatal clashes with Ansarul Islam, another banned outfit. Security forces are deployed in Dabori, an area of Orakzai adjacent to Tirah valley, and are targeting militants on the run, the official added.

Security forces launched an operation in March 2010 after Orakzai Agency fell into the hands of militants. Officials claim they have cleared 97% of the militant-infested areas.

The operation in the Mamozai area of upper Orakzai is, however, ongoing and securing it has been a challenging task because Orakzai borders the restive Kurram and Khyber agencies.

Militants from the two agencies cross over into Momozai, Khadizai and Ali Khel areas, where they constantly target security forces and then escape back to their hideouts.


Black flags meant to show support for TTP were seen on Ali khel houses.... even the peace militia is surrendering to them. The government has failed. Ansarul Islam's leaders themselves are not safe.
Excellent comment. Their are Hindus in Pakistan and Muslims in India. These comments do nothing but prove we are bigots.

A great comment from one think tank, topped up by another great one from a budding think tank.. Makes me feel nostalgic about pdf of 3-4 years back
Would PAF also conduct such airstrikes ever in punjab and karachi on "suspected terrorist hideouts"?. The answer is big no.
Qabaili ka khoon bohat sasta he.
I think there was an article-my contact reporting very negatively. LI has won over the people for many years by dealing with criminals. State was not present and because of vacuum (no writ of government his power in Tirah (Khyber side) is near unchallenged.

This is another article about what I just said about the subject:


As clashes in the troubled Tirah Valley of Khyber Agency entered the seventh consecutive day, Lashkar-e-Islam (LeI) announced that it has successfully captured all the check posts from the peace militia in Takhtaki area.

This won over the Qamarkhel tribesmen, who, along with peace volunteers, announced they were joining hands with the LeI and they hoisted its black flag at their houses and check posts.

On day seven, six more militants were killed in clashes among militant groups, including the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Ansarul Islam (AI), LeI and Qamarkhel peace militia.

More than 90 TTP militants, three dozen AI members, over 10 LeI men and seven Qamarkhel vigilantes have been killed during the week. However, the death toll of civilians could not be confirmed.

On Tuesday, LeI militants had captured two check posts of Zarha Kandao and Naray Pail from the Qamarkhel peace militia. As a result, the peace militia started negotiating with the LeI militants to leave the check posts, insisting that they would remain impartial during the ongoing clashes. While LeI militants refused to relinquish control they did say that they would not advance into Qamarkhel areas.

However, on Wednesday and early Thursday morning, the peace militia hoisted flags in favour of LeI militants. Talking to journalists from an undisclosed location, LeI spokesperson Abu Rasheed Lashkari announced that his outfit had captured all the check posts from the peace militia in Takhtaki and the Qamarkhel tribesmen have decided to join hands with his outfit.

The Qamarkhel tribesmen confirmed the development and said it was done to avoid further bloodshed.

Ten killed in Orakzai Agency

Jet fighters pounded militant hideouts in Orakzai Agency for the fourth consecutive day Thursday when 10 militants were killed, security forces announced.

An official said that at midnight two fighter planes bombed TTP Orakzai militant trenches, destroying three of them in Arghanjo and Sarkani of Momozai in upper parts of the agency.

He said that in the recent operation, around 38 militants were killed while 11 of their hideouts were destroyed. However, the exact number of the wounded men could not be ascertained.

Thursday was the fourth bombing since the beginning of 2013 when security forces targeted militant hideouts of group led by Moulvi Gul Zaman and his deputy Maulana Toufan.

Talking to journalists, a TTP commander from Mamozai said that their trenches were bombed by fighter planes but very few of their fighters were killed or injured as the hideouts were vacated before the attack.

Orakzai is the second smallest agency in Fata after Bajaur Agency and the only area which doesn’t share a border with Afghanistan.


Alikhels are now part of LI. This is going to turn ugly if TTP insists on attacking Ansar Ul Islam.
PAF has conducted 5500 bombing in FATA since 2008 according to them.
This is barbarism.
Drones are highlighted by pakistan to cover up their own barbaric air strikes in FATA.

Artillary gunship H's and airstrikes are one of the reason of our failures there. Those kill a lot of innocents.

But the issue is mara.... you have to give an alternate solution luffy if you want it to stop. What is the solution?
Artillary gunship H's and airstrikes are one of the reason of our failures there. Those kill a lot of innocents.

But the issue is mara.... you have to give an alternate solution luffy if you want it to stop. What is the solution?

Is it not Pakistani Army's job to figure out that solution ? That's what they get paid for.. Right ?
Would PAF also conduct such airstrikes ever in punjab and karachi on "suspected terrorist hideouts"?. The answer is big no.
Qabaili ka khoon bohat sasta he.

yea different rules for different places I am afraid

would TTP stop attacking Mosques, schools and shops? and instead only attack Pakistan army and US army?
dont think so.

but the way things are going no wonder one day you will see gunships pounding the Punjabi taliban in "settled" areas of Pakistan too
Is it not Pakistani Army's job to figure out that solution ? That's what they get paid for.. Right ?

I feel that no one reads my posts anyway so I do not comment that often. But I will give a detailed analysis of where the issue most likely lies in my eyes:

1) The military: It is the job and duty of the military to ensure there are no civilian casualties but instead it has often failed in this regard. A case to note would be how many times collective punishment has been practiced. For example the market in Makeen has been destroyed several times. Curfews have become a terror for citizens as they are not properly announced beforehand, airstrikes and gunship helicopters and artillery often hit civilians. So this is military responsibility because in Pashtun society a concept of Badal (revenge) applies which is strongest in FATA. (These ways were breaking down bf4 the war on terror-do note this and my book covers a group of intellectuals born who were silenced by the whine of drones or kalashnikov fire of militants.)

2) Government: The primary responsibility lies with them. It is their failure to repeal black laws, to integrate the tribal areas (keeping them off-limits), using them as a haven for their criminal cartels and failing to simply govern. This failure is so massive that it has left a vacuum so great (and with the policy pro-US without considering the nature of people in these areas) that the militants can easily come in and fill it. The government exists only on paper. They do not exist in reality. Unemployment exceeds 50% in the tribal areas. Literacy is at 22%, a measly 4% for women. Those areas are breeding grounds for terrorists and they have been made so by government. Furthermore political activity too was banned for a very long period. So it is an ignored backyard of Pakistan and it is haunting us now.

3) We: This is an important point. We are responsible instead of understanding the issues we have become a part of the sectarian/ethnic hatred in the country today. We vote in a wrong way. We make major mistakes. We did not challenge the government on the FCR, we look down on the tribals-by we I mean urban dwellers here living lavish lives compared to the tribals many who don't even have a roof over their heads and live in abject poverty. By being callous and insensitive to their suffering we have accentuated it and they have suffered miserably. I might have an identity crisis but I am going to change how callously minor things have divided us.

Of the problems you outline, where is extremist ideology and action??

And why, in your opinion, have the Pakistan armed forces, after 12 years, have no strategy to deal with the insurgency? Why do they choose to act through proxies and not directly??

Of the problems you outline, where is extremist ideology and action??

And why, in your opinion, have the Pakistan armed forces, after 12 years, have no strategy to deal with the insurgency? Why do they choose to act through proxies and not directly??

I dealt with extremist ideology in another post which is a major issue. It has been promoted by Zia for many years and is part of the issue.

But these were the original issues that led to these problems particularly in the tribal regions. When an entire tribe gathers and asserts support to the LI or Nazir you know there is a problem. Nazir's funeral was attended by 10000+ people, a huge event in Waziristan.

I could go on about the terrorists but I wanted to give reason, background for how the militants found footing there. I want people to understand the plight of the person in the tribal areas not just assault him as a barbarian. I am and have criticized militancy but in a region with 50%+ unemployment-lets be realistic. When militants offer 15,000-20,000 rupees a person no matter how anti-taliban he is he will seek employment with them. Man when you enter FATA its like another country-believe me, no standard of development whatsoever.

Do tag me when you call upon me. That way I know I am being addressed.

About Pakistan army using proxies-I do not know and will try to give a reason for this sometime tomorrow if I get the time to do so. The proxies have a usefulness as they know the terrain and are better suited to fighting the militants but are too independent. For example Nazir was known to be part of the majlis e shura of which Hakimullah was also part. He also let TTP operate and did give them shelter despite the deal with the army in which he promised not to. He rose up with the suicide bomb attack which was by a Maseed (TTP has recruits from this tribe) but surprisingly (and conveniantly :whistle: ) US chose that exact time to slaughter him in a drone attack not so many years when he sheltered the TTP.

In the case of Ansar Ul Islam however I believe there has been success. LI and AI have always been at loggerheads. I agree it is massive failure for the army.
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