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PAF to get extra F-16 Block-52+ ?

In their latest,68(v)9 and RD outclass chinese one. zhuk can never be an option.

Even that is debatable as hard numbers are available only for zhuk m via its brochure,,rest all are speculations.But given the russian, french and usa's vast experience they should outperform the chinese one for the time being..............as i said all speculative.
Even that is debatable as hard numbers are available only for zhuk m via its brochure,,rest all are speculations.But given the russian, french and usa's vast experience they should outperform the chinese one for the time being..............as i said all speculative.
I was not judging zhuk just saying it's not our option.I 've solid article on your mig29k claiming maximum detection range 150km and acquiring range 120km for 5m2 target
They are planning a force with 100+ F-16 and 200+ Thunders. for the next decade.

That's not enough force.......Pakistan needs at least 500 good 4th-4.5th Gen BVR planes. About 400-460 for the PAF (with definitely 60-100 heavies at the least) and with between 60-100 Naval jets (also include some heavies here too). Now add some Stealthy platforms ranging between 40-80 somewhere. With three tiers of SAMS (long/Hi, medium and point defense / low). This provides adequate amount of protection at the least...
Here is a fun fact.
4 CN-235 of PAF use the same engines as AH-1Z. Viper's engines are probably heavily modified, but they're still the same engines.

Another fun fact, last USMC AH-1Z is expected to get delivered in 2022, that is if all goes well.

So the sale really depends on PA having money to buy these aircraft. The reason T-129 deal didn't happen was more because of money than engines. Turkey was more than happy to set up a assembly line if only we could fund it!
And US already said they will not sell AH-1Z, and that probably will not change unless we can come up with cold hard cash.
That's not enough force.......Pakistan needs at least 500 good 4th-4.5th Gen BVR planes. About 400-460 for the PAF (with definitely 60-100 heavies at the least) and with between 60-100 Naval jets (also include some heavies here too). Now add some Stealthy platforms ranging between 40-80 somewhere. With three tiers of SAMS (long/Hi, medium and point defense / low). This provides adequate amount of protection at the least...
Sir that is what it should be...And what i was trying to say was all that we can afford and sustain..requirements are obviously as you stated...but the capacity of procurement, maintenance and operations is not equal to the above mentioned equation. Not to forget that they plan to keep F-7 PG in service. As OCU squadrons for new pilots and also as A.S squadrons. As far as the heavies are concerned, our country is not as big as India or China. So from the logistical point of view the current fleet is somewhat satisfactory. And there are no big plans of procurement in that regard.
PAF buying 2nd hand, extremely old block F 16s and exercising options to purchase addnl F 16s from USA while the last JF 17 squadron was raised over 3.5 years back. Should something be read into it ?
PAF buying 2nd hand, extremely old block F 16s and exercising options to purchase addnl F 16s from USA while the last JF 17 squadron was raised over 3.5 years back. Should something be read into it ?
that is the plan sir.. A reasonable yet inexpensive F-16 fleet. And as for JF-17 The problem is Block 2, once it gets rolling it will add at least 3 more squadrons within next 4-5 years. the delay was for re-equipment of PAC and R&D for block 2 .wait for 2 years and we will see production in numbers
PAF buying 2nd hand, extremely old block F 16s and exercising options to purchase addnl F 16s from USA while the last JF 17 squadron was raised over 3.5 years back. Should something be read into it ?

Keep reading .... you will be properly awarded for it

Take this as a realistic outcome.

Those additional f16 and frigates are requests by Pakistan.

USA has not offered these and you guys will want them for free or aid grant funds.

There is huge pressure in USA to stop aid to Pakistan as soon as usa withdraws from Afghanistan. The obl lincident has left huge mistrust.

Pakistanis Think and hope aid from USA will continue and the obl episode will be forgotton but things will turn sour after the withdrawl
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