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PAF JF-17 in Farnborough Air Show 2010

These pics are very intriguing and need to be further examined... Chinese were working on a Third gen targeting pod similar to Sniper and work continued till 2007. It was tested on board j-8, j-10 and Su-30 mk. Wonder if Pakistan is interested in it? We are also working on our own so wait and see.

Well as per that wikipedia link, they had showed their 3rd Gen pod at the last Zuhai Air show, but not much was told and specifications were kept secret, so may be this is their that third Gen pod based on Litening tech, while the ones you mentioned are separate then this one, and are a different product.
Sapsan-E targeting pod (WMD-7 has benefited from its technology as per Sir H. Khan)


Visually similar to Damocles..


A400M Arrival and Display.

---------- Post added at 05:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:17 AM ----------

Looks like the 787 will actually be flying today.
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WMD-7 is a new pod

These pods may like black-box,can fill with anything,we can't distinguish the function by shape~~~

Yes the WMD-7 is something different, but we were actually talking about the pod shown behind the WMD-7 pod, which seems to a jamming pod and a new one also, which is different compared to the KG-300G jamming pod seen uptill now in sources, this other pod seems also to be something new, not seen before.
Yes the WMD-7 is something different, but we were actually talking about the pod shown behind the WMD-7 pod, which seems to a jamming pod and a new one also, which is different compared to the KG-300G jamming pod seen uptill now in sources, this other pod seems also to be something new, not seen before.

sorry,I don't know,the words under the pic is only"枭龙使用的新型吊舱" ,means"new pod for JF-17"~

And I find another"WMD-7机载瞄准吊舱,它主要用于引导战机对地/海目标精确搜索,跟踪和锁定,并引导精确制导导弹炸弹对敌方目标实施精确打击,使得战机对地/海攻击的战斗力倍增"
"WMD-7 air-take targeting pod, which is used to guide aircraft to precise search on the ground / sea target , track , lock, and guide precision-guided missiles, precision bombs against enemy targets,give planes times ability on attacking the ground / sea targets"
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