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PAF Jets start pounding terrorists hideouts in N.Waziristan.

sending in Ground troops first without leveling the ground for them - will ensure nothing but putting them as a fodder to these militants.

This is true when the bombardment is happening in an enemy country where in the attacking forces need not to bother about civilians or innocent lives......there you can do blanket bombing or carpet bombing and send the troops later..... Thats not the case here It is inside pakistan and the chances of own civilians getting killed is high, that is what i was pointing.... But again my last line in that post is very relevant.....
Air force should be the last resort for any actions inside the country....... You cannot stop collateral damage..... the problem of collateral damage??? these idiot militants will use them for their own agenda and might get more support..... Army and special forces should be used if they have accurate intelligence.... may be para commandos...... That will ensure result with less or 0 collateral damage......

But then we all are arm chair generals.... there are real one who knows their job better....

Air strikes pave the way for a ground offensive...its time to smash these bastards.
and what makes you think this was nothing but blanket bombardments??
sending in Ground troops first without leveling the ground for them - will ensure nothing but putting them as a fodder to these militants.

These are not conventional militaries you are fighting, and there are no 'enemy lines'. These are guerillas that live among the people. In conventional war you can first pound enemy lines and their defensive structures with airpower and then start a ground offensive. But not against these guerilla fighters who don't wear uniforms, don't have bases, don't have defensive fortifications, don't cluster together in one place, but live and move among your own people.

The only time you can do an aerial strike would be like the Americans do, with precise real time intel on a high value target. How exactly is an F-16 pilot supposed to fly over a village and drop bombs selectively on the heads of militants? How do they even distinguish a talib from a civilian, since the talibs don't wear uniforms?

As you can see from the 'Dawn' article I posted, villagers had to flee in panic at night when bombs started exploding everywhere without warning. The first rule of winning an insurgency is to win the hearts and minds of the locals. I'm afraid that with tactics like these, you are not going to accompish that. Sure, you can claim that everybody who died was a militant. But who can seriously believe that? Who can believe that jet pilots flying over a village at night knew who militants were and who who were not?
Thats an excuse.. Do you think these civilians can kick out the terrorists which even Pakistan Army is not able to handle.. ? and sadly these hard reactions by Pakistan military are seen only after Military is targeted.. There have been bigger incidents of bomb attacks where 100s of civilians are killed, but you do not see PAF swinging into action within 24 hours after those. And here also, civilians are left facing the brunt of the reaction.. Kind of ironical that in both cases, its the Pakistani civilians who pay the price

Don't mean to criticize, but not a good reaction.. Will actually increase support for the terrorists in those regions.. Heaven forbid if an incident like a couple of years back when PAF bombed a civilian target by accident and killed dozens of civilians happens, will setback the expedition against the terrorists by miles...

If tribe decide not to allow them to take shelter in their area than they can ask them to leave - whole tribes act collectively on decisions made - PA fails because it's difficult to differentiate between terrorists and civilian as somebody with gun is not criteria of being terrorist, everybody owns gun there. So, their cooperation is needed that either don't let them take shelter in their towns or inform security agencies.

It's up to civilian govt. to order attack/operation, but in case of attacks on armed forces response is required to keep moral of troops high and not let them disappoint that they are made sitting ducks with their hands tied.

Chances of collateral damage is there but people there knows why this happened.
No matter how precise intelligence is, in case of Jet attacks there is always chances of civilian causalities if pigs are hiding behind human shield. That's why i said that people of the area should kick them out to remain safe - If they are hiding on mountains or caves where there is no civilian population than i will support carpet bombing.
Bookmarked for future reference. Incase ....I hope you get it.
As you can see from the 'Dawn' article I posted, villagers had to flee in panic at night when bombs started exploding everywhere without warning. The first rule of winning an insurgency is to win the hearts and minds of the locals. I'm afraid that with tactics like these, you are not going to accompish that. Sure, you can claim that everybody who died was a militant. But who can seriously believe that? Who can believe that jet pilots flying over a village at night knew who militants were and who who were not?

keeping everything you said in first few lines aside - lets talk about the main issue;shall we?
so you have hard time digesting what is being said by The State , but very easily and undoubtedly believe something that is just published in the newspaper that did not even provide the source to backup the claim?
If tribe decide not to allow them to take shelter in their area than they can ask them to leave - whole tribes act collectively on decisions made - PA fails because it's difficult to differentiate between terrorists and civilian as somebody with gun is not criteria of being terrorist, everybody owns gun there. So, their cooperation is needed that either don't let them take shelter in their towns or inform security agencies.

It's up to civilian govt. to order attack/operation, but in case of attacks on armed forces response is required to keep moral of troops high and not let them disappoint that they are made sitting ducks with their hands tied.

Chances of collateral damage is there but people there knows why this happened.

I hear you.. and appreciate the challenges.. But looking objectively, this translates to sacrificing civilians to keep the morale of the troops high.. Seems counter intuitive to me since the troops are meant to protect the civilians (and Pakistani territory ) as their core responsibility...

If you are against drones you cant possibly support bombing by jets like this. The chances of collateral damage is much more here
Well, drones are actually an attack by a foreign power, and thats the real issue there.. Not collateral damage per se
I hear you.. and appreciate the challenges.. But looking objectively, this translates to sacrificing civilians to keep the morale of the troops high.. Seems counter intuitive to me since the troops are meant to protect the civilians (and Pakistani territory ) as their core responsibility...

Well, drones are actually an attack by a foreign power, and thats the real issue there.. Not collateral damage per se
Pakistan is sacrificing innocent civilians everyday by TTP. This way atleast the rats will be terminated. In lieu save innocent civilians in other cities.
I would like to know the views of PTI supporters, do they support this action of their state.
Pakistan is sacrificing innocent civilians everyday by TTP. This way atleast the rats will be terminated. In lieu save innocent civilians in other cities.
Not too sure.. If at all, it will increase the support for terrorists.. Just the same logic Pakistani members use against the drone strikes...
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