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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

Oh my my my my. Last time I was here(2017 I think), MastanKhan was a pretty normal and respected poster. Other than his habit to start every reply with "Hi" and his obsession with JH-7A of course. What has happened in the last 5 years?

If I remember correctly, that was started by an insane statement from some poster I can't remember, saying "Pakistan can get anything from China at any time for free". And by anything he meant anything. J-20, Type 055, Flankers... all included.

While he might've said Pakistan did not have anything to offer in exchange for that kind of assistance, I am certain Deino did not call Pakistan that.
I think anyone who have interacted with him before can attest Deino do not use that kind of language.
To be honest, He was not alone , many senior members in the past claimed that pak doesn’t need J-10c for indian Rafale threat , nothing new in it and there is no difference between Jf-17blk3 and J-10c , many of them claimed we dont have money , many claimed china will not sell its most modern jet to pak , some of them even laughed when any new member asks if we get J-20 in near future? Now every day everything is revealing, J-10c already reached in Pakistan, Thunder got Pl-15 , Ws-10 is matured and part of PAF, rumors of PAF J-20 is already , inshallah we will get everything from china with money and without money (soft loan) , Im not @Deino hater but still fail to find a single reason that why would china not sell its most modern weapons and jets to its allies when US , and Europeans already selling and earning billions and influence too ?
To be honest, He was not alone , many senior members in the past claimed that pak doesn’t need J-10c for indian Rafale threat , nothing new in it and there is no difference between Jf-17blk3 and J-10c , many of them claimed we dont have money , many claimed china will not sell its most modern jet to pak , some of them even laughed when any new member asks if we get J-20 in near future? Now every day everything is revealing, J-10c already reached in Pakistan, Thunder got Pl-15 , Ws-10 is matured and part of PAF, rumors of PAF J-20 is already , inshallah we will get everything from china with money and without money (soft loan) , Im not @Deino hater but still fail to find a single reason that why would china not sell its most modern weapons and jets to its allies when US , and Europeans already selling and earning billions and influence too ?
Heh, to be honest I'm one of those who think J-10C isn't truly nessesary for PAF. I didn't claim anything, since I wasn't active here at the time. My thought was, is having an aircraft with the capabilty of, at most, one and a half JF-17BLK3, worth all the trouble of inducting something entirely new? I still think the J-10C purchase was either very forward looking(In my opinion the JF-17 platform is near its limits, and PAF may benefit from further developments of J-10 by PLA) or political in nature. Anyway, not here to debate this.

In my opinion there are two main reasons people don't think China sells their top of the line stuff:

1, The technology is sensitive. US don't sell their F-22, B-1B or B-2. They only sell F-35 to a handful of allies they trust. Whenever a F-35 is at risk of falling into untrusted hands(I.E. that crash in South China Sea from a few weeks ago), they get extremely nervous. I don't see China being much different. The examples you've listed(European stuff, I presume Rafale, EF2000, Gripen) are all 4th gen. Of course it's less sensitive, it's older tech. China in the past have done the same, they sold their best fighter at the time - the J-7. But J-7 is nowhere near the cutting edge even then.

2, Chinese aircraft manufacturers are all state owned. Their priority is to satisfy the demand of the PLA, not chasing profit. The PLA generates such a huge amount of demand that they never had to worry about finding buyers. Even if the manufacturers want to sell them abroad, they still have to go through all the red tape from the central government. When it comes to security, China is very insecure (heh). You can tell by them barely releasing any training footage or blurring cockpit footage of 15 year old aircrafts for fear of leaking sensitive information. So marketing and selling to non-Chinese customers was never of much interest to Chinese aircraft manufacturers.
All PDF members are equally respectable. We should now move on from here.....

Pardon, that‘’s something I must strongly contradict! Respect is something you must earn in a forum - exactly like in society - either by high quality posts, reliable, credible and honest replies or via the way you react.

As such any new member must be rated equally respectable but I think it safe to say that after some time of membership it becomes pretty clear to most, that there are „such and such members“ as we say in Germany: Such members who are constantly contributing in a civilised manner, who provide valuable and correct information, teach and lesson with humble respect. The then there are such who are arrogant, childish, fan-boyish or whatever, who insult, offend, twist words and lie in order to whatever their reason may be, be that simply stupidity, arrogance, the will to mislead and even pre trolling.

As such there is surely a certain difference between more and less respectable members.

However, who puts one into which „group“ is again another question and largely depends on again other factors.
Pardon, that‘’s something I must strongly contradict! Respect is something you must earn in a forum - exactly like in society - either by high quality posts, reliable, credible and honest replies or via the way you react.

As such any new member must be rated equally respectable but I think it safe to say that after some time of membership it becomes pretty clear to most, that there are „such and such members“ as we say in Germany: Such members who are constantly contributing in a civilised manner, who provide valuable and correct information, teach and lesson with humble respect. The then there are such who are arrogant, childish, fan-boyish or whatever, who insult, offend, twist words and lie in order to whatever their reason may be, be that simply stupidity, arrogance, the will to mislead and even pre trolling.

As such there is surely a certain difference between more and less respectable members.

However, who puts one into which „group“ is again another question and largely depends on again other factors.

Yet another valuable analysis. To whom it may concern

Thank you @Deino
To be honest, He was not alone , many senior members in the past claimed that pak doesn’t need J-10c for indian Rafale threat , nothing new in it and there is no difference between Jf-17blk3 and J-10c , many of them claimed we dont have money , many claimed china will not sell its most modern jet to pak , some of them even laughed when any new member asks if we get J-20 in near future? Now every day everything is revealing, J-10c already reached in Pakistan, Thunder got Pl-15 , Ws-10 is matured and part of PAF, rumors of PAF J-20 is already , inshallah we will get everything from china with money and without money (soft loan) , Im not @Deino hater but still fail to find a single reason that why would china not sell its most modern weapons and jets to its allies when US , and Europeans already selling and earning billions and influence too ?
To be honest, I am one of those people. I have argued that PAF does not need J10 as it already has a working AESA, PL15 mounted possibly on Dual racks, and a host of other armaments none of whom would otherwise have been possible. However, I conceded that the rapidity with which J10 could replace the obsolete fighters could not be achieved by JFT alone. Secondly Induction of J10 now provides us another Hi platform in the hi-lo pattern in which PAF prepares for battle. Lastly, J10 has given PAF some guarantees against sanction of its premier platform F16, as well as the ease with which one could get spares and attrition replacement. We are all happy to have J10 in PAF colours. So the argument was actually not against the J10 per se, but the reasons for its induction.
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To be honest, I am one of those people. I have argued that PAF does not need J10 as t already has a working AESA, PL15 mounted possibly on Dual racks, and a host of other armaments none of whom would otherwise not have been possible. However, I conceded that the rapidity with which J10 could replace the obsolete fighters could not be achieved by JFT alone. Secondly Induction of J10 now provides us another Hi platform in the hi-lo pattern in which PAF prepares for battle. Lastly, J10 has given PAF some guarantees against sanction of its premier platform F16, as well as the ease with which one could get spares and attrition replacement. We are all happy to have J10 in PAF colours. So the argument was actually not against the J10 per se, but the reasons for its induction.
Hi araz just to be little precise is it’s a possibility JF17 is not been offered with PL15 😒
and that’s one the reason PAF got J10c
if possible to answer
thank you
Hi araz just to be little precise is it’s a possibility JF17 is not been offered with PL15 😒
and that’s one the reason PAF got J10c
if possible to answer
thank you
There was news and confirmation from Ex PAF member that post 27/02. 100 PL15s had been transferred to PAF from Chinese stock on urgent basis. If that news was true then your assumption is incorrect. If untrue then I would much rather that they developed the necessary capability for PL15 to be carried on JFT. You dont buy a plane to house a single category of missile.
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There is no doubt that JF17 blk3 comes with pl15 fully enabled, lock and loaded. Old blocks could also launch pl15 but with radar constraint.
There was news and confirmation from Ex PAF member that post 27/02. 100 PL15s had been transferred to PAF from Chinese stock on urgent basis. If that news was true then your assumption is incorrect. If untrue then I would much rather that they developed the necessary capability for PL15 to be carried on JFT. You dont buy a plane to house a single category of missile.
it is true and these were PL-15s, not PL-15E which the neighbors have been hoping was what was delivered to Pakistan. As more informed members have pointed out earlier, Pakistan will continue to outstick its neighbor in BVR for the foreseeable future.

Now what is this guy talking about. By the way I think after 11th J-10 C will join the rehearsals of Parade.
He is having a PG-13 conversation for sure. But yes, there is a lot of things happening which you don’t need to be an insider to figure out.
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