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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

What surprised PAF more about the J-10C was its huge potential beyond the typical long-stick capability, especially its inbuilt EW package. Remember, J-10C was designed by China to counter massive USAF/USN threats and to provide its aircrew with a first look first shoot advantage.
What surprised PAF more about the J-10C was its huge potential beyond the typical long-stick capability, especially its inbuilt EW package. Remember, J-10C was designed by China to counter massive USAF/USN threats and to provide its aircrew with a first look first shoot advantage.
Where do you even get this info without mentioning any sources unless are you embedded with the squadron, program, acquisition, testing, development etc etc
What surprised PAF more about the J-10C was its huge potential beyond the typical long-stick capability, especially its inbuilt EW package. Remember, J-10C was designed by China to counter massive USAF/USN threats and to provide its aircrew with a first look first shoot advantage.

Thank you for your post.

It took a long time for the Paf to get out of the F16 hypnotic trance and look seriously into the J10's---.

Once the threshold got crossed---there is no turning back---.
Hello Guys, can anyone share what the Pilots are saying about J-10. ? No matter, how much you say stuff about it, something coming straight from the horse's mouth would be nice.
Hello Guys, can anyone share what the Pilots are saying about J-10. ? No matter, how much you say stuff about it, something coming straight from the horse's mouth would be nice.
The professionals are still learning employment. It takes time to localize and integrate acquisitions in one's own threat environment. I don't think any of the pilots would go on the record and compromise their own careers to get a few sound bites out for the fans.

That it is a large aircraft opens up a lot of options for the PAF to validate. I am sure we will know more in the future.
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