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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

There was also a talk of ARW9101A, but that was in 2011 and was related to JF-17.
Some of the Lads here are saying that we should have opted for Western tech . Nope as they are not willing to sell the top of the line weapons to Our forces. Be happy that China is always present to fulfill our Military needs and that's where our Future lyes . Only the American fan boys will Moan about our relations with the Chinese and Russia etc.

This is the reason we will never go for Western equipment under current world order/scenario:

Bill tabled in US house to declare Pakistan 'state sponsor of terrorism’​

Bill introduced by Rep Perry seeks to impose restrictions on US foreign assistance, a ban on defence exports and sales

News DeskMarch 11, 2022

representative scott perry speaks during a house foreign affairs committee hearing in washington dc us march 10 2021 photo reuters

Representative Scott Perry speaks during a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing in Washington, DC, US, March 10, 2021. PHOTO: REUTERS

A US lawmaker has introduced a bill titled “Stopping Pakistani Terror Act” in the Congress that seeks to designate Pakistan as a state sponsor of terrorism.
The bill tabled by US Congressman Scott Perry on March 8 read, “To provide for the designation of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan as a State Sponsor of Terrorism, and for other purposes.”
The bill introduced in the House of Representatives has been referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
“Effective on the date that is 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan shall be deemed to be a country the government of which the [US] Secretary of State determines has repeatedly provided support for international terrorism..,” read the bill.
The main categories of sanctions include restrictions on US foreign assistance, a ban on defence exports and sales, financial transactions and others.
The US government will be prohibited to export or “otherwise providing (by sale, lease or loan, grant, or other means), directly or indirectly, any munitions item” to a country subjected to the sanctions mentioned in the bill.
Also read: Bill moved in US Senate to sanction Taliban, supporters
“[US] shall suspend delivery to such country of any such item pursuant to any such transaction which has not been completed at the time the Secretary of State makes the determination..”
The development comes at a time when Pakistan has been facing immense pressure from the West to condemn Russia’s attack on Ukraine.
However, Pakistan has refused to criticise Moscow's actions but it has called for resolving the dispute through dialogue and diplomacy.
Last year, a group of high-profile US senators – including a former presidential nominee – has moved a bill in the US Senate seeking imposition of sanctions on the Afghan Taliban that could also potentially extend to Pakistan.
The bill, titled ‘Afghanistan Counterterrorism, Oversight, and Accountability Act’, triggered an angry rebuke from a senior member of Pakistan’s cabinet.
The 22 lawmakers, all from the Republican Party, introduced the bill that requires “the imposition of sanctions with respect to the Taliban and persons assisting the Taliban in Afghanistan, and for other purposes.”
Pertaining to Pakistan, the bill elaborated that “the first report… shall include – (1) an assessment of support by state and non-state actors, including the Government of Pakistan, for the Taliban between 2001 and 2020, including the provision of sanctuary space, financial support, intelligence support, logistics and medical support, training, equipping, and tactical, operational, or strategic direction; (2) an assessment of support by state and non-state actors, including the Government of Pakistan, for the 2021 offensive of the Taliban that toppled the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan… (3) an assessment of support by state and non-state actors, including the Government of Pakistan, for the September 2021 offensive of the Taliban against the Panjshir Valley and the Afghan resistance.”



And then we have people claiming each and everything is including F16s & EFTs are available!
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Interesting. Just seeing this news.
4th generation fighter jets are quite expensive and costly to maintain. From my research Pakistan defence budget is so small, where do they get money to afford such expensive military equipment like fighter jets , frigates, submarines etc?

Seriously this silly border disputes and enmity in south Asia is really taxing for these poor countries as well. Takes alot of focus and energy off government effort in fighting poverty and focusing on economic policies for growth and draws public and institutional attention away from development policies. Unfortunate actually.

It is much cheaper than the French Rafale, and Pakistan can overhaul the jf17 by itself. These facilities and experience are conducive to maintaining the j10ce.
Interesting. Just seeing this news.
4th generation fighter jets are quite expensive and costly to maintain. From my research Pakistan defence budget is so small, where do they get money to afford such expensive military equipment like fighter jets , frigates, submarines etc?

Seriously this silly border disputes and enmity in south Asia is really taxing for these poor countries as well. Takes alot of focus and energy off government effort in fighting poverty and focusing on economic policies for growth and draws public and institutional attention away from development policies. Unfortunate actually.

Costly to maintain bit is also subjective to HR costs. HR cost varies region to region. Most of the PAF's fleet is self maintained by PAF techs, if there are external contractors involved then sure they do charge a lot. I am sure our F16s cost us way too much per flight hour as compared to JF17s & J10c.

Here's an interesting cost per hour comparison from a website, I know this won't be 100%% true but I'm sure the difference can be huge, just like this one says it to be:


Are you sure? There is no such technology in the 1980s. The first to have is F-22 raptor. This is no anti- reflective coating.


This gold plating to keep the glass cold from sun.

It is old technology.

It has been used in air conditioned train coaches in the trains for ages---. First time I noticed them---. Wilbur Smith in one of his books wrote about the Gold coast train in south africa in one of his books running in the 60's.

I am old enough to remember the air conditioned coaches of the 60's and 70's in pakistan railways---because I had the priviledge of travelling in them a lot.

Those coaches were built in the early 60's by the French
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If someone could translate the key points please
Actually this uncle only talks about basic stuff we all know already. Nothing really interesting.

"Foreign media comparing J-10 with JF-17, even though JF-17 Block III is already a very powerful fighter jet, Why is Pakistan still wants J-10C?"

China show the world with it's 5th generation stealth aircraft J-20's comprehensive combat capability already surpass Russia and Europe in many area in regard to fighter jet technology. It's now capable of competing/rival with the U.S in the area.

But let's compare the J-10 and JF-17 with the original version first inducted in 2006 and 2008 respectively. And J-10C as the newest version was inducted by PLAAF in the spring of 2018, with new active electronically scanned array radar, avionics, and Electronic Warfare (EW) Systems and WS-10B engine. Plus new long range dual pulse rocket motor PL-15 air-to-air missile and short range PL-10 AAM. Better flight envelope than JF-17 block III, can carry heavier weapon load, bigger radar and weapon system, more powerful engine and thrust therefore higher agility and the best climb rate among single engine fighter jets.

JF-17 block III first flight happened in 2019 and as the newest version of JF-17 also introduced similar upgrades compared to the J-10C. Although as a lightweight aircraft it use less powerful thrust engine. But with PL-10 plus helmet-mounted display(HMD) combo it can alleviate this weak point in dog fight. And PL-15 as the most advance and dangerous long range aam currently in service due to it's aesa seeker and 200km plus range, it's still a potent threat especially in BVR.

For air force who are low on budget but wants to maintain larger fleets of fighter jets, JF-17 block III is a better choice comparing the benefit and value for the money due to price of the jets and also much lower maintenance cost. Pakistan will probably have a much large fleet of JF-17 as the backbone of the airforce, and J-10C will form the elite/spear of the force replacing the ageing F-16.

JF-17 block III will also be much more compelling to international customers who are seeking to upgrade their air force as the new version Block III is much more advanced but still low cost to maintain.

Conclusion: J-10C is obviously a more capable aircraft comparing to JF-17 block III due to size that it can carry bigger and more powerful radar and engine. But both fighter jets are very good in their own right. Which fighter jets fits your need better all depends on how much money is in your pocket.
And this also confirms that the deal is for 25 jets (it was speculated that the numbers might raise upto 60 or more)
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