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:: PAF Helmets & Oxygen Masks ::

A lot of R&D would be involved in that - and in the end, I doubt we'd be able to pull it off without the assistance of our neighbor...China.

Shouldn't the easier route be the TK-31 from AVIC?


View attachment 594381

Yeah, @Hodor sent me a pic of his buddy on the Mirage.

I went back to my files & found a couple of Viper Drivers during the first Red Flag PAF attended.

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The toughest part is the actual HMD/S system, but integrating it in an existing helmet or designing a new one isn't as much of a challenge. Either way, the components need to fit in a compact space and be lightweight. But you may be able to house more features and do better weight distribution with a custom helmet.
MBU-5 was made standard-issue in the late 1980s and early 1990s, but the PAF didn't buy the MBU-12 in the 1990s (when it was popular). Though a few MBU-12s were ordered in the early 2000s, the PAF opted to standardize on the MBU-20/23. For the most part, it's been on the 20/23.

The interesting now would be to see how it adds HMD/S to the JF-17. One option is replacing the whole helmet, but another is taking the JHMCS and Scorpion route of developing a HMD/S that can fit to the HGU-55/P. Could be very interesting if they can pull that off.
I think both routes should be pursued Add on and Next Gen for Hmd Helmet. It's not that long of a shot. The only thing they should understand is the Evolution and keep working, which didn't happened in other forces. Evolution is the key bad Starting product is not the final version.
Can get side angle please???

I'll ask someone from home to send me another one. I'm not in Pakistan at the moment.

is that you we can see in the reflection of the visor?

I'm not that koja :D

That is one sexy helmet with MBU-12 Mask. Care to share how you got around owning one?
[Trust me - I didn't even notice the bedsheet - no pun intended towards the Mrs.]

Haha this belongs to someone in my immediate family. He actually has 2 of these. This is a spare one. The other one is at the base paired with a JHMCS.

Not entirely.

Our good friend (@airomerix) hasn't really given us much 'bout his own background.

No asked me about my background :D

But these pictures should do it. I'm sure my friends here will find the second one the most interesting. :enjoy:

I'll ask someone from home to send me another one. I'm not in Pakistan at the moment.

I'm not that koja :D

Haha this belongs to someone in my immediate family. He actually has 2 of these. This is a spare one. The other one is at the base paired with a JHMCS.

No asked me about my background :D

But these pictures should do it. I'm sure my friends here will find the second one the most interesting. :enjoy:

View attachment 594514 View attachment 594515
Is that a RAF F-35 mockup??
I'll ask someone from home to send me another one. I'm not in Pakistan at the moment.

I'm not that koja :D

Haha this belongs to someone in my immediate family. He actually has 2 of these. This is a spare one. The other one is at the base paired with a JHMCS.

No asked me about my background :D

But these pictures should do it. I'm sure my friends here will find the second one the most interesting. :enjoy:

View attachment 594514 View attachment 594515

If you don't mind me asking that relative what plane he fly?

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