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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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Right...I'm not saying that US can't subsidize...of course it can and it has in the past. I'm saying that Trump specifically isn't a fan of that. He sees it as other nations "taking advantage" of the US...he has been vocal about it on more than one occasion. This is why I was asking how is he on board...bcuz he likes to deal in cold hard cash rather than a strategic gain.
Brother, Trump is not the only decision maker. Please read this in case you haven't already, to get a better picture.

Why isnt the world f 16 block 70 sale or upgrade written anywhere officially......
@Khafee Akhi one question hope u dont mind why are you giving us this info, before any official announcements?
@Khafee Akhi one question hope u dont mind why are you giving us this info, before any official announcements?
How can one celebrate Eid, when his family is rightly worried about the current issues. Things are moving in the right direction, so just a little heads up. IA there is more to come.

in the mean time, I need the prayers of my brothers and sisters desperately. No chance, but my heart desperately wants to:

1)PAF will be getting 18~24 NEW Blk70 or 72's for now.

2)The current fleet will be upgraded to "V" specs. All of them.
Depending on the condition of the air-frame, some or all, will go through SLEP to 12k hrs.


This Breaking News, is a gift for all those people who stood by me, when I was unfairly banned. Thank You!
So does that mean that India is not buying any of US fighters including F18,F21 because unless they say no it will be hard for US to sell to India’s opposition.
Or India will get F35 then Pak gets Blk 70s
Biggest joke and with out authentic source Fan boys have wasted 40 plus pages Oh my what a childish posts .Rest only possibiliites will be if we have AESA equipped JF17 might be slight chances that US will offer the same

We have a platform, a well capable, excellent, aggressive & agile one with all that can fulfill our needs....... waiting for the confirmation and that will be yet another surprise. I am saying this all only for the people that can't hold being impatience, have no clue but still complains like they have done a lot which in reality is nothing more than demanding for basic rights while sitting in air-conditioned bedrooms.

State & Military leadership is well coordinating, aligned & are on the same page of Sovereignty of Pakistan. No one is off the guard or sleeping but not everything can be made public. There are many things into play at the moment aside from F-16 Block-70 upgrade/induction possibility.
f-16 block-70 welcome as a stop gap - but nothing more

Don´t trust the Americans...
So does that mean that India is not buying any of US fighters including F18,F21 because unless they say no it will be hard for US to sell to India’s opposition.
Or India will get F35 then Pak gets Blk 70s
I'm no analyst but the US has laid down a marker by cancelling Turkey's F35 contract precisely because they have acquired the S400, so we can extrapolate from that the Indians aren't going to be getting F35's any time soon.
I know what you are doing and thats very cute
but rest assured this "worry" of yours (for obvious reasons to stop this sale from happening) is unfounded

we already passed this test when we got the Block 52. forget sharing their components we dont even fly them with Chinese combat exercises
Well, why don't you show this cute false flag rat the door?
My very dear YoungPak,

If you recall #DGISPR said/tweeted in D.C... about stay tuned... #SurpriseDay2.0

If someone can reproduce that tweet here. I strongly believe that we have reached Framework Agreement i.e. D.C. Accord.

I for one would love to see Project AZM flying in many colours especially in GCC!

Anyhow, time to become focused and let Realism guide us further. #PakNationalInterests First!


Framework Agreement i.e. D.C. Accord

Any chance you could explain to me what this is?
Thanks in advance.
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