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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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It is the choice between releasing money or using that money to SUBSIDIZE Sales to Paklands and gain employment locally. The US has always been a fan of PAF boys and their acts against a superior force. Both 65, 71 and 27/02. However 27/02 was different. It was a very well laid out plan and the enemy just walked into the trap. I still say we have caused more harm than what we have claimed and the news of the superior force exiting with their tails between their legs has not gone unnoticed. There is free advertising both for the US and Chinese weaponryso both parties are understandably very happy.
Sir, you will have to admit, it was more than two than went down, in a blaze of not so glory.
I believe china was allowed access to f 16s to make them capable of carrying nukes.
it is an allegation about the 80s era F-16s that they were usd to make JF-17.
we didnt get any chinese help to make them nuke capable.
our nuclear deterrent is missile based please dont piss on the party and play in the hand of the crybabies and trolls
1)PAF will be getting 18~24 NEW Blk70 or 72's for now.

2)The current fleet will be upgraded to "V" specs. All of them.
Depending on the condition of the air-frame, some or all, will go through SLEP to 12k hrs.


This Breaking News, is a gift for all those people who stood by me, when I was unfairly banned. Thank You!
Allah kre sach ho
Does it include the one who gave Modi her highest civilian honor in April 2019 ??
I mean give it a break , India can play muslim ummah card as good as Pakistan when there are 30 crores of us live in India .

@Irfan Baloch You have a colorful way of dealing with these Saffron idiots......
India can play muslim ummah card as good as Pakistan when there are 30 crores of us live in India .

According CIA FactBook

India's Population is --> 1,296,834,042 (July 2018 est.)
Percentage of Muslims in total population --> 14.2%
Total estimated Muslims --> ‭18,415,043,396

It is not 30 crores i.e. it is not 300,000,000 (300 million).
That's census data of 2011 , this is year 2019 .
Also census data isn't very accurate when it comes Muslim numbers as govt tends to hide our actual population figures .
You are entitled to your opinion.
But I don't agree.
So kindly stop interfering in this forum and thread.
This is a Pakistani forum on a thread related to PAF related issues.
So please mind your own political affairs of RJD or whatever.
BTW Isn't Lalu ji in Jail?
After your "30Cr Muslims in India comment", your credibility is absolutely zero.
Now go away and read about why KSA& UAE gave Pak US$9bn+/-
I think a map of the mid east answers that question...
TBH US is fully capable of safely exiting Afghanistan all on its own. It's the aftermath they want to have some control over...whether directly or indirectly. Exerting that control directly isn't an option bcuz that's what they tried to do ever since they invaded...the Afghan government they installed is a failure...the Afghan forces they tried to build up to make sure that Afghan government remains in power is a failure. Prolonging that effort would only bleed more of US money and effort with no end in sight...forever locked in this stalemate. They can pack up and leave today if they want to...but that only means all this effort and money they spent goes to waste. They can't claim a victory...and worse Afghanistan can go back to what it was(the very thing for which WoT was started)...a breeding ground for anti US armed groups. With Pak onboard, US can after it's exit try to install a Pak and US friendly government...and that I think is the payment...not just a safe exit.
The issue is this time the fence will protect Paklands both from the marauding entrents and also from US Blame which is why it is so important Paklands be passified and kept on USside till US crystallizes its plans for the region. There are other reasons for keeping Paklands sweet as its geolocation does not allow the US to ignore it for long to its own detriment. Pak lands has an opportunity wnd it must avail it. It is a very delicate balance which must be maintained and I suspect there will be continued close contact between the US and Paklands.

Sir, you will have to admit, it was more than two than went down, in a blaze of not so glory.
Absolutely. In fact I have stated so. I am not quite in the 8 plane theory fan club but I have maintained that at least one other 21 went down and was reported in Indian press. It remains my own assessment so people have looked at it and moved on.
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@Mangus Ortus Novem Sir confidence of TALLGUY even puzzled me many times btw his 120 days dateline is around
@Khafee Thanx for sharing such good news and ignore that indian idiot.F 16 should be least of his worries with such name he gonna end soon by cow vigilantes in his beloved india
The Question is: "Why is the US reaching out to the Pakistan?"

Two reasons:
1) China - Pakistan has slid so far into the Chinese camp, that is now a de facto province. Something which is extremely worrying for the Americans.

The Feb hostilities saw 3 PLAAF squadrons go to standby - in order to assist Pakistan if needed. PLAN sent 4 SSK , and 3 boomers, at least two Type 55 destroyers, other assets were also sent later after the ISI chiefs visit. PLA also went to full war time alert, ready to move in.

This is the main reason why IN choose to sleep out the hostilities.

2) India - I told someone from the west, a year ago, "building India up against China, is like making the village idiot your sheriff"

He laughed it off, but he quietly made a note, scribbled away, while looking at me straight in the eye.

India's incompetence hasn't gone unnoticed, neither has them becoming an economic threat to the US. To contain them, and move Pak away from the Chinese camp, to whatever extent possible. These are the two goals.

The US has a list of some 10~20 companies that are critical to National Security, LM, Boeing Raytheon, Cisco etc. Sensitive data has been steadily flowing to India, China, Russia, Israel, courtesy of Indians. The deep state has realized its folly, AND no president will work against the deep state.

The trade balance being lopsided, doesn't help them either.

As far as people giving all the credit to Afgh for this revert, If any of you remember the Muree talks, it was decided THEN, that should the US exit, Pak will insure that its interests are looked after adequately.

Imran Khan, wants to make a change, a fundamental change in Pak, but decades old rot, bogs him down. He also has the support of the Army. All these things combined, has assured the US that Pakistan can be a useful ally after all.

Last but not the least, Pakistan's oil reserves slightly more than the UK's at 21bn BBL (min) doesn't hurt either. By comparison Oman's Reserves are at 5.3bn BBL (approx).

Once all options are exploited, Pakistan will be exporting 1.2m bpd ~ 1.4m bpd. (this figure is after deducting domestic consumption).

InShaAllah great times ahead

Pakistan Zindabad:pakistan:

I am not going to guess a lot and act like some future teller but mostly did not notice that Afghanistan peace & 27th Feb, actually made most & top of the first world minds to rethink and review their approach in this regard.

There are couple of subjects that adds a lot of worth to Pakistan importance in current times.

  • US now wants a confirm exit for the peace of Afghanistan and then Trump needs a legacy to run for next presidency and this Afghanistan thing will turn out to be the most pondering point.
  • We decided that long ago to help Afghanistan peace on the basis of many things including our need, geographical shifts, strategical requirements, progressive diplomacy, strong economy & having more friends.
  • Mostly didn't know that post 27th Feb, the patrolling in Arabian Sea was a like a bamboo shocker and IN did go in remote mode immediately. Whatever were the assets, available on disposal of Pakistan, are all part & parcel of CPEC and our brotherly ties with nations.
  • IK invitation was based upon the dream of US legacy and that became possible for them as well as Pakistan due to some brothers having contacts over there. Did anyone try to have a guess as why previous administrations failed to pursue peace in Afghanistan and avoided the diplomatic solution at all? Think of it like who benefits more from Afghanistan war/unrest?
  • Taliban are going to have a meeting with IK on official lines and on that day, it will make a difference as how not to let someone sabotage the peace process. As discussed previously that there are parties looking for opportunity to sabotage & make sure of attacks but Taliban did not give their words to Pompeo and that was for the reasons having history among both parties especially when US been hunting their leadership after an invitation for talks and then drone attack while they are on the way. But no more.
  • Oil story was deliberately down played as we had a supposedly growing fire in neighborhood where Iran was going into conflict and US was preparing for another adventure. We will keep that sealed for the time when it comes to look into this and invite one of the honest friends to dig for us.
  • Pakistan & Russia are strengthening our ties and that became possible with the help of yet another friends as well as Pakistan's importance for the peace of Afghanistan and the region. Us tried to have a watchman in region like India as Nikki Haley suggested long ago. US went to treat India like a Major Non-NATO ally. Both signed LEMOA and what not but then again, India will remain India and no matter how much is being armed, Delhi's wicked policies are paying back the favours.
  • Remember Russia FM visiting Pakistan on 27th Feb Evening, DG ISPR discloses few of the wish list to be bought from Russia, IK & Putin having a good time to talk about few untold things & India on other hand feeling the brunt and somehow slipped which was noticed by US as well. S-400 deal will prove a lot too. Trump has realized that can't raise and strengthen India to get rid of China rather will look after for their own interests, support both Pakistan & India, stay out of direct confrontation or losing further allies and let India to deal with it.
  • Also, it is not a surprise for many that our Habibi Brothers and we do support each other. Well, the political stands and business conflicts will remains so and to tell that, there have been deliberate misconduct by previous administrations to provoke our Islamic brothers but things are getting better. Haven't you all noticed that IK did visit Gulf & China in start and did it with much active policy as well as on serious notes. Think about IK & Military Leadership visiting Gulf Brothers & China together or one after another. There a lot happened that one can imagine.
  • Can't say much about Block-70 at the moment but if someone is thinking about the possibility in this regards then has to look at influencing forces from Gulf working behind the scenes having heart to heart relations with Pakistan & good repute for investment with other side.
  • There is a need of strategic balance in-case where Rafale making it to IAF and on 27th Feb, US realized that has to keep it balanced otherwise, the friends indeed are going to reach without any delay at the time of need.
  • The trade war, Iran N deal, Mexico & provoking EU did not work well but a man does need a legacy for the next round of elections and call it a huge success.
  • Someone been nail biting since the close & well coordinated chemistry of Political & Military Leadership in Pakistan. This was the most vulnerable area that we were hit so badly & political thugs been reaping their benefits and served the foreign masters in this area a lot. Now as we have a leadership who is more serious about the Nation than his foreign assets/money; the Military feels stronger than before and so having good relations, delivered way beyond the expectations of our enemies. These options & gains were already on the table but as I said before, corrupt lot never wanted to become a reality as their handlers didn't like it.
  • Imran Khan recently revealed that he will meet Taliban Leadership. That is for the first time as he is telling such news while previously, when Taliban wanted to meet, IK excused himself due to the rants by Ghani but then, his masters told him to stay where he used to be. PM IK now confirms after his visit to D.C and the same did not come so sudden.
We have a lot to do and there are lot of things to get done but the at least we started well, on the right way and with right strategy. Hoping for the best and indeed, there are great times ahead. This is all not that easy nor our enemies will let this happen though, we have come a long way and have done a lot so will do better In'Sha'ALLLAH.
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