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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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na kar. kabse?

F16s are everywhere in Pakistan atop every monument on the roundabouts. From Kitchen to the cabinet all Pakistanis are well versed in F16 lingo.

F16 also holds the honor of having idioms coined After it in Pakistan.

We need some Radar tech I gather. Will Block 70 meet that merit?
It will far exceed what we got or realistically wish to have with chinese help
This makes sense, I would figure the US-Indian alliance will come to an end at some point. The US has sold India pretty sophisticated hardware and yet, India has not returned the favor. US extended India certain privileges in missile technology and even intel sharing, communication networks. It has not confronted China and has not even come close to being the "hedge" that the US wanted it to be. This idea was probably spoon-fed to US policy makers by the Indian lobby and scholars of Indian-origin working at thinktanks. It's similar to the illegal Indian job network here in the US - they promote their own Indian resumes to jobs and throw competent non-Indian resumes in the trash. It ended up wasting a decade of US time, money, and they foolishly gave up so much of their technology in exchange for nothing. India has failed the US in confronting China. The Indians literally think that they can extract maximum benefits from US due to their lobbying and do nothing in exchange.

Now the US is moving towards doing the confrontation itself with its own weapons. Hence, you see the push towards hypersonic missiles, laser weaponry, long range rockets and missiles for island warfare. India has no place in the calculus.
It was never possible for India and indeed for any other nation to put a hedge against China. The US policymakers deluded themselves if they thought India would do their dirty work for them. The problem remains access into India for US products which causes more ire to the US then the hedge against China. Even US now is notcin a position to stop China unless it wants to destroy half the world which would be against the very reason'de'etre for this whole fiasco. I think the US is simply going to start sorting out its own house and find business partners where it can start entering market and Pak lands provides a much better opportunity for that than India.
The US policy will shift. I think the reason it has not done so earlier is lack of Infrastructure in Pak lands and a team that explains the opportunities that Pakistan offers for US Business outlets to produce cheaper products. The first time we have done so coherently is the time we have seen success. Once investment flows Pakwards the US interests will take that into account while drafting policies.
From the Pak perspective it is a strict balancing game to create a level playing field for all stake holders and watch the show go on.
1)PAF will be getting 18~24 NEW Blk70 or 72's for now.

2)The current fleet will be upgraded to "V" specs. All of them.
Depending on the condition of the air-frame, some or all, will go through SLEP to 12k hrs.


This Breaking News, is a gift for all those people who stood by me, when I was unfairly banned. Thank You!

Thats a complement for 27th feb
I have heard pentagon was full of praise for PAF.
Not surprized as republicans has always favoured mil goods to pak than democrats.
And this also means that IAF has already rejected F21.
Just wait for 120d or c7 atleast that would be coming along!
This is the perfect time to try to acquire the Gulf Mirages, along side more used F-16s that can be put through an F-16V upgrade program.

We should renew the efforts from a few years ago to acquire the 89 Emirati and Qatari Mirage 2000s; replacing our entire Mirage 3/5 Fleet with air frames that could serve another 20 years and help us diversify the fleet. What do you think the prospects of this acquisition? @Khafee

If i'm not mistaken General Bajwa personally spoke to the Emiratis to acquire the jets.

This should be seen as a plus by the West, especially European firms looking to sell equipment to modernize these jets such as Leonardo. Pakistan will forgo acquiring new J-10s @$60 million each; so that it can acquire Mirage 2000s @ brotherly prices and spend hundreds of millions on upgrades for some if not all with modern AESA, EW Equipment, Datalinks, and Modern munitions such as the MICA and possibly the Meteor.

PAF pilots probably have decades of experience flying these jets for the Emiratis and Qataris, so the learning curve will be short if not non-existent. Acquiring their entire support infrastructure, spares, munitions, etc. can be done lock stock and barrel, now that the Emiratis and Qataris are acquiring Typhoons, Rafales, and Advanced American planes to replace them.

18-24 Block 72 F-16s and 50-60 more used F-16s will allow the PAF to add to their current 76 F-16s and field 9 full strength F-16 squadrons.

89 Mirage 2000s will allow the PAF to field 5 full strength Mirage 2000 squadrons and the 188 JF-17s can form 11-12 JF-17 squadrons to round out the entire force at 25-26 squadrons. A Full modernization of the PAF; all in a few years time, and in the most economical way. @MastanKhan

The WEST should back this as it can be seen as diversifying suppliers and international partners. The CHINESE should back this, because it is the most economical, and allows Pakistan to focus on the economy; so that it can attract western FDI, and full realize the CPEC goal. FRANCE and the Europeans shoudl back this because they have already secured the rafale deal, and can secure hundreds of millions if not a billion dollars worth of upgrades in the next few years.
That chicken has flown the coup. Pak may have to look at China to fill that deficit in 2022.
But A5 were retired quite sometime ago...
but that guy who asked the original question not retired yet and can go to the first page and read though the threat instead of asking others to give him a summary.
yes A5's are retired but it was a polite hint that mate go read up yourself if you really care

I dont like it when guys get vibes from me. Only members of the opposite gender are given that courtesy.

Kindly switch of your vibe detecting system. Thank You
message lost in translation , English is not first language
I dont want to speak for his mind , my understanding is that he thinks you have family links of Pakistan and Arab.
IA soon.

The Zulus, how many of them, and who will pay for the Vipers - all this info will cause a lot of heartburn, so best for me to enjoy the show for now.
bro we know you since 2015 but we also know USA since 4 july 1776:lol: nothing is comming unless its useless for usa :rolleyes:
Thats a complement for 27th feb
I have heard pentagon was full of praise for PAF.
Not surprized as republicans has always favoured mil goods to pak than democrats.
And this also means that IAF has already rejected F21.
Just wait for 120d or c7 atleast that would be coming along!
Republicans are macho men, they love & respect tough & manly people. Which they knew about Pakistan very well.
Speaking of the crown prince... remember how Trump couldn't contain his excitement when MBS signed billions of dollars worth of deals? While he easily shrugged away long time NATO allies just bcuz they weren't pulling their own weight. Hence my question...Trump wouldn't mind at all and would welcome Pak if Pak was purchasing the block 70(new + upgrade). If however US is going to subsidize it in some manner(CSF or something else) then he wouldn't be too thrilled about it(as evident by his past actions). This is why I was curious as to how he would approve such a thing since he mostly likes to deal in cold hard cash and is very much against what he considers to be "handouts". He is not the type to give up monetary value for a strategic gain in the future. Since Pak isn't in the position to pay for all of this...chances are US is going to subsidize it if this happens. So my question is Uncle Trump ko kaise jaib mein le liya?
It is the choice between releasing money or using that money to SUBSIDIZE Sales to Paklands and gain employment locally. The US has always been a fan of PAF boys and their acts against a superior force. Both 65, 71 and 27/02. However 27/02 was different. It was a very well laid out plan and the enemy just walked into the trap. I still say we have caused more harm than what we have claimed and the news of the superior force exiting with their tails between their legs has not gone unnoticed. There is free advertising both for the US and Chinese weaponryso both parties are understandably very happy.
The blame of this relationship is not only of the US---the major part falls on pakistan---. It is pakistan who did not know how to deal with the US---it is pakistan who did not know the military power of the US---.
this is the main reason and our continued limitation.
if and when we nail this capability, both countries will benefit
Why did Kiyani---Pasha & Qamar Suleiman keep quiet about the issue---? If they had only uttered a public statement that pak military was associated in helping take out OBL---pakistan's image would not have been decimated all over the world--

and now we have former PMLN speaker Ayaz Sadiq asking for Article 6 on Imran that he "confessed" (alleged) to Fox news that it was ISI assistance to CIA that helped in OBL raid (i.e giving information about the suspicious courier as a person of interest in Pakistan) that CIA was already tracking and used this information to confirm his link with OBL. either he was being smart *** (sugesting ISI never helped CIA and Imran cant take credit for Pakistan, OR as if ISI did something wrong thats Noonie logic for you).
If Pakistan is given bait like J-31 or J-20 as bait they would probably let them take a look at radar like in 2011 with Bin Laden and the stealth blackhawk.
I know what you are doing and thats very cute
but rest assured this "worry" of yours (for obvious reasons to stop this sale from happening) is unfounded

we already passed this test when we got the Block 52. forget sharing their components we dont even fly them with Chinese combat exercises
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