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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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The Question is: "Why is the US reaching out to the Pakistan?"

Two reasons:
1) China - Pakistan has slid so far into the Chinese camp, that is now a de facto province. Something which is extremely worrying for the Americans.

The Feb hostilities saw 3 PLAAF squadrons go to standby - in order to assist Pakistan if needed. PLAN sent 4 SSK , and 3 boomers, at least two Type 55 destroyers, other assets were also sent later after the ISI chiefs visit. PLA also went to full war time alert, ready to move in.

This is the main reason why IN choose to sleep out the hostilities.

2) India - I told someone from the west, a year ago, "building India up against China, is like making the village idiot your sheriff"

He laughed it off, but he quietly made a note, scribbled away, while looking at me straight in the eye.

India's incompetence hasn't gone unnoticed, neither has them becoming an economic threat to the US. To contain them, and move Pak away from the Chinese camp, to whatever extent possible. These are the two goals.

The US has a list of some 10~20 companies that are critical to National Security, LM, Boeing Raytheon, Cisco etc. Sensitive data has been steadily flowing to India, China, Russia, Israel, courtesy of Indians. The deep state has realized its folly, AND no president will work against the deep state.

The trade balance being lopsided, doesn't help them either.

As far as people giving all the credit to Afgh for this revert, If any of you remember the Muree talks, it was decided THEN, that should the US exit, Pak will insure that its interests are looked after adequately.

Imran Khan, wants to make a change, a fundamental change in Pak, but decades old rot, bogs him down. He also has the support of the Army. All these things combined, has assured the US that Pakistan can be a useful ally after all.

Last but not the least, Pakistan's oil reserves slightly more than the UK's at 21bn BBL (min) doesn't hurt either. By comparison Oman's Reserves are at 5.3bn BBL (approx).

Once all options are exploited, Pakistan will be exporting 1.2m bpd ~ 1.4m bpd. (this figure is after deducting domestic consumption).

InShaAllah great times ahead

Pakistan Zindabad:pakistan:

Sir due respect... At this moments and now on china is stratrgic partner forseable future.... America is untrustworthy ..... Better to balance between both of them as pakistan interest can not be harmed .... Milking America for better benefits by not dumping china as strategic partner ...
1)PAF will be getting 18~24 NEW Blk70 or 72's for now.

2)The current fleet will be upgraded to "V" specs. All of them.
Depending on the condition of the air-frame, some or all, will go through SLEP to 12k hrs.


This Breaking News, is a gift for all those people who stood by me, when I was unfairly banned. Thank You!
now i will asked for ban you its very bad news
I find Lindsey Graham and the likes of him to be sell outs. Put simply they r happy to advocate for whoever is giving them loads of money. India has been very successfully lobbying and buying up US congressmen. So their loyalties or lack thereof don't concern me since they r temporary and entirely based on where the money is coming from. For now the US policy towards Pak is entirely dependent on the US deepstate and Trump. Congress can at best create hurdles in executing that policy in the current political scenario.

As for Trump and IK getting along...yeah Trump is that kind of guy...if he likes u he is willing to bend some rules for u. So it's great that he got along well with IK. I also agree that it's most likely scenario 1 but just ensuring a safe exit from Afghanistan in return for all these block 70 F16s seems too little of a gain. I think there's more to it than that...only time will tell. Whatever the price maybe...in the face of IAF numbers and getting Rafales(with meteor and other goodies)...to counter it and keep India at bay, that price is worth it.

18-24 Block 72 really isn't alot to Uncle Sam.

If the US can extract itself from Afghanistan under favorable terms AND optics, that is a small price to pay.

Perhaps it will be sold as major victory for Trump to the American people in an election year.
18-24 Block 72 really isn't alot to Uncle Sam.

If the US can extract itself from Afghanistan under favorable optics, that is a small price to pay.
TBH US is fully capable of safely exiting Afghanistan all on its own. It's the aftermath they want to have some control over...whether directly or indirectly. Exerting that control directly isn't an option bcuz that's what they tried to do ever since they invaded...the Afghan government they installed is a failure...the Afghan forces they tried to build up to make sure that Afghan government remains in power is a failure. Prolonging that effort would only bleed more of US money and effort with no end in sight...forever locked in this stalemate. They can pack up and leave today if they want to...but that only means all this effort and money they spent goes to waste. They can't claim a victory...and worse Afghanistan can go back to what it was(the very thing for which WoT was started)...a breeding ground for anti US armed groups. With Pak onboard, US can after it's exit try to install a Pak and US friendly government...and that I think is the payment...not just a safe exit.
What is the big deal with F-16s ?? Why should india bother with 18 more of them ?

US has been trying to sell then to india for 12 years , it has been lobbying , cajoling ,making enticing offer like shifting the entire manufacturing unit to india , made whole new version called F-21 specifically for india , has partnered with India's TATA to make them india .

Still India didn't buy f-16 and went for Rafales which costs three times more . It wont buy them in future too as India is looking to Buy F-35 .
Mehnat ker hasad na ker
1)PAF will be getting 18~24 NEW Blk70 or 72's for now.

2)The current fleet will be upgraded to "V" specs. All of them.
Depending on the condition of the air-frame, some or all, will go through SLEP to 12k hrs.


This Breaking News, is a gift for all those people who stood by me, when I was unfairly banned. Thank You!
Always love you brother, no matter what, Hope this time they go for 24 and after delivery starts they start upgrading those in Turkey
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F-16 doesn't have the radar scatting fuselages/coatings/treatments etc etc and last if they will do upon customer request then it will expensive and weapons bays makes least effect on F-16 RCS @Philip the Arab

again you diverting the topic, stay on topic you idiot @Philip the Arab

We should just get the best jamming pods with DRFM we can get for these F-16s. That should "lower" the RCS as much as possible.
1)PAF will be getting 18~24 NEW Blk70 or 72's for now.

2)The current fleet will be upgraded to "V" specs. All of them.
Depending on the condition of the air-frame, some or all, will go through SLEP to 12k hrs.


This Breaking News, is a gift for all those people who stood by me, when I was unfairly banned. Thank You!
Again please tell us the source....
We have celebrated , enjoyed and all.
But you didn't mention your source and there is no concrete evidence to prove or point that this deal would materialise and if it did our economy would not be able to fund it . Knowing trump would not give you for free and if you do afghan settlement and later find them going backfoot on their promise .... Then what can we do.
Histroy is there for us to see .
Always love you brother, no matter what, Hope this time they go for 24 and after delivery starts they start upgrading those in Turkey
I don't think upgrade will done by Raytheon herself it's about 2 to 3 billions they won't let go
I would wait until the Chicks actually hatch. Right now the chicken hasnt laid the eggs, we’ve just been told it will.
Whats your take on Chinese standby their assets for Pakistan and their navy was actually deployed?

This euphoria is going to wear out pretty soon---. What they say---'the devil is in the detail---'.

What is in the fine print---what the US wants and what can Pakistan do for them---.

I personally think that pakistan should keeps its focus on the J10 CE---the BLK70 is a great gesture---. I won't hold my breath till I see it in Paf colors on the pakistan air base tarmac---.

What else does the US want---? Does it want pakistan to roll back its program with china---?

This 3 day weekend has shown some things that were not supposed to happen---the visuals of meeting with Trump & IK and Gen Bajwa and others are confoundedly over powering---.

They were not supposed to happen in that manner & for that reason---there truly is a lots of confusion in the air---.

This euphoria is going to wear out pretty soon---. What they say---'the devil is in the detail---'.

What is in the fine print---what the US wants and what can Pakistan do for them---.

I personally think that pakistan should keeps its focus on the J10 CE---the BLK70 is a great gesture---. I won't hold my breath till I see it in Paf colors on the pakistan air base tarmac---.

What else does the US want---? Does it want pakistan to roll back its program with china---?

This 3 day weekend has shown some things that were not supposed to happen---the visuals of meeting with Trump & IK and Gen Bajwa and others are confoundedly over powering---.

They were not supposed to happen in that manner & for that reason---there truly is a lots of confusion in the air---.
Just to remind "We did not come here for the aid". We are still falling under the same trap that will put us under.
Aren't they upgradeable? American AESA is much better than KLJ-7A though.

Why can Pakistan not produce its own radars? Taiwan after having help for earlier radars is producing two AESA radars fot its jets from seperate companies using its indigenous semi conductor production as an asset.

Pakistan should try and produce its own radars and other parts. They have the talent but maybe not the engineering experience yet.
Also this may be somewhat of a stick to India.

Whether its for the S-400 purchase or just general non acquiescence to US interests.

The US may have put its eggs in India's basket too early and has realized this.

But things can always change.

I still see the US viewing India as a hedge against China.

However, India has alot of work to do as evidenced by the events of Feb. 27th.

This F-16 sale may be a fire to light under their tail.

Whatever the motivation, never underestimate the minds working in Washington.

Trump needs peace in Afghanistan because of his obligations to his voters. I think Americans wanted to give Indians the title of head hancho in Afghanistan but post pulwama has shown how weak India really is. Its incompetency was fully exposed and Indians could only fool its own populace. It is fully clear now that India effectively lost the proxy war that it waged on Pakistan from Afghanistan. The world has also realized that the afghani equation can never be compete without Pakistan. So In the short term, especially if trump wins the elections then Pakistan will have enjoy a stable relationship with USA. In terms of military and economic aid, the America will try its best to cooperate with Pakistan to achieve a last peace within Afghanistan. I wonder what will happen if Democrats get elected..
Fortunately, India has shown that it cannot even wage a limited war let alone win against Pakistan. The dream that India would become a Vedic bulwark against Chinese expansion is another dream that is now turning into a nightmare for the Americans.

So long story short Pakistan will not only get f-16 but believe me it will get other things too.
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