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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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I worry that Pakistan will share AESA tech with China to improve AESA manufacturing capability. Relations with the US will be 100% cut if something like this is exposed.

The PAF and American maintenance crews will see to it that doesn't happen. Besides, the Source codes and algorithms will not be shared with the PAF.
In fact Zulu were never been stopped, All America said that you pay you get your choppers we will not pay from CSF . This is one simple fact which a lot of Pakistani's miss , that America did not stop the sale of Zulu nor the 8 F-16 offered around 1-2 years ago, Pakistan just refused to pay from their own pockets, they wanted these weapons to be paid from the CSF which America Cut off . Now if America release those payments, they will just use the CSF to pay for these Zulu's and Possibly F-16's . Its almost same as that Israel get 3 Billion dollar Military Aid from America but its conditioned to be used to only Purchase American weapons .
Dont forget to tag few of our great think tank analyst & professionals of this forum... :lol:
I pray that this deal materializes and strengthen our armed forces.

Alhamdulillah PAF is one of few airforces that can handle and properly utilize the capabilities of F-16s. In short, PAF is worth having these birds.

In a not so distant future, if a Block-70/72 brought down a Rafale, French, like the Russians, would be cursing the Indians and Americans.

There might be a possibility that this favor to Pakistan is a punishment to India for sticking with S-400.

It seems that in the future, the PAF fleet will mostly consist of F-16s and Thunders so upon the retirement of Mirages, if there is any plan for the induction of delta-winged strike weapon as a replacement then I think J-10 C could be a wise choice

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This is the time the PAF should try to acquire the Emirati and Qatari Mirage 2000s at brotherly prices, and put in a few key upgrades. PAF should try to keep access to European munitions for its fleet.

89 Mirage 2000-9 Standard
154 F-16 Block 72/V Standard
188 JF-17 Block II/III Standard

Now doesn't that look like a formidable force, and the best part is, it could become a reality in only 5-6 years
I really wish that this sweet dream comes true. It would be really fun and beneficial for India then.

India has been taking it easy for last decade and has not made any significant capex in Defense Industry barring few stop gap measures in case of extreme emergency. Our defence spending on capex in real terms of GDP is a fraction of what our enemies spend.

This deal will wake up our idiot politicians and expect thorough revamp of our air force. few dozen new F-16s for Pakistan is a small price to pay for such a wake up call.

One should never fear enemy capabilities but our own complacency, rot and decadence.

This is part of Trump's mediation into the Kashmir problem... a really effective solution. Endians are going to be at the end of a long, sharp, stick.
I just have one question...Trump has so far been hell bent on not giving "handouts" to other countries. This even included NATO where he basically told those countries to pull their own weight instead of overly relying on US. He even suggested that Japan and South Korea should step up and take care of their own defense needs. So my question is how is Trump on board for this upgrade of F16s. I would only expect that he is fine with it as long as Pak is paying for all of this...which I don't think Pak can at the moment. If US is going to cover some of this under CSF or something like that...then I expect Trump would be against it. Could u shine some light on this? Or is it something that u can't reveal yet?

A certain crown prince saying "consider me your country's ambassador in my own country" and a certain president saying "I told the king I like / love you ..........." coupled with Pakistan's image in world getting a big boost courtesy IK ........ I don't know which one of our neighbors should start worrying, the superstitious extremist ones or the ones who dreamt of redeeming past glory and pride.

Just an amateur brief analysis.
Khafee, u da man, bruh!

Any news on:
  1. T129 Engines etc exemptions for Pakistan.
  2. Swift covettes from US.
  3. Possible radar for Milgem.
This is the time the PAF should try to acquire the Emirati and Qatari Mirage 2000s at brotherly prices, and put in a few key upgrades. PAF should try to keep access to European munitions for its fleet.

89 Mirage 2000-9 Standard
154 F-16 Block 72/V Standard
188 JF-17 Block II/III Standard

Now doesn't that look like a formidable force, and the best part is, it could become a reality in only 5-6 years

The above configuration would infact even the odds in favor of PAF. These Mirages could go a long way in serving the operational requirements of PAF plus transition from existing 3/5 to the 2000 will be comparatively easier.
I remember @MastanKhan saying this a long time ago....if the US realises that you already possess a piece of technology, they will not hesitate to sell it to you...case in point is AESA radar....we will be getting AESA techonology in the form of Block 3 therefore the willingness of the Americans to sell us APG 83 along with all the relevant tech....
A certain crown prince saying "consider me your country's ambassador in my own country" and a certain president saying "I told the king I like / love you ..........." coupled with Pakistan's image in world getting a big boost courtesy IK ........ I don't know which one of our neighbors should start worrying, the superstitious extremist ones or the ones who dreamt of redeeming past glory and pride.

Just an amateur brief analysis.
Speaking of the crown prince... remember how Trump couldn't contain his excitement when MBS signed billions of dollars worth of deals? While he easily shrugged away long time NATO allies just bcuz they weren't pulling their own weight. Hence my question...Trump wouldn't mind at all and would welcome Pak if Pak was purchasing the block 70(new + upgrade). If however US is going to subsidize it in some manner(CSF or something else) then he wouldn't be too thrilled about it(as evident by his past actions). This is why I was curious as to how he would approve such a thing since he mostly likes to deal in cold hard cash and is very much against what he considers to be "handouts". He is not the type to give up monetary value for a strategic gain in the future. Since Pak isn't in the position to pay for all of this...chances are US is going to subsidize it if this happens. So my question is Uncle Trump ko kaise jaib mein le liya?
The above configuration would infact even the odds in favor of PAF. These Mirages could go a long way in serving the operational requirements of PAF plus transition from existing 3/5 to the 2000 will be comparatively easier.

Plus the PAF has probably already been flying these jets for the Emiratis and Qataris for years. It would only be a matter of ferrying them over to Pakistan and shipping the support equipment along with it. 5 Mirages per Squadron can get AESA upgrades per squadron and 2 Mirages per squadron should get the latest Jamming pods from Europe, and you can build a capable strike force to rival the best of the IAF; including their Rafales.

With the Mirages; the PAF can try to get the Mica, Meteor, and long range guided bombs/missiles. It would change balance the strategic order, and force India to listen to the Kashmiri people. They would have to give up threatening to use force, and finally resolve the Kashmir dispute, so the Billion plus people of the subcontinent can get on to the business of raising the living standard of the people.
Great news for Pakistan, as getting the most advanced technologies for the F-16 will open the door to other land and sea sophisticated technologies and systems..
In fact Zulu were never been stopped, All America said that you pay you get your choppers we will not pay from CSF . This is one simple fact which a lot of Pakistani's miss , that America did not stop the sale of Zulu nor the 8 F-16 offered around 1-2 years ago, Pakistan just refused to pay from their own pockets, they wanted these weapons to be paid from the CSF which America Cut off . Now if America release those payments, they will just use the CSF to pay for these Zulu's and Possibly F-16's . Its almost same as that Israel get 3 Billion dollar Military Aid from America but its conditioned to be used to only Purchase American weapons .
You mean FMS!
CSF, Pakistan expenditure providing logistics, ops support, anti terror ops in FATA, bases, Intel etc, etc. Thats reimbursement Pakistan shoul get in its kitty.
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