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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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Why you thinks that we have not the capability to build radar, we have the capability to built radar for F-7PG/Mirages via Italy (TOT) grifo series of radar @Philip the Arab and don't divert the topic you're continuously diverting the topic, this thread is for projected purchased of F-16V not JF-17 @Philip the Arab :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy::crazy:
Don't they complement eachother?
Yes of course nothing in this world is free...but as we discussed before small countries like Pak...if they wish to stand up to a bigger country(like India) instead of being bossed around then there is no choice but to rely on countries like US or China, or some other major power. This essentially turns into a "give and take relationship", if they r going to help out Pak then conversely Pak must help them out. I just hope that this time Pak plays it smart and doesn't end up being used and discarded...but rather use this opportunity to build a multidimensional long term relationship.

This is a carrot from the US.

The sticks didn't work earlier.

I'm not sure what exactly their plans are.

But no matter, for Pakistan, this is great news.

Like I said, grab as many as you can this time.

As we have seen, the US attitude towards Pakistan is transactional and fickle. (Although with Trump its not business as usual anywhere in the world.)

This F-16 deal obviously would be most bang for the buck for PAF for obvious reasons.


BS Dhanoa is probably crying in a corner next to his Rafale statue right about now.

Does anyone think it is possible to make a stealth F-16 like F-15SE? F-16 RCS is reportedly 1m2 and J-20 is all 0.1-1m2. So if you could make weapons internal and add RAM coating it would make it have an even lower RCS. Don't know how realistic this is...
F-16 doesn't have the radar scatting fuselages/coatings/treatments etc etc and last if they will do upon customer request then it will expensive and weapons bays makes least effect on F-16 RCS @Philip the Arab

Don't they complement eachother?
again you diverting the topic, stay on topic you idiot @Philip the Arab
Last but not the least, Pakistan's oil reserves slightly more than the UK's at 21bn BBL (min) doesn't hurt either. By comparison Oman's Reserves are at 5.3bn BBL (approx).

Once all options are exploited, Pakistan will be exporting 1.2m bpd ~ 1.4m bpd. (this figure is after deducting domestic consumption).

Where did you get this figure? Pakistan doesn't have oil reserves to speak off. Shale oil is way off....
The Question is: "Why is the US reaching out to the Pakistan?"

Two reasons:
1) China - Pakistan has slid so far into the Chinese camp, that is now a de facto province. Something which is extremely worrying for the Americans.

The Feb hostilities saw 3 PLAAF squadrons go to standby - in order to assist Pakistan if needed. PLAN sent 4 SSK , and 3 boomers, at least two Type 55 destroyers, other assets were also sent later after the ISI chiefs visit. PLA also went to full war time alert, ready to move in.

This is the main reason why IN choose to sleep out the hostilities.

2) India - I told someone from the west, a year ago, "building India up against China, is like making the village idiot your sheriff"

He laughed it off, but he quietly made a note, scribbled away, while looking at me straight in the eye.

India's incompetence hasn't gone unnoticed, neither has them becoming an economic threat to the US. To contain them, and move Pak away from the Chinese camp, to whatever extent possible. These are the two goals.

The US has a list of some 10~20 companies that are critical to National Security, LM, Boeing Raytheon, Cisco etc. Sensitive data has been steadily flowing to India, China, Russia, Israel, courtesy of Indians. The deep state has realized its folly, AND no president will work against the deep state.

The trade balance being lopsided, doesn't help them either.

As far as people giving all the credit to Afgh for this revert, If any of you remember the Muree talks, it was decided THEN, that should the US exit, Pak will insure that its interests are looked after adequately.

Imran Khan, wants to make a change, a fundamental change in Pak, but decades old rot, bogs him down. He also has the support of the Army. All these things combined, has assured the US that Pakistan can be a useful ally after all.

Last but not the least, Pakistan's oil reserves slightly more than the UK's at 21bn BBL (min) doesn't hurt either. By comparison Oman's Reserves are at 5.3bn BBL (approx).

Once all options are exploited, Pakistan will be exporting 1.2m bpd ~ 1.4m bpd. (this figure is after deducting domestic consumption).

InShaAllah great times ahead

Pakistan Zindabad:pakistan:
sir you made my day :pakistan::welcome::-):coffee:
This is a carrot from the US.

The sticks didn't work earlier.

I'm not sure what exactly their plans are.

But no matter, for Pakistan, this is great news.

Like I said, grab as many as you can this time.

As we have seen, the US attitude towards Pakistan is transactional and fickle. (Although with Trump its not business as usual anywhere in the world.)

This F-16 deal obviously would be most bang for the buck for PAF for obvious reasons.


BS Dhanoa is probably crying in a corner next to his Rafale statue right about now.

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This deal if it materializes(in combination with JF17 block III) for sure will balance out IAF's Rafales and considerable numbers of Su30MKI and Mirage 2K. I assume the immediate "payment" would be ensuring a smooth exit of US from Afghanistan and helping install a government(Afghan Taliban...or maybe Afghan Taliban in coalition with some other powerful factions) that will cater to US interests in Afghanistan to an extent. This is fine from a security perspective (Pak's security perspective)...as long as India's designs of having a second front for Pak(from Afghanistan) is neutralized.

I say install a friendly/stable government in Afghanistan...that will sign an official agreement putting to rest idiotic crap like Durand line claims and Pushtunistan...making the borders permanent. Bring peace and stability to Afghanistan and the region, ensure that Afghan territory isn't used for anti US activities(payment to US), give a few contracts also as payment(from Afghan government to US companies, Chinese companies, etc. for development in various sectors)...basically all the parties vying for influence that was destabilizing the region can come together and take a piece of the pie. I know it's a rather corrupt way of doing things...but it's the lesser of the two evils. At least this way ppl in Afghanistan can enjoy some peace and prosperity and Pak can be worry free on it's Western front. This would be a strategic victory for Pak(neutralizing Indian plans that were decades in the making) and it would give a sort of victory to the US too(making sure Afghanistan isnt used as a base for anti US activities).
1)PAF will be getting 18~24 NEW Blk70 or 72's for now.

2)The current fleet will be upgraded to "V" specs. All of them.
Depending on the condition of the air-frame, some or all, will go through SLEP to 12k hrs.


This Breaking News, is a gift for all those people who stood by me, when I was unfairly banned. Thank You!
Your source please. Very outlandish claim
@Khafee bro i wish i had 100s of thanks buttons here on PDF for u... I was expecting this but couldn't believe we will get theae beasts so easily with the efforts of our PM and COAS... Great day today
I think we should not be limited to f16s but also focus on other fighterjets program to maintain air superiority

This is the perfect time to try to acquire the Gulf Mirages, along side more used F-16s that can be put through an F-16V upgrade program.

We should renew the efforts from a few years ago to acquire the 89 Emirati and Qatari Mirage 2000s; replacing our entire Mirage 3/5 Fleet with air frames that could serve another 20 years and help us diversify the fleet. What do you think the prospects of this acquisition? @Khafee

If i'm not mistaken General Bajwa personally spoke to the Emiratis to acquire the jets.

This should be seen as a plus by the West, especially European firms looking to sell equipment to modernize these jets such as Leonardo. Pakistan will forgo acquiring new J-10s @$60 million each; so that it can acquire Mirage 2000s @ brotherly prices and spend hundreds of millions on upgrades for some if not all with modern AESA, EW Equipment, Datalinks, and Modern munitions such as the MICA and possibly the Meteor.

PAF pilots probably have decades of experience flying these jets for the Emiratis and Qataris, so the learning curve will be short if not non-existent. Acquiring their entire support infrastructure, spares, munitions, etc. can be done lock stock and barrel, now that the Emiratis and Qataris are acquiring Typhoons, Rafales, and Advanced American planes to replace them.

18-24 Block 72 F-16s and 50-60 more used F-16s will allow the PAF to add to their current 76 F-16s and field 9 full strength F-16 squadrons.

89 Mirage 2000s will allow the PAF to field 5 full strength Mirage 2000 squadrons and the 188 JF-17s can form 11-12 JF-17 squadrons to round out the entire force at 25-26 squadrons. A Full modernization of the PAF; all in a few years time, and in the most economical way. @MastanKhan

The WEST should back this as it can be seen as diversifying suppliers and international partners. The CHINESE should back this, because it is the most economical, and allows Pakistan to focus on the economy; so that it can attract western FDI, and full realize the CPEC goal. FRANCE and the Europeans shoudl back this because they have already secured the rafale deal, and can secure hundreds of millions if not a billion dollars worth of upgrades in the next few years.
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Well as @Khafee has stated that they are Block 72, which means they're going to be brand-spanking-new off the assembly line in South Carolina.

No AirForce currently has the Block 70/72

Emmm, not that i'm questioning your reply, but there are quite a few other AirForces that have placed (confirmed) orders.
1. Bahrain
2. Slovakia
3. Iraq
4. Morocco
5. Taiwan (debatable)
6. Bulgaria

But then, it all depends on whom they'd like to prioritize.
First to clarify to people, but F-16V is the designation for Block 70/72. Just like Block 60 ones are labeled as F-16E/F.

Taiwan's first F-16V, pictured below, first flew in 2018 and is undergoing comprehensive flight testing.
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