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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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1)PAF will be getting 18~24 NEW Blk70 or 72's for now.

2)The current fleet will be upgraded to "V" specs. All of them.
Depending on the condition of the air-frame, some or all, will go through SLEP to 12k hrs.


This Breaking News, is a gift for all those people who stood by me, when I was unfairly banned. Thank You!

Where do you guys get this information? Do u guys know people or what? @MastanKhan
1)PAF will be getting 18~24 NEW Blk70 or 72's for now.

2)The current fleet will be upgraded to "V" specs. All of them.
Depending on the condition of the air-frame, some or all, will go through SLEP to 12k hrs.


This Breaking News, is a gift for all those people who stood by me, when I was unfairly banned. Thank You!
Just woke up to see this news....Habibi you made my day....jeeyo hazaron saal:smitten:
This is the most crucial point because here in Britain the amount of indians coming to work has dropped big time in various firms and I was told its quite serious that sensitive info is always leaking out. I was wondering when will there be any action against it because I at my home receive calls from india to scam me out of money.
Boeing Max 737 software developed in india that was main reason according to Boeing now hiring theior own engineers again been laid off due to cheap labour.
F22? 500 million per copy 1 hr flight about 8 hrs maintenance
Its about 120 million per aircraft actually. It can go up to 1822 with fuel tanks also, and I highly doubt the maintenance is 8 hours.

Boeing Max 737 software developed in india that was main reason according to Boeing now hiring theior own engineers again been laid off due to cheap labour.
Lel they go to college for 4 years to make $9 an hour. Everyone can make mistakes though regardless of them being Indian.
I just have one question...Trump has so far been hell bent on not giving "handouts" to other countries. This even included NATO where he basically told those countries to pull their own weight instead of overly relying on US. He even suggested that Japan and South Korea should step up and take care of their own defense needs. So my question is how is Trump on board for this upgrade of F16s. I would only expect that he is fine with it as long as Pak is paying for all of this...which I don't think Pak can at the moment. If US is going to cover some of this under CSF or something like that...then I expect Trump would be against it. Could u shine some light on this? Or is it something that u can't reveal yet?

@Avicenna get over here bro...u would love this news(see OP)

How about u let US worry about that. It's their tech not urs.

Yea I am ecstatic if it turns out to be true.


94-100 Block 72 (including the upgrades) with Block 3 with numbers will give PAF alot of leeway with Azm.

Very happy about it.

But to be honest, I don't trust US intentions.

Nothing in life is for free.

As @Starlord said, F-16s and the Zulus aren't blocked for sale. Just not "subsidized".

So obviously, the US NEEDS Pakistan for some political or strategic ends.

But that's awesome.

So this time GRAB as MANY AS YOU CAN. (Like the time PAF was planning up to 55 Block 52, instead getting 18)

And stock the spares and plan for the inevitable rainy day with the US.
Its about 120 million per aircraft actually. It can go up to 1822 with fuel tanks also, and I highly doubt the maintenance is 8 hours.

Lel they go to college for 4 years to make $9 an hour. Everyone can make mistakes though regardless of them being Indian.
after an hour flight it has maintenance duration of 8 hours because of its stealth coatings doesn't sustain/degrades any slight weather changes (drizzle, hail, rain snow) etc etc @Philip the Arab
we are the part of JF-17 development project and its designed by China for PAF and currently we are manufacturing it at home @Philip the Arab
Today its all about foreign partnerships. Taiwan a country of 23 million made a fighter with American help. Do you know why Pakistan is not producing aicraft radars? Again, Taiwan a country of 20 million is producing two seperate radars from two seperate companies. I derailed this thread a whole lot lel.

Yea I am ecstatic if it turns out to be true.

94-100 Block 72 (including the upgrades) with Block 3 with numbers will give PAF alot of leeway with Azm.

Very happy about it.

But to be honest, I don't trust US intentions.

Nothing in life is for free.

As @Starlord said, F-16s and the Zulus arent blocked for sale. Just not subsidized.

So obviously, the US NEEDS Pakistan for some political or strategic ends.

But that's awesome.

So this time GRAB as MANY AS YOU CAN. (Like the time PAF was planning up to 55 Block 52, instead getting 18)

And stock the spares and plan for the inevitable rainy day with the US.
Yes of course nothing in this world is free...but as we discussed before small countries like Pak...if they wish to stand up to a bigger country(like India) instead of being bossed around then there is no choice but to rely on countries like US or China, or some other major power. This essentially turns into a "give and take relationship", if they r going to help out Pak then conversely Pak must help them out. I just hope that this time Pak plays it smart and doesn't end up being used and discarded...but rather use this opportunity to build a multidimensional long term relationship.

"The Feb hostilities saw 3 PLAAF squadrons go to standby - in order to assist Pakistan if needed. PLAN sent 4 SSK , and 3 boomers, at least two Type 55 destroyers, other assets were also sent later after the ISI chiefs visit. PLA also went to full war time alert, ready to move in.

This is the main reason why IN choose to sleep out the hostilities".

See---this is what I cannot comprehend---. As India took american permission to attack those trees in kashmir---pakistan must have involved china in its plan as well of strike on the 27th---.

And when there was so much chinese backing---why was there cowardice shown by the Paf generals by not doing maximum damage---why was the indian scorpene let go---?
Does anyone think it is possible to make a stealth F-16 like F-15SE? F-16 RCS is reportedly 1m2 and J-20 is all 0.1-1m2. So if you could make weapons internal and add RAM coating it would make it have an even lower RCS. Don't know how realistic this is...
Today its all about foreign partnerships. Taiwan a country of 23 million made a fighter with American help. Do you know why Pakistan is not producing aicraft radars? Again, Taiwan a country of 20 million is producing two seperate radars from two seperate companies. I derailed this thread a whole lot lel.

Why you thinks that we have not the capability to build radar, we have the capability to built radar for F-7PG/Mirages via Italy (TOT) grifo series of radar @Philip the Arab and don't divert the topic you're continuously diverting the topic, this thread is for projected purchased of F-16V not JF-17 @Philip the Arab :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy::crazy:
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