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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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Erbis can detect 0.01m2 targets at 90km which isn't bad for size. It has better performance than AESA in many cases.

only for marketing purpose real air to air battle scenario is different ball game @Philip the Arab and you are forgetting Su-30 RCS before it will detect F-22/F-35/F-15 it going to shot down by the enemy because of its huge RCS @Philip the Arab
Damn homie, might as well skip to 6th gen. Nah kidding but I think many of us will not see it excluding the younger members like me
It's a bit dark to conclude that a lot of members here will die off before NGF is ready...there are other ways to use humor.

Anyways thats what I remember reading somewhere on PDF...that a rough estimate of NGF is around 2045. Since it will also follow a modular design(like JF17), some 5th gen + tech is surely to be incorporated as technology will surely be more advanced then as compared to now. In short there is no complete 5th gen design that is "locked in" based on today's tech. So it's not correct to assume that Pak's NGF will be outdated by the time it's ready.
I am not sure if upgrading old jets will make the deal any safer
if Americans want they can refuse to give back our old jets as well
I doubt that they will do that. If things go south and they want to exert some sort of control on Pak, they have other ways of doing so..anywhere from not providing spares, ammunition, etc. to a ton of sanctions. Keeping Pak's paid off F16s(sent for upgrades) will look extremely bad on part of US as a supplier and will hurt their potential future sales. In the past when US kept the new F16s(ordered and paid for by Pak), at least they were 'yet to be delivered'...and so they get away with the excuse of "Pak pursuing nuclear weapons" and what not. Keeping another country's paid off assets under the guise of upgrading them will make other countries apprehensive of sending their assets to US for upgrade. For any new purchases other countries would demand that US allow them to upgrade locally...or they will buy from elsewhere altogether. Additionally if Pak sends it's F16s to the US for upgrades, Pak would be sending them in batches...so at best they can keep one batch...IMO it's not worth losing customers, billions of dollars, and destroying ur reputation(as an arms supplier)...just to keep a few of PAF jets.
Classic play of gora mindset
Dangling the carrot.
All of Pakistan is getting just too excited for my taste.

We shouldn't be so reactionary. Look at history, how many times US has left us in our times of need ex 7th fleet, arms embargos in 65, pressler amendment, defamation campaign in 2000s WoT. It's the same country that's been sponsoring think tanks to come up with research paper after research paper of various strategies to do away with Pakistan and it's nuclear arsenal. And the threat it poses to their love child Israel and India.

Certainly not downplaying the gains of recent Civ-Mil visit to Washington.

All I'm saying is let's be cool and not jumpy about this.

Ideally if I had the option I'd make the US pay for the use of our supply lines or if CSF is the only option then try to find a way where that money finds it's way to our local defence industry and stimulate growth.

I am not sure if upgrading old jets will make the deal any safer
if Americans want they can refuse to give back our old jets as well

They could do that by coming with some meticulously worded posh statements.
Because they act like mohalley ka thanedaar.

If we get Blk 70s good. If not let's get our thunder to blk 70 standards. And focus on AZM.
Well as @Khafee has stated that they are Block 72, which means they're going to be brand-spanking-new off the assembly line in South Carolina.

No AirForce currently has the Block 70/72

Emmm, not that i'm questioning your reply, but there are quite a few other AirForces that have placed (confirmed) orders.
1. Bahrain
2. Slovakia
3. Iraq
4. Morocco
5. Taiwan (debatable)
6. Bulgaria

But then, it all depends on whom they'd like to prioritize.
Im referring to this sort of report actually materializing into a viable contract.

Your source is different than OP?
Experience and no confirmation otherwise
1)PAF will be getting 18~24 NEW Blk70 or 72's for now.

2)The current fleet will be upgraded to "V" specs. All of them.
Depending on the condition of the air-frame, some or all, will go through SLEP to 12k hrs.


This Breaking News, is a gift for all those people who stood by me, when I was unfairly banned. Thank You!
wooooooooooow its amazing
Im referring to this sort of report actually materializing into a viable contract.

Experience and no confirmation otherwise

I would be happy to take 18-36 F-16 Block 52's .. but block 70's or V upgrades will be cherry on top .
Think of it as an interview for a job. IK passed, but so did Team PA.
I just have one question...Trump has so far been hell bent on not giving "handouts" to other countries. This even included NATO where he basically told those countries to pull their own weight instead of overly relying on US. He even suggested that Japan and South Korea should step up and take care of their own defense needs. So my question is how is Trump on board for this upgrade of F16s. I would only expect that he is fine with it as long as Pak is paying for all of this...which I don't think Pak can at the moment. If US is going to cover some of this under CSF or something like that...then I expect Trump would be against it. Could u shine some light on this? Or is it something that u can't reveal yet?

@Avicenna get over here bro...u would love this news(see OP)

I worry that Pakistan will share AESA tech with China to improve AESA manufacturing capability. Relations with the US will be 100% cut if something like this is exposed.
How about u let US worry about that. It's their tech not urs.
Thats the benefit of of using Chinese weapons, you can get them on urgent basis whenever you need them as many as you need them. There is a reason why we call them Iron brothers

SD-10's were sent from PLAAF inventory.
I'm an American and my family pays taxes to the us which goes into R&D for radars. Thereby they are my tech too.
F16 is made by private companies like Lockheed Martin. U don't own any of this tech...nothing, zilch, nada. Take ur taxpayer BS elsewhere. All the relevant parties involved(State Department, Pentagon, LM, etc.) have sold US tech to Pak before and there were no problems with unauthorized sharing of tech and there wouldn't be in the future. U don't need to concern urself nor do ur concerns matter.
Do not downplay that, that is the biggest strategic advantage we have, a continuous and dependable supply of arms and spares keeps you fighting a prolonged war. China provides us strategic depth in terms of war machinery on urgent basis.

5. China is all that we do have.
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